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Celebración del Toro de la Vega en Tordesillas

Celebración del Toro de la Vega en Tordesillas

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  • dv1309621

    People applaud during the 'Toro de la Vega' festival, on September 11, 20112 in Tordesillas. The festival is one of the oldest in Spain with roots dating back to the fifteenth century. The bull has to be enticed across the river from the village to the plain 'Vega' before it can be killed to honour the 'Virgen de la Pena'.AFP PHOTO / Pedro ARMESTRE
  • La gente rodea al toro en un momento de la fiesta de Tordesillas. Toro de la Vega

    People run behind the bull during the 'Toro de la Vega' festival, on September 11, 20112 in Tordesillas. The festival is one of the oldest in Spain with roots dating back to the fifteenth century. The bull has to be enticed across the river from the village to the plain 'Vega' before it can be killed to honour the 'Virgen de la Pena'.AFP PHOTO / Pedro ARMESTRE
  • Toro de la Vega'

    A Spanish civil guard gives instructions to participants during the 'Toro de la Vega' festival, on September 11, 20112 in Tordesillas. The festival is one of the oldest in Spain with roots dating back to the fifteenth century. The bull has to be enticed across the river from the village to the plain 'Vega' before it can be killed to honour the 'Virgen de la Pena'.AFP PHOTO / Pedro ARMESTRE

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