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Prohibido fumar:la aplicación de la ley en imágenes

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    MD29. MADRID, 02/01/2011.- Un hombre fuma un cigarrillo en la calle, en Madrid, el mismo día de la entrada en vigor de la nueva Ley Antitabaco en España, donde los fumadores no podrán encender un cigarrillo en lugares públicos cerrados y en algunos espacios abiertos, como los parques infantiles y el entorno de hospitales. EFE/Javier Lizón
  • Camareros de un restaurante de Madrid salen a la calle para fumar

    Camareros de un restaurante de Madrid salen a la calle para fumar

    Waiters Tarik Zeekaf (L) and Francisco Sanchez smoke outside the restaurant where they work in central Madrid January 2, 2011. A new Spanish anti-smoking law takes effect Sunday prohibiting smoking in all enclosed spaces as well as at playgrounds, schools and outside hospitals. The Spanish Socialist government wants to put the country in line with the European Union's strictest anti-smoking nations. REUTERS/Susana Vera (SPAIN - Tags: SOCIETY)
  • Un hombre fuma un cigarro debajo de un cartel que prohíbe fumar a la entrada de un hospital de Madrid

    A man smokes a cigarette near an entrance to a hospital in Madrid January 1, 2011. A new Spanish anti-smoking law will take effect on January 2 that will prohibit smoking in all enclosed spaces as well outside hospitals, at playgrounds and schools. The Spanish Socialist government wants to put the country in line with the European Union's strictest anti-smoking nations.The sign reads "Forbidden to smoke in the hospital". REUTERS/Susana Vera (SPAIN - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY)

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