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    Seguir viendo Bakugan en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Actualmente fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras! en clan
    El refugio de Audrey
  • Slugterra Ascension
  • Slugterra Ascension en inglés
Para todos los públicos B.A.M. boost
Transcripción completa

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawlers never stand down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Bakugan #

# We are Bakugan Brawlers #

# Power's in our hands and now we're standing taller #

# Bakugan #

# Level up and take on everyone #

# We'll brawl 'til we fall no matter the outcome #

# We are all misfits #

# Together we're strong #

# Bakugan Brawlers gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan ##

(Action music)

Oh man, this is hard to watch.

What are you guys talking about? What am I missing?

Oh, just the biggest tournament in Bakugan history...

...that we're not invited to!

-Hello, Baku Brawl fans,

it's me, Tia Dee, and I got one question for you,

who's ready for the smashies and the bashies,

and the most earth-shattering brawling tournament

that the world has ever seen?!

(Crowd cheering)

Now, let's welcome these superstars in search of fame and glory!

First up, the Aquatic Clan.

Don't let their "go with the flow" vibe deceive you.

They can bring a tidal wave of pain.

Next, the Mammal Clan.

They're at the top of the food chain, and starving for brawls.

Oh, and who's this? The techno-tastic Insect Clan!

This hive-minded swarm will leave you with the harsh sting of defeat!

The Dino Clan has been working out more than their muscles.

They've been working out ways to crush their opponents!

And let's not forget about the Avian Clan,

who are looking for a chance to soar

into the winner's circle!

Last but certainly not least is the Dragon Clan!

They're tough as scales, and ready to fire up the competition!

And those are the six clans brawling in our tournament,

vying for the championship!

-(Hissing) Yes...

Okay, I know we weren't invited

and we don't know who put on this tournament,

but we're a clan.

We trained hard and we deserve to be there.

We're joining!

I actually agree with Dan.

You think we can just force our way in?

Hey, this is the Misfit Clan.

We're capable of anything, even forcing our way into tournaments.


Now, let's go crash a brawl.

-Wait... -(All) Huh?

-There's just one small problem.


(Spotlight clunks)

None of us know where the tournament is actually being held.

Argh! Why is everything always so hard?

In this case, they think it's a way to keep people out

that they don't want there, like us.

Yeah, but why don't they want us?

'Cause we're a threat.

(Dan and Griffon) Huh?

-We're different, and they're scared of that,

so they made us the enemy.

-(All) Hmm...

Okay! (All) Huh?!

That could be it. Or maybe Murph and Lil Jasper just ate the invite, huh?

If only that were true.


I just want to get into that tournament

and show the clans what we're made of!

Dan, we will help you.

-Yeah! -On it!

This Bakugan tournament is a very important fight for us misfits.

It's our chance to show the world

that different types are strongest when they work together.

It's our chance to prove ourselves!

Alright! Hmm...

Then let's find that arena!

How are we gonna do that?

(All sighing)

Oh, wait! (All) Huh?

I got an idea! Hmm...

(Melissa and Jeff) Cousin Mia!

-So you need to figure out how to get to the tournament, huh?

Yeah! 'Cause uh, you see...

Uh, we lost our invitation.

Oh, cool! So the Misfits are gonna be in it after all!

Of course we are!

Oh. Well, the Misfit Clan isn't listed on the roster.

We thought that meant you weren't brawling.

(Dan, Mia and Griffin) Uh...

-But there's only one hour left

before the first brawl of the tournament starts.

(Mia and Griffin) Huh?!

Okay, we gotta hurry up.

Melissa, Jeff, how do we find the tournament?

Well, it's simple...

(Phone chimes)

You just gotta find these markings that are hidden around the city.

The markings are actually secret portals

that take you directly to the tournament.

So, uh, where are these marking portal things hidden, exactly?

Well, that's kind of the hard part.

-They're always moving to keep them a secret,

so it's like a treasure hunt.

Well, look at that.

Someone put a portal right on the french fries!

I guess we should... drive through! Ha!



