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El despliegue policial de Watertown, en imágenes

Despliegue policial en Watertown

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    La Policía busca casa por casa al sospechoso en Watertown.

    MCX020 WATERTOWN (ESTADOS UNIDOS) 19/04/2013.- Un agente del cuerpo de elite SWAT participa en la operación de captura de los dos sospechosos de los atentados de Boston, en la localidad de Watertown, al oeste de Boston, hoy, viernes 19 de abril de 2013. El comisario de Policía de Boston, Ed Davis, confirmó hoy que uno de los sospechosos del atentado del maratón de la ciudad ha muerto, mientras que el segundo está huido y se le busca cerca de un centro comercial en la localidad de Watertown. El comisario confirmó las informaciones de la televisión local WCVB y aseguró que el fallecido es el hombre que el jueves por la tarde fue presentado por el FBI como "sospechoso 1", que vestía una gorra negra y gafas de sol.
  • Las autoridades ayudan a una vecina de la localidad.

    Las autoridades ayudan a una vecina de la localidad.

    WATERTOWN, MA - APRIL 19: An elderly woman is evacuated from the School and Walnut streets area as police prepare to conduct a massive search for the one remaining suspect on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts. Earlier, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus police officer was shot and killed at the school's campus in Cambridge. A short time later, police reported exchanging gunfire with alleged carjackers in Watertown, a city near Cambridge. According to reports, one suspect has been killed during a car chase and the police are seeking another - believed to be the same person (known as Suspect Two) wanted in connection with the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon earlier this week. Police have confirmed that the dead assailant is Suspect One from the recently released marathon bombing photographs. Darren McCollester/Getty Images/AFP
  • La Policía decreta el toque de queda en Watertown.

    Tras la muerte del primer sospechoso, la Policía decreta el toque de queda en Watertown.

    WATERTOWN, MA - APRIL 19: Police walk down School and Walnut Street on April 19, 2013 in Watertown, Massachusetts. Earlier, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus police officer was shot and killed at the school's campus in Cambridge. A short time later, police reported exchanging gunfire with alleged carjackers in Watertown, a city near Cambridge. According to reports, one suspect has been killed during a car chase and the police are seeking another - believed to be the same person (known as Suspect Two) wanted in connection with the deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon earlier this week. Police have confirmed that the dead assailant is Suspect One from the recently released marathon bombing photographs. Darren McCollester/Getty Images/AFP

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