Las ímágenes del último eclipse lunar de 2011
Cuatro momentos del eclipse lunar visto desde Baijing, China
10.12.2011This combo show the four different moments of lunar eclipse in the sky in Beijing on December 10, 2011. People across China will be able to observe a total eclipse of the moon. AFP PHOTO / LIU JINAFP PHOTO / LIU JIN -
Comienzo del eclipse visto desde Seúl, Corea del Sur
10.12.2011A total lunar eclipse is seen through the leaves of a tree in central Seoul December 10, 2011. The moon started to go dark on Saturday, during the last total lunar eclipse until 2014, with the best views available in Asia and the Pacific. REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak (SOUTH KOREA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY)REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak -
El eclipse total de luna visto desde Bangkok
10.12.2011The Moon enters a total eclipse as seen in Bangkok on December 10, 2011. The total eclipse of the Moon turned the lunar surface into a shade of red. AFP PHOTO/ Nicolas ASFOURIAFP PHOTO/ Nicolas ASFOURI
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