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Imágenes del incendio en Valparaíso, Chile

Cientos de viviendas y cerca de 300 hectáreas han sido arrasadas por el fuego

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    CH211. VALPARAÍSO (CHILE), 14/04/2014. - Un grupo de personas llega para colaborar con los damnificados en la madrugada de hoy, lunes 14 de abril de 2014, durante un incendio forestal en el cerro Mariposa en Valparaíso (Chile). Varios focos del incendio que desde el sábado afecta a la ciudad chilena de Valparaíso siguen aún activos este lunes, en una tragedia que hasta el momento ha dejado al menos 12 muertos, más de 10.000 damnificados y ha destruido cerca de 2.000 viviendas. EFE/Sebastian Silva
  • Voluntarios vacunan a los afectados contra el tétano días después de un incendio que aún no ha sido controlado en su totalidad.


    Volunteers are vaccinated against tetanus as they help after a huge fire devastated an area of Valparaiso, Chile, on April 14, 2014. Firefighters backed by police and soldiers Monday battled for a third day a massive blaze that killed 12 people and ravaged a huge swath of Chile's historic port city of Valparaiso. It could yet be another two or three days before they succeed in extinguishing the fire, officials warned, the worst to hit the city, consuming 2,000 homes and forcing thousands of people to flee for their lives. Some people who refused to leave their homes were killed when the inferno swept it. AFP PHOTO/MARTIN BERNETTI
  • Los trabajos de extinción se mezclan con los esfuerzos de los vecinos por salvar sus pertenencias.


    People work and others try to salvage belongings in Valparaiso, Chile, on April 14, 2014 after a huge fire devastated the area. Emergency responders struggled Monday with outbreaks from a deadly blaze that tore through parts of an historic Chilean port city, as authorities hoped to have control of the flames in two to three days. The Valparaiso fire, still burning amid strong winds, has killed 12 people and is being battled with the help of 11 helicopters, six planes and 2,000 police and military troops. AFP PHOTO/MARTIN BERNETTI

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