El huracán 'Sandy' toca la costa Este de EE.UU.
El huracán 'Sandy' toca la costa Este de EE.UU.
Helicópteros sobrevolando Manhattan, donde aún no se ha recuperado el suministro eléctrico tras el huracán 'Sandy'
28.10.2012Helicopters fly over the skyline of lower Manhattan as it sits in darkness after a preventive power outage caused by Hurricane Sandy in New York October 30, 2012. Hurricane Sandy began battered the U.S. East Coast on Monday with fierce winds and driving rain, as the monster storm shut down transportation, shuttered businesses and left hundreds of thousands without power. REUTERS/Keith Bedford (UNITED STATES - Tags: SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT CITYSPACE)REUTERS/Keith Bedford -
Un hombre se sirve de una linterna en una tienda del East Village neoyorquino
28.10.2012A man shops for groceries by flashlight at an East Village grocery store in New York on October 30, 2012 as New Yorkers cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The storm left large parts of New York without power and transportation. AFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARYAFP PHOTO / TIMOTHY A. CLARY
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