La odisea de los 33 mineros atrapados en Chile
La odisea de los 33 mineros atrapados en Chile
Rescate de los 33 mineros chilenos atrapados en la mina San José en Chile
23.08.2010Chilean President Sebastian Pinera (2nd L) talks with mining minister Laurence Golborne (L), chief of the rescue mission Andre Sougarret (R), and health minister Jaime Manalich as they crouch over the cover to the shaft through which the trapped miners will be hoisted, at the San Jose mine in Copiapo, in this handout photo taken October 12, 2010. Chile's 33 trapped miners are set to travel nearly half a mile through solid rock in a shaft just wider than a man's shoulders on Tuesday night, as their two month ordeal after a cave-in draws to an end. REUTERS/Alex Ibanez-Chilean Presidency/Handout (CHILE - Tags: DISASTER BUSINESS) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNSREUTERS/Alex Ibanez-Chilean Presidency -
23.08.2010Los miembros del equipo de rescate participan en un ensayo del operativo de salida de los 33 mineros atrapados en el yacimieto San José, cerca a Copiapó (Chile).EFE -
Rescate a los 33 mineros chilenos atrapados en la mina de San José
23.08.2010Lilianett Ramirez, wife of trapped miner Mario Gomez, brushes her hair as she prepares for the start of the rescue operation at the San Jose mine, in Copiapo October 12, 2010. Chile's 33 trapped miners are set to travel nearly half a mile through solid rock in a shaft just wider than a man's shoulders on Tuesday night, as their two month ordeal after a cave-in draws to an end. REUTERS/Luis Hidalgo (CHILE - Tags: DISASTER BUSINESS)REUTERS/Luis Hidalgo
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