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Segunda noche de bloqueo policial en Sol

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    Los 'indignados' hacen una cadena humana ante la policía

    Riot police block "indignant" protesters as they attempt to make their way to the Puerta del Sol Square, in Madrid, on August 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO/ DANI POZO
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    Furgones policiales y agentes cortan el paso al movimiento 15M

    Riot police block "indignant" protesters as they attempt to make their way to the Puerta del Sol Square, in Madrid, on August 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO/ DANI POZO
  • Instántanea de la sentada pacífica en la calle Preciados de Sol

    Spanish riot squad officers block "indignant" protesters from accessing Puerta del Sol Square in Madrid on August 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO/DANI POZO

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