Detienen al criminal de guerra más buscado de Europa
Los servicios secretos serbios han detenido al ex líder serbobosnio Radovan Karadzic
El helicóptero que traslada a Karadzic aterriza en la unidad de detenciones de la ONU en La Haya
22.07.2008A helicopter carrying Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic lands at the UN detention centre in The Hague July 30, 2008. Karadzic arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday to face trial at The Hague on charges of genocide for his actions in the 1992-95 Bosnia war. REUTERS/Jerry Lampen (NETHERLANDS)REUTERS / Jerry Lampen -
Karadzic es trasladado en helicóptero a la prisión de Scheveningen (Holanda)
22.07.2008Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic is transferred by helicopter from Rotterdam Airport to the prison in Scheveningen in the Netherlands July 30, 2008. Karadzic arrived in the Netherlands on Wednesday to face trial at The Hague on charges of genocide for his actions in the 1992-95 Bosnia war. REUTERS/Toussaint Kluiters/United Photos (NETHERLANDS)REUTERS / Toussaint Kluiters / United Photos
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