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Francia celebra su fiesta nacional

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  • El Desfile desciende desde el Arco del Triunfo por los Campos Elíseos

    Members of the international forces that fought in Mali march down the Champs-Elysees avenue during the Bastille Day parade on July 14, 2013 in Paris.
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    Edouard Guillaud, jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas junto a Francois Hollande durante la celebración de la fiesta nacional francesa

    French Army Chief of Staff Admiral Edouard Guillaud (R) and French President Francois Hollande review the troops with Mounted French Republican guards during the Bastille Day parade on the Champs Elysees, on July 14, 2013 in Paris.
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    Un Airbus A400M sobrevuela la Plaçe de la Concorde

    An Airbus A400M aircraft (C) flanked by a German Typhoon (L) and a French Rafale (R) fly over the Place de la Concorde during the Bastille Day parade on July 14, 2013 in Paris. AFP PHOTO / LIONEL BONAVENTURE

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