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  4. Bakugan en inglés - Prank the prankster
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    Seguir viendo Bakugan en inglés
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Para todos los públicos Prank the prankster
Transcripción completa

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawlers never stand down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Bakugan #

# We are Bakugan Brawlers #

# Power's in our hands and now we're standing taller #

# Bakugan #

# Level up and take on everyone #

# We'll brawl 'til we fall no matter the outcome #

# We are all misfits #

# Together we're strong #

# Bakugan Brawlers gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan ##

(energetic music)




Juno! Hey, how's the leg feeling, any better?

It still hurts and I still can't walk.

-Well, we're here to cheer you up.

Check it out, we got your favorite... mango juice!

-No way! Thanks, guys!

No problem, whatever you need, we're here for you.


Hey, Juno!

Here's the cheesecake you asked for.

Sorry I'm late, there was a long line of cheesecake lovers.

Oh, right, thanks.

Mm... speaking of long lines,

a new snowboarding game I wanted comes out today.

Oh, so is your leg feeling any better?

Owww! I wish. This ankle's taking forever to heal up.

Well then, sit back and relax. We'll go buy it for you, not a problem.

Aw, thanks!

-Is there anything else we can do for you?



Hey there, Ventri! More wind, please! I'm getting kinda hot here!

-Right away!

(flaps wings)

-Hmm... Trox, can you please get me some water?

-I'm on it!

-Enjoy. -Thanks!

Actually, come to think of it, a burger for dinner sounds great.

Okay, sure, we'll grab one on our way home.

Juno, you just rest and relax.

Okay! Thanks, you guys!



(groans) This acting thing is really tiring.

-Standing up? I thought your ankle hurt?

-Ahhhh? -(laughs)

It does, just not that much.


-Everyone seems so happy to help me.

I didn't wanna take that away from them.

-Hmmm! Juno...


-Bruiser, you have to keep this a secret!

-I can't believe her. Juno's gone too far this time.

Ahhh... What has Juno done?

Oh, hey, nothing.

She didn't do anything. Everything's good.


Yep, the big guy knows something.

Bruiser, I suggest you come clean now. We're gonna find out.

Nope, you'll never find out that Juno's ankle is healed

and she can walk just fine.

Oh, no...

-(all) Huh?!

Are you serious? Oops!

She's been forcing us to wait on her hand and foot?

Is that true?

Yes! I hate secrets.

That's it. Juno has crossed the line.

Let's go confront her right now.

We could do that.

Or we could get payback.

Let's give Juno a big surprise.

I like the sound of this.

Yeah, it's time she gets a taste of her own medicine.


You mean there's medicine that can make Juno's ankle better?

No, pay attention!

We're gonna play a trick on Juno.

I'll sneak into the Mod disguised as a burglar

and she'll be like... Huh?

Oh, what's going on?!

And I'll reveal myself and be like, "Ha, gotcha!"

The perfect plan.

Yeah, we're gonna prank the prankster.

Who gets the medicine?

Now this is going to be awesome.

Bruiser, we'll need you to keep this a secret

while we get everything in place, okay?


-So cool!


I'm getting hungry. I wonder where that burger is.

-What? I don't know anything.

Did you say burglar or burger? What? Mmmm...

-Okay, suspicious.

Bruiser, are you hiding something?

-Me? Hide? No way!

-I think you are. I can tell.

Spill it! Tickle, tickle, tickle. What do you got?

-(laughs) No! Stop!

I'll never tell that everyone found out you're faking your injury

and now they're planning on pranking you.

Oops, I did it again.

-That prank is so lame.

Dan definitely came up with it.

Well, Bruiser, I'm flipping the script. Ha!

-What are you planning?

-Simple! I'll turn off the lights and cover the floor in marbles.

Then when Dan sneaks in,

he'll be like, "Ah, help, I can't stand!"

And I'll laugh in his face!

That's what I call a prank back,

which is a prank payback.


-Now, Bruiser, it's up to you to keep the secret.

-Please, not again. Ooohhh...

Perfect. You look just like a real burglar.

Or cheap Halloween alien.

Well, either way, I'm ready to get our revenge.



Ah, yuck, it's Chip!

What illegal activities are you up to?

It's not like that.

Yeah, um...

Dan is going to be a Baku burglar now.

-He's a burglar?


Hang on, hear me out.

We're just breaking in as a prank. That's all.

Breaking in? That's it. I've heard enough.

I'm putting a stop to this right now.

But it's just a prank.

Sure it is. You're all coming to the station!

-(all) What?

Chip, why are we even here right now?

Yeah, we didn't do anything.

Well, you were about to do something.

You're just upset you got kicked out of Bakugan Patrol,

and now you're taking it out on us.

I wasn't kicked out. I transferred.

But you're right. I'm always looking for a reason to arrest you.

Now confess!

This is the worst.

Hmm? Guys, where is TC?

Huh? What?

Okay, I gotta go tell Juno what's going on.

She'll know what to do.

-All set for operation prank back.

Bruiser, you ready? This is gonna be hilarious.

-Huh? -Juno!

We got a problem!

-Why'd you use the back door? You're ruining my prank!

-(pants) Dan and the others have been arrested by Chip.

-Huh? By Chip?

-We have to go help them. Come on, follow me!

-Oh, I get what you're doing.

I'm not falling for a trick like that.

-This isn't a trick.

-Come on, I see right through it.

You're trying to prank back my prank back.

-I don't even understand what you're saying.

-Yeah, sure, whatever you say.


Somebody's here.

-It's Dan!

TC, zip it!

-Huh? It can't be Dan. Chip...!

