Terremoto en el Himalaya
Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 en la escala Richter ha causado al menos medio centenar de muertos en el Himalaya, afectando a Nepal, Tibet e India.
Shuvadra Pathi, vecina de Katmandú, observa una casa que se ha venido abajo con el temblor en la capital de Nepal
19.09.2011Nepalese resident Shuvadra Pathi looks out from her apartment after a house wall collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu on September 19, 2011. At least five people were killed in Nepal as a 6.8-magnitude earthquake with its epicentre in northeast India rocked the region on September 18. AFP PHOTO/Prakash MATHEMAAFP PHOTO/Prakash MATHEMA -
El número de muertos es de medio centenar, aunque aún se busca a supervivientes entre los escombros
19.09.2011Nepalese resident Shuvadra Pathi looks on from the remains of her home following an earthquake at Bhaktapur, some 12 kilometres southeast of Kathmandu, on September 19, 2011. At least six people were killed in Nepal as a 6.8-magnitude earthquake with its epicentre in northeast India rocked the region on September 18. AFP PHOTO/Prakash MATHEMAAFP PHOTO/Prakash MATHEMA -
Parte de este monasterio budista de Enchey, en Gangtok (India) se ha venido abajo
19.09.2011A Buddhist monk looks at his damaged home at Enchey Monastery in Gangtok on September 19, 2011 after a 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit the region. Rescue teams battled landslides and torrential monsoon rains after a powerful earthquake rocked a vast and remote Himalayan region on September 18, killing at least 53 people in India, Nepal and Tibet. AFP PHOTO /STRAFP
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