La matanza de Tiananmen, 25 años después
La matanza de Tiananmen, 25 años después
Jóvenes estudiantes en huelga de hambre descansan en la plaza de Tiananamen (arriba), mientras en la imagen de abajo no se ve ni a un turista.
03.06.2014A combination of pictures shows (top) a file photo taken on May 14, 1989 showing student hunger strikers lying on the ground at Beijing's central Tiananmen Square where they spent the night during the Beijing Spring movement and (bottom) two security personnel standing at the same spot 25 years after on May 29, 2014 in Beijing. China's vast censorship machine does its utmost to wipe the slightest reference to the Tiananmen crackdown from books, television and the Internet, scrubbing the issue from public discussion and even from the minds of its younger generation. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO / CATHERINE HENRIETTE / FILESAFP PHOTO / CATHERINE HENRIETTE / FILES -
La 'Estatua de la Libertad' que lucía el 30 de mayo de 1989 ha despaarecido hoy,
03.06.2014A combination of pictures shows (L) a file photo taken on May 30, 1989 showing students and people of Beijing gathering in Tiananmen Square around a "Statue of Liberty", a replica of New York Statue of Liberty created by students from an art institute to promote the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government and (R) visitors walking near the same location 25 years after on May 29, 2014 in Beijing. China's vast censorship machine does its utmost to wipe the slightest reference to the Tiananmen crackdown from books, television and the Internet, scrubbing the issue from public discussion and even from the minds of its younger generation. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO / FILESAFP PHOTO / FILES -
Miles de de personas desafiaron el 2 de junio de 1989 la ley marcial (arriba)
03.06.2014A combination of pictures shows (top) a file picture taken on June 2, 1989 showing Chinese people gathering around a replica of the Statue of Liberty (back C) on Tiananmen Square demanding democracy despite martial law being in effect in Beijing and (bottom) visitors walking past the same spot 25 years after on May 29, 2014. China's vast censorship machine does its utmost to wipe the slightest reference to the Tiananmen crackdown from books, television and the Internet, scrubbing the issue from public discussion and even from the minds of its younger generation. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTO / CATHERINE HENRIETTE / FILESAFP PHOTO / CATHERINE HENRIETTE / FILES
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