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Francia celebra su fiesta nacional

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    Un Airbus A400M sobrevuela la Plaçe de la Concorde

    An Airbus A400M aircraft (C) flanked by a German Typhoon (L) and a French Rafale (R) fly over the Place de la Concorde during the Bastille Day parade on July 14, 2013 in Paris. AFP PHOTO / LIONEL BONAVENTURE
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    Una bandera francesa gigante cuelga del Arco del Triunfo

    French armoured personnel carrier (VAB) drive past a giant French flag under the Arc de Triomphe during the Bastille Day parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue, on July 14, 2013 in Paris. AFP PHOTO / KENZO TRIBOUILLARD
  • Los colores de la bandera francesa sobrevuelan el Arco del Triunfo

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