Sudáfrica rinde homenaje a Mandela
Sudáfrica rinde homenaje a Mandela
Varias personas muestran su respeto a Mandela frente a su última residencia
06.12.2013XKL039 JOHANNESBURGO (SUDÁFRICA) 06/12/2013.- Varias personas muestran su respeto al expresidente sudafricano Nelson Mandela frente a su última residencia en Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica) hoy, viernes 6 de diciembre de 2013. Madiba, tal y como se le conocía popularmente en Sudáfrica, falleció ayer a los 95 años. Mandela fue ingresado en estado grave el 8 de junio por una recaída de una infección pulmonar, y su estado pasó a ser crítico el 23 de junio. Pese a las mejoras comunicadas por la familia y la Presidencia desde entonces, el pronóstico del mandatario no mejoró. EFE/Kim LudbrookUn retrato de Nelson Mandela con las palabras "Descansa en paz Madiba" -
Un hombre reza a las afueras de la última residencia de Mandela en Sudáfrica
06.12.2013A man pays his respects outside the residence of former South African President Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg December 6, 2013. South African anti-apartheid hero Mandela died peacefully at home at the age of 95 on Thursday after months fighting a lung infection, leaving his nation and the world in mourning for a man revered as a moral giant. The former president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate had been frail and ailing for nearly a year with a recurring lung illness that dated back to the 27 years he spent in apartheid jails, including the notorious Robben Island penal colony. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: POLITICS OBITUARY)REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko -
Velas y flores en Johannesburgo a las afueras de la última residencia de Mandela
06.12.2013Mourners place candles outside the home of South Africa's former President Nelson Mandela in Houghton, Johannesburg December 6, 2013. South African anti-apartheid hero Mandela died peacefully at home at the age of 95 on Thursday after months fighting a lung infection, leaving his nation and the world in mourning for a man revered as a moral giant REUTERS/Siyabulela Duda/GCIS/Handout via Reuters (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: POLITICS OBITUARY) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTSREUTERS/Siyabulela
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