Hong Kong, después de la protesta
La Policía ha puesto fin a 75 días de protestas en Hong Kong. Tras el desalojo, el tráfico ha vuelto a las principales calles del centro financiero
Combinacion de fotografías que muestran el antes y el después del desalojo de la protesta en el distrito de Admiralty, el 11 de diciembre (arriba) y el 12 (abajo)
12.12.2014This combo shows a file photo taken on December 11, 2014 (top) of remaining tents and pro-democracy protesters at the main protest site in the Admiralty district of Hong Kong, and then the same area some 24 hours later on December 12, 2014 (bottom) once traffic returned to the area. Rush-hour traffic streamed through the heart of Hong Kong for the first time in more than two months on December 12, 2014 after police cleared the city's main pro-democracy protest camp with mass arrests -- but activists vowed that their struggle would go on. AFP PHOTO / ISAAC LAWRENCEAFP PHOTO / ISAAC LAWRENCE -
La Policía de Hong Kong puso fin el jueves a 75 días de protesta con el desalojo del campamento principal en Admiralty
12.12.2014This combo shows a file photo taken on December 11, 2014 (top) of a general view of the remaining tents and pro-democracy protesters at the main protest site in the Admiralty district of Hong Kong, and then the same area 24 hours later on December 12, 2014 (bottom) once traffic returned to the area. Rush-hour traffic streamed through the heart of Hong Kong for the first time in more than two months on December 12, 2014 after police cleared the city's main pro-democracy protest camp with mass arrests -- but activists vowed that their struggle would go on. AFP PHOTO / ISAAC LAWRENCEAFP PHOTO / ISAAC LAWRENCE
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