Emotivo adiós a la víctima que motivó los disturbios en Londres
Emotivo adiós a la víctima que motivó los disturbios en Londres
Hermanos del fallecido encabezan el cortejo fúnebre
09.09.2011The funeral cortege carrying the body of Mark Duggan passes through Tottenham on it's way to the New Testament Church of God, in Wood Green, north London September 9, 2011. The death of Duggan, which is being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), triggered a protest that led to four nights of rioting in August. REUTERS/Toby Melville (BRITAIN - Tags: SOCIETY OBITUARY)REUTERS/Toby Melville -
Introducen el féretro en la Iglesia Nuevo Testamento, en Wood Green (norte de Londres)
09.09.2011The coffin containing the remains of Mark Duggan is carried into the New Testament Church of God in Wood Green, north London, on September 9, 2011. Hundreds of mourners gathered on Friday for the funeral of a man whose death at the hands of armed police sparked riots across London and other cities in England in the worst unrest for decades. The funeral of Mark Duggan takes place in the north London district of Tottenham amid lingering tensions over the circumstances of his death. AFP PHOTO / BEN STANSALLAFP PHOTO / BEN STANSALL -
Colocan una corona de flores con la palabra dad (papá) en el carruaje
09.09.2011A horse drawn carriage carrying the body of Mark Duggan arrives at the New Testament Church of God, in Wood Green, north London September 9, 2011. The death of Duggan, which is being investigated by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), triggered a protest that led to four nights of rioting in August. REUTERS/Toby Melville (BRITAIN - Tags: SOCIETY OBITUARY)REUTERS/Toby Melville
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