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"Marcel Duchamp, incluso la pintura" en el Pompidou de Paris

El Pompidou de Paris expone la obra pictórica de Marcel Duchamp

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  • MARCEL DUCHAMP, "Dulcinea", (1911)

    MARCEL DUCHAMP, "Dulcinea", (1911)

    08. MARCEL DUCHAMPDulcinée1911, huile sur toile, 146.40 x 114 cm© 2014 Photo The Philadelphia Museum of Art / ArtResource / Scala, Florence© succession Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris 2014Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968): Portrait (Dulcinea), 1911. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art Olio su tela, 57 5/8 x 44 7/8 (146.4 x 114 cm). The Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection, 1950.*** Permission for usage must be provided in writing from Scala. May have restrictions - please contact Scala for details. ***
  • MARCEL DUCHAMP, "Estudio para la amoladora de chocolate", (1914)

    MARCEL DUCHAMP, "Estudio para la amoladora de chocolate", (1914)

    18. MARCEL DUCHAMPÉtude pour la broyeuse de chocolat, n°21914, crayons de couleur, encre, huile sur toile montée sur plaque de bois ; 49.70 x35.50 cmStaatsgalerie Stuttgart© succession Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris 2014
  • EDOUARD MANET, "Bañista", (1910-11)

    EDOUARD MANET, "Bañista", (1910-11)

    04. EDOUARD MANETBaigneuse1910 – 1911, pinceau lavis brun, 26 x 21 cmCollection privée

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