El G-8 se reúne en Irlanda del Norte
El G-8 se reúne en Irlanda del Norte dividido sobre Siria y el espionaje
Manifestantes de Oxfam protestan contra el G-8 llevando las máscaras de los líderes que asisten a la cumbre
17.06.2013Oxfam charity volunteers wear masks depicting the G8 leaders around a large cauldron during a photo call to draw attention to the issue of world hunger outside City Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on June 16, 2013. G8 leaders are set to gather in Northern Ireland for their annual summit talks that are expected to be dominated by talks on Syria. AFP PHOTO / PETER MUHLYAFP PHOTO / PETER MUHLY -
Miles de policías vigilan Belfast y el hotel turístico donde tiene lugar la reunión del G-8
17.06.2013FER17. Belfast (United Kingdom), 15/06/2013.- An anti G8 protester wearing a Guy Fawkes mask associated with the Occupy Movement, is asked to remove her mask by Police during a rally in Belfast City centre, Nothern Ireland, 15 June 2013, ahead of the G8 Summit. World leaders are to gather for the G8 Summit in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland on 17 to 18 June. EFE/EPA/STRINGEREFE/EPA/STRINGER
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