Elecciones en Egipto
Una votante egipcia completamente oculta por su velo
27.05.2014A fully-veiled Egyptian woman shows her ink-stained fingers after casting her vote at a polling station on the second day of Egypt's presidential election in the capital Cairo on May 27, 2014. Sisi is expected to trounce his only rival, leftist leader Hamdeen Sabbahi, in Egypt's second freely held presidential election, which is being held over two days. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKIAFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI -
Votante egipcia abandonando el colegio electoral en El Cairo
27.05.2014An Egyptian woman leaves a polling station at the end of the first day of the two-day election for a new president in the capital Cairo on May 26, 2014. Egyptians begin voting in a new presidential election which Sisi, who ousted the elected Islamist leader, is expected to easily win amid calls for stability and economic recovery. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMED EL-SHAHEDPHOTO/MOHAMED EL-SHAHED
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