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Activistas protestan en Pamplona contra los encierros y las corridas de toros

Activistas protestan en Pamplona contra los encierros y las corridas de toros

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  • Los miembros de PETA han pedido el fin de las corridas de toros

    Activistas de PETA y AnimaNaturalis han protestado en Pamplona contra los encierros de las Fiestas de San Fermín

    Members of the pro-animal groups PETA and Anima Naturalis with their bodies covered in paint stage a protest against bullfighting in front of the Town Hall, in the Northern Spanish city of Pamplona, on July 5, 2012, ahead of the San Fermin Festivities. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP PHOTO/Rafa Rivas
  • Activistas de PETA y AnimaNaturalis han protestado en Pamplona contra los encierros

    Activistas de PETA y AnimaNaturalis han protestado en Pamplona contra los encierros de las Fiestas de San Fermín

    Members of the pro-animal groups PETA and Anima Naturalis create words reading "Stop Bullfights" with their bodies covered in paint during a protest against bullfighting in front of the Town Hall, in the Northern Spanish city of Pamplona, on July 5, 2012, ahead of the San Fermin Festivities. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP PHOTO/Rafa Rivas
  • Los activistas han expresado su disconformidad con la tauromaquia un año más

    Activistas de PETA y AnimaNaturalis han protestado en Pamplona contra los encierros de las Fiestas de San Fermín

    Members of the pro-animal groups PETA and Anima Naturalis with their bodies covered in paint stage a protest against bullfighting in front of the Town Hall, in the Northern Spanish city of Pamplona, on July 5, 2012, ahead of the San Fermin Festivities. The festival is a symbol of Spanish culture that attracts thousands of tourists to watch the bull runs despite heavy condemnation from animal rights groups. AFP PHOTO/Rafa Rivas

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