El PSOE vota al sucesor de Rubalcaba en la secretaría general
El PSOE vota al sucesor de Rubalcaba en la secretaría general
13.07.2014GRA110. MADRID, 13/07/2014.- Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba ha votado hoy en la Agrupación Socialista de Majadahonda (Madrid), en las elecciones por voto directo para elegir a al próximo secretario general del PSOE. EFE/Angel DíazEFE/Angel Díaz -
13.07.2014GRA084. BILBAO, 13/07/2014.- El candidato a la secretaría general del PSOE Eduardo Madina en el momento de votar en una agrupación socialista de Bilbao. EFE/LUIS TEJIDOEFE/LUIS TEJIDO -
13.07.2014Fourty-two-year-old economist, member of parliament and Candidate for the leadership of Spain's Socialist Party (PSOE) Pedro Sanchez casts his ballot at a polling station in Madrid on July 13, 2014. After humiliating election defeats, Spain's socialists choose a new leader to help them win back the government in 2015, and many are pinning their hopes on a surprise new frontrunner nicknamed Pedro the Handsome with 38-year-old Eduardo Madina from the Basque country and 59-year-old Jose Antonio Perez Tapias also vieing for the party's top job.. AFP PHOTO/ DANI POZOAFP PHOTO/ DANI POZO
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