Egipto vota una nueva Constitución para avalar al Gobierno militar
Egipto vota una nueva Constitución para avalar al Gobierno militar
Colas para votar en la segunda jornada del referéndum, en el distrito de Ciudad Nasser de El Cairo
14.01.2014Egyptians queue up at outside a polling station during the second day of voting on a new constitution on January 15, 2014 in the Nasr City district of the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Egyptians resumed voting in the constitutional referendum, with turnout expected to hold the key to a likely presidential bid by army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi after clashes killed nine the previous day. AFP PHOTO / VIRGINIE NGUYEN HOANGAFP PHOTO / VIRGINIE NGUYEN HOANG -
Una mujer se identifica para votar en El Cairo
14.01.2014An Egyptian woman has her identity card checked at a polling station in the centre of Cairo during the second day of voting on a new constitution on January 15, 2014. Egyptians resumed voting in the constitutional referendum, with turnout expected to hold the key to a likely presidential bid by army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi after clashes killed nine the previous day. AFP PHOTO / MAHMOUD KHALEDAFP PHOTO / MAHMOUD KHALED
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