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El cónclave, en imágenes

El cónclave, en imágenes

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  • Las puertas de la Capilla Sixtina permanecen selladas durante las votaciones del cónclave


    This handout picture released by the Vatican Press Office on March 12, 2013 shows the doors of the Sistine chapel being closed at the start of a papal election election. Cardinals began a conclave under Michelangelo's famous frescoes in the Sistine Chapel to elect a successor to Benedict XVI, with the odds favouring another Western conservative as pope. AFP PHOTO/OSSERVATORE ROMANO RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/OSSERVATORE ROMANO"
  • El Maestro de las Celebraciones Litúrgicas Pontificias, Guido Marini, cierra las puertas de la Capilla Sixtina para iniciar la celebración del cónclave


    This handout picture released by the Vatican Press Office on March 12, 2013 shows the doors of the Sistine chapel being closed by Guido Marini at the start of a papal election election. Cardinals began a conclave under Michelangelo's famous frescoes in the Sistine Chapel to elect a successor to Benedict XVI, with the odds favouring another Western conservative as pope. AFP PHOTO/OSSERVATORE ROMANO RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/OSSERVATORE ROMANO" ADDITIONAL CROPPED VERSION
  • Así se ha visto el cierre de la Capilla Sixtina desde la plaza de San Pedro. Esta es la última imagen que se podrá ver del cónclave.


    Faithful, holding umbrellas, look at a giant screen showing the start of the papal election conclave on St Peter's square on March 12, 2013 at the Vatican. Cardinals prepared Tuesday for the start of an historic conclave to elect a new pope after Benedict XVI's shock resignation, with the odds favouring a Western conservative to lead the Catholic world. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO

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