A graduate in Journalism from the San Pablo CEU University and in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, José Pablo López Sánchez (Sayalonga, Málaga, 1977) has almost two decades of experience in the executive and legal management of various public and private television and radio stations. As an expert in the management and optimisation of resources in national and regional channels, as well as in the relaunch of projects in operation, he combines a deep personal commitment to content knowledge, in-house production, programming, economic sustainability and the human team in charge of all his projects. Between April 2022 and March 2024, he was RTVE's Director of General Contents, with cross-cutting responsibilities over all the Corporation's non-news content areas, including TVE, RNE and RTVE Play. In addition, he coordinated the animation, fiction and documentary allocation boards and was in charge of coordinating the Benidorm Fest 2023 and 2024 editions, as well as RTVE's participation in Eurovision and Junior Eurovision during those years. Among the main milestones of his tenure, the recovery of La 1's second place as the most watched television channel in Spain after the audience crisis of previous years; the restructuring of the morning show 'La Hora de La 1' and the premiere of 'Mañaneros' in the area of Magacines y Actualidad; and the relaunch of the series area, reactivating RTVE's role as a driving force for the national industry ('La Promesa', 'La Moderna', 'La ley del mar', 'Las Abogadas', 'Esto no es Suecia', 'Ser o no ser'...). Furthermore, the entertainment area has been redefined, undergoing its biggest transformation with the programme ‘La Revuelta’, a great television revolution and leader in just two months on La 1's 'Access', together with formats such as 'Cifras y Letras', 'El Grand Prix' and the celebration of the Latin Grammy Awards in Spain. The promotion of RTVE Play, a reference platform for free-to-air television, and the launch of RNE Audio are other highlights of his time at RTVE. Previously and for four years he was Director General of RTVM (2017-2021), elected by public competition by the Board of Directors of the company and ratified by the Assembly of Madrid without any votes against. He was also the head of Trece TV for six years (2010-2016), as well as director of legal advice and deputy to the general management of La Sexta (2005-2010).
Graduate in Law from the UAM and PhD in Journalism and Communication Sciences from the UAB. He was Secretary General of RTVE from May 2021 to March 2024. From 2016 to 2021, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Telemadrid, which he chaired from 2019 to 2021. He worked at the National Observatory of Telecommunications and the Information Society and at the Directorate of Digital Economy of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society (2012-2013). From 2006 to 2012, he was advisor to the Ministry of the Presidency for the audiovisual and telecommunications sector and between 1998 and 2005 he worked as a technician at the Telecommunications Market Commission. From 1993 to 1997, he practised law, specialising in private law. He has extensive experience in legislation and the audiovisual market, advertising, audience analysis, legal regulation of content, administration of audiovisual companies and protection of minors in the audiovisual and Internet fields.
As a Journalism graduate from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Masters in Marketing and Commercial Management from ESIC Business School, Santiago Calderón specialises in programming, research, marketing, production and has a strategic and creative vision of the entertainment industry. He successfully managed the special-interest channels Divinity, Energy and Be Mad at Mediaset España for thirteen years, between 2011 and 2024, where he promoted innovative entertainment projects, adapted to trends, audiences and formats. Before that, he was a member of the founding phase of Cuatro at Prisa in 2005, where he was head of Programming, Audience Research and Content until 2011. Since June this year, he has been Director of Content, Innovation, Marketing and Communication at the production company Fabricantes Studio.
With a degree in Economics from the UAM, she has extensive experience in the economic-financial sector and public sector auditing. Since 2018, she has been the general economic and financial director of Renfe Operadora. She was a member of the advisory board of Public Companies in the Subdirectorate General of State Companies and Holdings of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance (2017-2018) and State Comptroller and Auditor in the National Audit Office (ONA) of Financial Control and Auditing of the State Public Sector of the IGAE for almost a decade (2008-2017). From 2002 to 2007, she was an Audit and Accounting technician in the Delegate Intervention of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles and chair of its Governing Committee, member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committees of Navantia, SEITT and CESCE, and speaker at courses given by the Escuela de Hacienda Pública de Madrid.
Specialist technician with a long career in RTVE, he has extensive experience in specialised training in production, direction, management, technology and intellectual property at the Official Institute of RTVE. Since 2018, he has been responsible for the implementation of corporate projects at RTVE and from 2015 to 2018 he was director of the Headquarters and Production Processes Services Area. He held the post of Deputy Director of Property Management (2014-2015) and was responsible for the Prevention Management System at Corporación RTVE (2012-2015). Advisor to the Board of Directors of RTVE (2007-2012), he was previously responsible for Management and Documentation of Occupational Risk Prevention (2005-2007), secretary of the General Committee for Occupational Health and Safety (2004-2005) and sound technician at TVE in Asturias (1986-2005). He has a Silver Antenna from the Professional Association of RTVE in Asturias and the 1st prize IFMA 2018 to the Project for the implementation of the Management and Organisation System under the Facility management parameters in RTVE.
A graduate in Information Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Josep Vilar was currently Director of Strategy and Planning at RTVE and has a long track record at the Corporation, where he began his career in 1985 as a news editor and for twelve years worked as area manager, editor and presenter. He was Director of News for TVE Territorial Centre in Catalonia from 2004 to 2007, when he became director of TVE Daily News until 2012. From January to July 2020 he was Director of News Programme Content. On that date he was appointed Director of TVE News, a position he held for almost a year, until he was appointed Director of Strategy and Planning at RTVE. Vilar has also held senior positions outside RTVE as Director of News at BTV (Barcelona Televisión) between 1997 and 2004. He was also a director of the Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media (2012-2018). In addition, he has extensive experience as a teacher and since 1995 he has been an associate professor in the Faculty of Communication Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
With a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country-EHU, specialising in Radio and Television, and a degree in Philosophy and Arts from the University of Deusto, he has been the Director of Programmes at RNE since last April. He has worked as a member of RTVE's permanent staff since his entry by public examination in 2008, has held senior positions in news programmes in several of RTVE's Territorial Centres and has worked as an editor and presenter of programmes for both TVE and RNE. At RTVE, he was head of the Ceuta news unit (2013-2015) and editor of RNE's regional news programmes in Castilla y León (2015-2018). In both regions, he worked as an editor for TVE and RNE and also presented the music micro-space 'Vida de artista' (Radio 5). He combined his position as head of news at RNE in La Rioja with presenting the music programme 'Cinco pistas' (Radio 5) and with his collaboration as an external lecturer at RTVE Instituto.
A graduate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid and linked to RTVE for nearly twenty years, Cristina Bravo joined the Corporation by competitive examination in 2007. She joined RNE Murcia in 2008 and moved to the RTVE news unit in Ciudad Real in 2009, where she received several awards for her journalistic work. She has been editor and presenter of the regional news programme of TVE in Castilla-La Mancha and presenter of Canal 24 horas. For six years (2018-2024), she was the director of the Territorial Centre of RTVE in Castilla-La Mancha, the first woman to hold that position in the centre's 30-year history. Under her direction, RTVE Castilla-La Mancha integrated RNE and TVE in the same building, reforming and equipping it with the latest technology, and became a technological reference centre, a pioneer in mobile journalism, 5G, metadata systems and cloud-based production, receiving various international awards.