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Personalidades en el funeral de Nelson Mandela

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  • El príncipe heredero de Japón Naruhito, en el funeral por Mandela

    El príncipe heredero de Japón Naruhito, en el funeral por Mandela

    MAN042 JOHANNESBURGO (SUDÁFRICA) 10/12/2013.- El príncipe heredero nipón Naruhito (izq), conversa con un invitado no identificado durante el servicio religioso oficial en memoria del expresidente Nelson Mandela en el estadio FNB de Soweto en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) hoy, martes 10 de diciembre de 2103. Líderes y personalidades mundiales acompañan hoy al pueblo sudafricano en el servicio religioso oficial que se celebra hoy, bajo una intensa lluvia. EFE/DAI KUROKAWA
  • Barak Obama y George Bush a su llegada a Pretoria para asistir al funeral de Nelson Mandela

    Barak Obama y George Bush a su llegada a Pretoria para asistir al funeral de Nelson Mandela

    U.S. President Barack Obama (C) and former U.S. President George Bush (R) are greeted by officials on their arrival at Air Force Base Waterkloof, Pretoria in this handout picture provided by the South African Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) on December 10, 2013. World leaders, from Obama to Cuba's Raul Castro, will pay homage to late South African President Nelson Mandela at a memorial that will recall his gift for bringing enemies together across political and racial divides. REUTERS/GCIS/Handout via Reuters (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: POLITICS OBITUARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
  • Raúl Castro en el funeral por Nelson Mandela

    Raúl Castro en el funeral por Nelson Mandela

    Cuba's President Raul Castro Ruz (2L) arrives for South African former president Nelson Mandela's memorial service at the FNB Stadium (Soccer City) in Johannesburg on December 10, 2013. Mandela, the revered icon of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa and one of the towering political figures of the 20th century, died in Johannesburg on December 5 at age 95. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN

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