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Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

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  • Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    A woman is evacuated from Kanunnik Petrus Jozef Triest nursing home in Melle after a fire broke out August 6, 2009. A nursing home fire killed nine pensioners in the northeastern Belgian village of Melle on Thursday, officials said. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir (BELGIUM DISASTER)
  • Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    A woman is being evacuated from Kanunnik Triest home, a retirement home, in Melle after a fire broke out August 6, 2009. A nursing home fire killed nine pensioners in the northeastern Belgian village of Melle on Thursday, officials said. REUTERS/Yves Herman (BELGIUM DISASTER IMAGES OF THE DAY)
  • Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    Tragedia en una residencia de ancianos en Bélgica

    A man is evacuated from Kanunnik Petrus Jozef Triest nursing home in Melle after a fire broke out August 6, 2009. A nursing home fire killed nine pensioners in the northeastern Belgian village of Melle on Thursday, officials said. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir (BELGIUM DISASTER)

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