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Las secuelas de la guerra siria

Las secuelas de la guerra siria

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  • El campo de Domiz acoge a miles de kurdos de Siria. (YURI KOZYREV / NOOR / MSF)

    Domiz Refugee Camp was established by local authorities back on in April 2012 to host the Syrian Kurds. The camp located 20 kms southeast of Dohuk city, in Iraqi Kurdistan and some 60 km from Syria/Iraq border. So far the total number of Syrian refugees in Kurdistan region is 60,151.
  • Una refugiada siria va a por agua en Arsal, Líbano. (MOISES SAMAN / MAGNUM / MSF)

    Arsal, Lebanon. November 6, 2013.
  • msb10290

    Patients at the MSF health clinic in the Domiz refugee camp in northeast Iraq, November 6, 2013. The clinic provides primary health services to the camp's approximately 60,000 refugees from Syria.

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