This is the Insect Clan MOD.


(Crowd cheering)

This is wild!



-Ooh! It's a tale as old as time!

With that prehistoric pummelling,

the Dino Clan are pile driving through this tournament,

proving once again that they don't just deserve to be here,

but that they might win the whole thing.

-(Roaring laughter)

-But the competition is still stiff.

On Field B, we have the Mammal Clan versus the Aquatic Clan,

and on Field C, the Insect Clan faces off against the Dragon Clan!

But who will win it all? Well, let's find out!


-That looks so fun! I'm ready to join!

Alright, we made it here, so what do we do?

Just jump in? What do you think, Drago?

Uh... Um...

Uh, well, I think we haven't fully thought this through.

They might get mad at us if we, you know, jump in.

So what if they're mad at us? We're here to brawl, aren't we?


The Dragon Clan continues to blaze a trail!

Nillious is number one! Haha! Ugh... Drago?

Alright, let's jump in.

I suppose your idea does suit our style.

I know, but what is taking the others so long?

Dan! Huh?

Come quick!

I was just looking for you!

It's TC! TC?


There you are!

Whoa, he's in!

He just jumped in!

This is going to be so fun.

Hammerhead, you ready to go, big guy?

-(Chuckles) Eat meat...

Hey, he took my idea! I'm so angry, but so proud.

(Tense rock music)

Huh, hey, the Misfit Clan?

-Let them fight. -Uh, what?

-I had a feeling they would come. In fact, I was hoping they would.


-Alright, brawl time!

-Ha, I wouldn't look so happy if I were you.

(Tense music)

(Crowd cheering)

-Dragon Clan! -Misfit Clan!

(Action music)

(Crowd cheering)

Bakugan Brawl!

-Bakugan Brawl!

-Hail! -Hammerhead!

-Gold Evolution! -Titanium Evolution!



-(Raspy breathing)


-Over on Field B, we have a Dragon Bakugan versus... Huh?

Another Aquatic Bakugan?

-Ready to see what you're up against, water boy?

-Do it, Hail!

-(Shouting) -Ice Spears!

-That all you got? Shark Cage!


-I'll use something stronger.

(BAM dinging)


-Polar Winds!





-How long do you think he can last?

-Argh! Hang on, help's on the way!

(Curious music)

-Has that kid always been in our clan?

-Uh, no clue.

-He must be a new recruit.

-We've had a lot of brawlers joining us lately.

-Hmm... -What do you think, Rip?

-Maybe you're right.

I feel like...

-I've seen that Bakugan somewhere else.


-Yeah! Put that fish on ice!

-The Dragon Clan has this brawl in the bag!

Oh man, this is not how we wanted to make our entrance.

He's still in it!

(Juno grumbling)

Hmm... Come on, TC, you got this! Huh?

Shh, Dan.

Yeah, we're not really supposed to be here, you know?

Remember what I said earlier about the Misfit Clan!

We're capable of anything!

Thanks, Dan! Hmm.


-Looks like it's time to end this. Ice Spears!


-Shark Cage!


Eat meat!

-Hammerhead, jump!

Sledge Hammer!

-That's who that is!

-Right, it's Hammerhead, the old brawling superstar.

-He's not a part of our clan!

You can do it, TC!

Hmm? Huh?

Hang in there!


(BAM dinging)

Hammerhead, the rest is up to you!


-Wave Slam!


(Crowd cheering)

Look, he won!

TC did great out there!

I knew he had it in him. Now it's our turn.

I suppose I'll be brawling next.

(Nillious shrieking)

Huh? What?




So strange. A member of the Misfit Clan in our tournament.

-And how did that happen?

Pretty sure you weren't invited, now, were you?




(Energizing music)

(Mysterious music)

(Grunts) You shouldn't be here, boy.

Back off, Nillious!


-Hey! That's...

-Cool, yeah! That's, that's...

-It is the Misfit Clan! -No way!

Oh, great. (Juno and Mia) Huh?!

It was you.

You are the one that left us out of the tournament on purpose.

