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Día Mundial del Refugiado: 60 millones de personas normales

Día Mundial del Refugiado: 60 millones de personas normales

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  • Yurvi y Tatiana posan entre las ruinas del que era su hogar en Nikishino, en el este de Ucrania.

    Yurvi y Tatiana posan entre las ruinas del que era su hogar en Nikishino, en el este de Ucrania.

    16/ Yurvi and Tatiana stand in the ruins of their home in Nikishino, eastern Ukraine. The couple's home was hit during fighting in the village and was completely destroyed. Outbreak of conflict in eastern Ukraine had a major impact on 2014 displacement figures, in view of the fact that 271,200 or close to 99 per cent of claims in the Russian Federation were lodged by Ukrainians. The last time a country registered a comparable figure was in 2009, when South Africa reported that 222,300 persons had lodged individual asylum requests, many of them from Zimbabwe.
  • Yacoub ha huido de la violencia étnica en Myanmar y ahora vive en Bangladesh, donde no gana lo suficiente para alimentar a sus seis hijos.

    Yacoub ha huido de la violencia étnica en Myanmar y ahora vive en Bangladesh, donde no gana lo suficiente para alimentar a sus seis hijos.

    18/ Yacoub, a 29-year-old Rohingya, fled intercommunal violence in Myanmarâ¿¿s Rakhine state and came to Bangladesh with his family. Living in a local village in Teknaf, south-eastern Bangladesh, he works in a local mosque and teaches the Quran to children, but cannot make enough money to feed his family of six. Continuing displacement was seen in and from Myanmar in 2014, including from Rakhine state and in the Kachin and Northern Shan regions.
  • En Siria, dos generaciones de vecinos de Homs tratan de reconstruir sus vidas en medio de la guerra.

    En Siria, dos generaciones de vecinos de Homs tratan de reconstruir sus vidas en medio de la guerra.

    3/In Syria, two generations of Homs residents attempt to rebuild their lives among the ruins. Worldwide displacement from wars, conflict and persecution is at the highest levels ever recorded by UNHCR and accelerating fast.

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