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Tiroteo en Connecticut, Estados Unidos

Tiroteo en Connecticut, Estados Unidos

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  • Fotografía cedida que muestra a un agente de policía corriendo con un arma en la mano hacia la escuela Sandy Hook en Newtown.


    MCX02 NEWTOWN (EE.UU.), 14/12/2012.- Fotografía cedida que muestra a un agente de policía corriendo con un arma en la mano hacia la escuela Sandy Hook en Newtown (Connecticut, EE.UU.) después de registrarse un tiroteo en el centro escolar hoy, viernes 14 de diciembre de 2012. Al menos 20 personas murieron en la masacre, entre ellas 10 niños, según fuentes policiales citadas por los principales medios del país. EFE/Shannon Hicks/Newton Bee. SÓLO USO EDITORIAL/PROHIBIDA SU VENTA
  • Un grupo de policía se dirige hacia la escuela primaria de Newtown

    Shooting At Elementary School In Newtown, Connecticut

    NEWTOWN, CT - DECEMBER 14: Connecticut State Police walk on Dickson Street from the scene of an elementary school shooting on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. According to reports, there are about 27 dead, 18 children, after a gunman opened fire in at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The shooter was also killed. Douglas Healey/Getty Images/AFP
  • Reaction to 28 people killed in shooting at elementary school in Newtown, Connecticiut

    Reaction to 28 people killed in shooting at elementary school in Newtown, Connecticiut

    JLX740. Newtown (United States), 15/12/2012.- Lieutenant Paul Vance (4-L) of the Connecticut State Police updates reporters on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on 14 December 2012 that left at least 28 people dead in Newtown, Connecticut, USA, 15 December 2012. Reports state on 14 December 2012 that a gun man unleashed a hail of gunfire that killed 20 children and six adults at a school in Newton, a quiet, affluent suburb of 27,500 people about 100 kilometres north-east of New York City. He then killed himself inside Sandy Hook Elementary School, having previously killed his mother. EFE/EPA/ANDREW GOMBERT

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