Didn't you?

Yes, but you're here. Why did you do it?

Because you don't belong.

-Take a look around.

Bakugan are supposed to stick to their own type.

But you don't seem to understand that.

Your clan is unnatural, an abomination,

an enemy to our way of life!

(Crowd shouting)

-There is no place for the Misfits in this tournament.

But I knew you'd come uninvited, ruin it for everyone.

Oh, I get it. Yeah, yeah, of course.

But the truth is, you're just scared to brawl us. Isn't that right?


It's so obvious. If our unnatural clan won,

that would make you all look pretty pathetic.

Admit it. The Dragon Clan, no, every clan in here

is terrified that we might beat you.

-What did he just say? -We're not scared!

-Brawl, yeah! Brawl right now, come on!

(Crowd) Brawl! Brawl!

(Both) Uh...


-(Threatening roar)

(Heavy metal music)

Fine. We'll give the people what they want.

-Let's brawl. -(Crowd cheers)

Sounds good to us.

Nillious, we'll join.

-They called us all out too. -Let's crush these fools.

If they're joining the brawl, so are we.

Good to have ya.

Dan. Huh?

This is finally our chance to show them what makes us different,

makes us strong.

You're right. We must win.

It's time to finally prove ourselves once and for all.

Alright, people, this is unplanned but super amazing!

A four-on-four brawl is about to unfold!

(Suspenseful music)

Let's go, Kage!

Ha! Bring it.

(Energizing music)

Dragon Clan! Misfit Clan!

-(Dragon Clan) Bakugan brawl!

-(Roaring and shouting)

We've all got your back, Dan and Drago.

Copy that. Let's go, Misfit Clan. Let's do this.

(Misfits) Let's go!

(Misfits) Bakugan brawl!

Dragonoid, Titanium Evolution!

(Grunts and roars)


-(Panting and roaring)

-Wait 'til you check out Nillious's new heavy metal.

(Energizing music)

Bakugan brawl!

Nillious, Titanium Evolution!


(Crowd cheers)

When did Nillious get that?

Ladies and gentle brawlers,

this is the most insane battle of all time!

We got dragons, and bears, and spiders,

and tons of other Bakugan all brawling at the same time!

-(Crowd cheers) -(Bakugans grunting)

-Kage! Hurry up and get me a BAM!

-Ah, okay! I'm on it!

-Ghost! Silk Shockers!

(Groans) No, Trox!

Hey, Griffin. Hmm?!

If we want to win this brawl,

we need to show them how the Misfit Clan works together.

Okay. But how?

Leave it to me. I've got an idea just for this.

-Bow Blades!


-Can't you see your clan is weak?

They don't belong! But we're glad you came.

Now we can crush you

and the truth about your miserable Misfits will be exposed!

The truth is they're more loyal and stronger than you'll ever know!

Fire Fist! (Roars)

Loyal?! There is no loyalty in the Misfit Clan.

You all betrayed your own kind!


You turned your back on all your brethren.



Just like on Vestroia.

(Crowd cheers)

-Hungry for a big claw?


Ventri, now!

Herublade! (Groans in pain)


-I just need a BAM. -Hi, there.

-You're looking for something? -Huh?

(Juno giggles)

-Here. I'll give you a hand. -Thanks.

(Club screams)

-Buh-bye! See you later!

Whoa! (Juno giggles)

I never would've thought to mess with the brawlers.

-(Rumbling) -(Griffin and Mia) Huh?!

-(Grunting) It's over.

Hold on! (Panting)

Oh no, Dan and Drago are in trouble.

-Huh? -We have to do something!


Nillious, it doesn't have to be this way.

The Misfit Clan isn't your enemy.

Yes, you are. Your clan's very existence threatens us all.

Look around. All the clans are fighting together against you.

(Laughs) All the clans fighting together, huh?

What's so funny? Can't you see?

You've done what I've been trying to do all along!

You gave the different clans the same purpose

and united them together to fight against us!

Ridiculous! I'm nothing like you.

Hey, uh, Drago! Yah!

