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Matanza en Binghamton (EE.UU.)

Un hombre ha matado a 12 personas en Binghamton (EE.UU.).

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  • Members of the media watch police investigate a shooting scene outside the American Civic Center on Front Street in Binghampton

    Members of the media watch police investigate a shooting scene outside the American Civic Center on Front Street in Binghampton

    Members of the media watch police investigate a shooting scene outside the American Civic Center on Front Street in Binghampton, New York April 3, 2009. A gunman killed 12 or 13 people at an immigration services center in Binghamton, New York, on Friday after walking in and randomly opening fire on people taking exams to become U.S. citizens, officials said. REUTERS/Hans Pennink (UNITED STATES CONFLICT SOCIETY DISASTER POLITICS)
  • Masacre en Binghamton

    Lugar del crimen donde un hombre de origen vietnamita ha matado a 13 personas y se ha suicidado, en la ciudad de Binghamton, estado de Nueva York. (03/04/09)
  • Lugar del crimen de Binghamton

    Un varón de origen vietnamita de 42 años ha asesiando a tiros a 13 personas y se ha suicidado en un centro de inmigración del estado de Nueva York; la Policía investiga en la escena del crimen. (03/04/09)

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