Madrid celebra el Día del Orgullo Gay
Madrid celebra el Día del Orgullo Gay
Participantes en la marcha del Orgullo Gay en Madrid
30.06.2012Participants take part in the gay and lesbian pride parade in the center of Madrid on June 30, 2012. AFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGETAFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGET -
Una mujer con el cuerpo pintado durante la marcha
30.06.2012Participants take part in the gay and lesbian pride parade in the center of Madrid on June 30, 2012. AFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGETAFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGET -
La marcha del Orgullo Gay reivindica el matrimonio igualitario
30.06.2012Participants take part in the gay and lesbian pride parade in the center of Madrid on June 30, 2012. AFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGETAFP PHOTO/DOMINIQUE FAGET
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