(Thunder rumbles)

Sorry for the wait! Perfect timing.

-(Drago grunts) -Let's make one thing clear.

I'm not uniting the clans, I'm controlling them.

I established the clan league to keep things the same as in Vestroia.

Bakugan in conflict with one another.

That's how you take advantage of the chaos!

-That's how you take control! -Purple Burst!


Steel Warrior!


It's nice to finally hear the truth from you.

It'll be nice to finally destroy your clan!


There must be something here. Oh?

(Gasps) Is this...?


The Insect Clan's research lab.

Ooh, look what they got here. Um...

(investigative music)

(Gasps) No way!

-Death Stare!

(Nillious roars)

He's too strong. I'll do something!

(Exclaims) Huh?!

What's the deal with that BAM?

Oh. Well, it's the only one we've got.


(Heavy metal music)

Come on, Dan. You got this!

(Panting and grunting)

What the heck? Let's see.

Oh. Huh?

Hey, what's happening? Agh!



I like this!

(Grunting and shouting)

His speed is incredible!

-Yeah, he's just a blur!

-No way! What BAM zone heals and gives you strength?


Hey, that's the combo BAM we've been working on.

-Yeah, but we couldn't crack the code.

-Well, it's here now. The BAM boost.

-Kage, get me one of those BAMs too!

-There aren't any more.

-(Frustrated groan) Useless human.

(Drago roars) Huh?

(Epic music)

(Drago roars)

Whoa! That's a lot of power. The Misfit Clan's tough.

Okay, go Drago! Yeah!

(Nillious shouts)

This can't be happening!



(Crowd cheers)

(Kage pants)

Uh, huh?

(Suspenseful music)

(Dan and Drago) Whoa...

Wait, so you made a brand-new BAM but don't remember how?

No, I just panicked and hit a whole bunch of buttons.

Like how I play video games.

Well, however it worked,

it was exactly what we needed, when we needed it.

Yeah, it was nice to finally show the clans what we could do,

but Nillious ran off in the end.

Huh, afraid to face reality.

Yeah, he can't handle not being in control all the time.

Hmm. Guess that's true.

Drago, is that what he was like back on Vestroia?

Hmm... Yes. Not much has changed.

What happened between you two?

I'd rather not talk about it now. (Groans)

Uh, Drago?

Bakugan en inglés

36 Episodios

  • Thanks for the support

    Thanks for the support

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Prank the prankster

    Prank the prankster

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Drink the burn

    Drink the burn

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • That hit the spot

    That hit the spot

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We're all in trouble

    We're all in trouble

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The best of the best

    The best of the best

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Flown off course

    Flown off course

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Sorry Mia's dad

    Sorry Mia's dad

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Neutralizer full power!

    Neutralizer full power!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • There is no Dr. Raptor

    There is no Dr. Raptor

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The worst idea of all

    The worst idea of all

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • The sound of pickles

    The sound of pickles

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Off the radar

    Off the radar

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Eat meat

    Eat meat

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Octogon wrong!

    Octogon wrong!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hard water

    Hard water

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Viva corndogs!

    Viva corndogs!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Throw some shade

    Throw some shade

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Mod alone

    Mod alone

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • A handful of gold!

    A handful of gold!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Rules are boring

    Rules are boring

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Bunch of misfits

    Bunch of misfits

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Brawl or nothing

    Brawl or nothing

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We are great with rodens!

    We are great with rodens!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Terrible bitter history

    Terrible bitter history

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Just jump in

    Just jump in

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • B.A.M. boost

    B.A.M. boost

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • You'r welcome

    You'r welcome

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Bombzookas away!

    Bombzookas away!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • No take backsies

    No take backsies

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Ready to rampage

    Ready to rampage

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Fire in the sky

    Fire in the sky

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

Bakugan en inglés - B.A.M. boost


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra. Las Baku-Balls caen del cielo como meteoritos y cuando las bolas se desenrollan, los humanos conocen por primera vez a los Bakugan.

En Clan TV Actualmente fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.