Escocia decide su futuro: ¿Con o sin el Reino Unido?
Este 18 de septiembre de 2014, Escocia vota en un referéndum histórico si se independiza del Reino Unido, al que ha pertenecido desde 1707.
Referéndum de independencia en Escocia
18.09.2014Residents take part in a "short walk to freedom" march in Edinburgh, Scotland September 18, 2014. Polling in the referendum on Scottish independence began on Thursday morning, as Scotland votes whether or not to end the 307-year-old union with the rest of the United Kingdom. REUTERS/Paul Hackett (BRITAIN - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)REUTERS/Paul Hackett -
Gaitas y llamas en una marcha en Edimburgo.
18.09.2014A man plays the bagpipes on a "short walk to freedom" march in Edinburgh, Scotland September 18, 2014. Polling in the referendum on Scottish independence began on Thursday morning, as Scotland votes whether or not to end the 307-year-old union with the rest of the United Kingdom. REUTERS/Paul Hackett (BRITAIN - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)REUTERS -
Partidarios del no y del sí en un colegio electoral en Escocia
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