-Shh! -Hmm...

-That's it. Head right for my trap.





Huh? You're not Dan!

-That's what I was trying to tell you!

Who in the world are you?

-You don't recognize me.

-Huh? What? Why would I?

(gasps) I don't know you!

Get out of here!

-We'll leave together.

-Let go!

-Hey, you!

I do not know who you are, so you are not taking TC.

Bakugan? You look a bit too old to brawl, bro.

-But if that's what you want...

-We'll be more than happy to show you out the door.


Misfit Clan!

(both) Bakugan brawl!

-Bruiser, Gold Evolution! -Hammerhead, Titanium Evolution!


-Bakugan brawl!

-Wait, isn't that Octogan... how?


-Hammerhead! Are you okay?

-Huh? Bruiser, watch out!

-Whoa! Haah!

-He can attack multiple opponents at once!

-(gasps) Look! A health BAM!

Ankle! Uh... Ugh!

-Juno, leave the BAMS to me!

-Huuh! Haaa!

-He can't block our attacks for long!



Ugh... (groans)


-No, you don't!


Hammer, head's up!




-Flare attack and Smash Hammer!


-I think it's time you leave.


Fine, but we will meet again.


Wait, there was a mysterious intruder?

Yeah, some guy after TC.

Did you know who this guy was, TC?

I didn't recognize him, but he sure seemed to have known who I was.

Maybe he's someone from my past.

Do you think he'll show up again?

Well, if he does... ha!

We'll be ready for him, because we've got your back.

Right, everyone?

(all) Yes!

-Aw, thanks! You guys are the best!

-Well, I guess that settles everything.

Hold up! Nothing's settled!

You tricked us and made us do everything for you! You can walk!

About that, I'm sorry.

But you guys were planning on pulling a lame prank on me!

What do you mean, lame?

Yes, I heard what it was, and it was very lame.

Excuse me! Lame-o!

-Oh boy, oh boy...

(soft music)

(energetic music)


-The quarterfinal rounds are just as epic as we imagined!!

So much drama, so much intensity, so much brawl-someness!!

-Hey, Hook! Gotta use your Glimmerblades!



Awww! Man!

Aaahhh! Haha!!

-Flash Arrows!




-It's come down to it... one more brawl in the quarterfinals...

Reef and Butterclaw of the Aquatic Clan

versus Mia and Ventri of the Misfit Clan.

Who's moving on to the semifinals? We'll find out in three days!

I can't believe it! TC and I both lost!

Now it's up to you and Ventri! Good luck, team!

We've got this! Just gotta stay focused.

And also, brawl better.

Good point. I'm not worried. They're on it.

But they can't drop their guard now.

They're the Misfits' last shot at winning the tournament.

That's a lot of pressure.

I know, but I'm here to support you.

I will do whatever it takes,

I mean whatever it takes, to guide you to victory.

Just leave everything to me.

Except for the actual brawl?

Right, except for that.

Okay, let's get started!

Dan in a supporting role? This sounds interesting.


Dan, what are you doing?

Can't you see what I'm doing?

I'm working hard on your training schedule.

One less thing for you to worry about.

Oh? We have a training schedule?

You do now! Hey!

Let me see that.

Huh? This is too much! It's impossible!

Nothing is impossible when I got your back.

I hate to break it to you,

but a hundred sets of special ability drills

every day is impossible!

I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

No thank you.

There's so much here and there's no time for rest or food.

Are we supposed to eat while training?

That would save some time...

I'm not sure planning is your strong suit.

Dan, something just got delivered for you.

Alright! It's here! What is that?

I ordered energy drinks. One less thing for you to worry about, Mia.

Oh, nice thinking.

-Dan, there's so many more boxes!

What? I thought I only ordered a dozen!

Oh no, you didn't order twelve bottles.

You ordered twelve boxes!

I'll never be able to drink all that.

Also, this isn't even an energy drink. It's just sparkling water.

What? No, no, that's a mistake!


Oh man, who mistakes sparkling water for an energy drink?

Ha! I guess Dan does.


Alright, a couple of hiccups, but now we're back to helping.

Uh, Dan, maybe you don't need to be so over the top with your support.

I'm not, I'm just trying to anticipate Mia's every need.

Yeah, that kind of sounds over the top.

Really? Not you too.

There you are, Dan Kouzo.

-(all) Huh?


I challenge you to a Baku-brawl.

Uh, right here, right now? But I got eggs in here.

Forget the eggs. I have a score to settle.

I've been looking for a chance to take my revenge

after our last meeting.

And since we're both out of the tournament,

let's have a Baku-brawl right now!

Sounds good to me.

You're on, Backslash!

Wait. Hm?

I can't. Mia really needs her yogurt by three or she gets hangry...

Wait, are you the clan butler now?

This is so funny. Just leave me alone.

I'm helping my team be the best they can be. Come on, TC.

Huh, okay.





-Wait, are you the clan butler now?

This is so funny.

That jerk!

You know what? I don't care what anyone thinks.

Besides, when we win, it'll be worth it!

Huh! Aaaargh!

-Ahhh! Oooh.

You're doing great! Don't overthink it!

But don't underthink it either! Just think it regular!

Thanks, Dan. But I think I know what I'm doing here.

Uh, maybe let her handle this?

Okay, Mia. Now get ready to defend.

Ugh, stop backseat brawling!

Now just one more special ability.

Huh? Again?


Okay, fine!

Ventri! Herublade now!



(all) Uwah!

-Not the sparkling water!

I'm sorry! I guess we lost control.

Maybe because someone was shouting in your ear the whole time?

Yeah, I appreciate what you're trying to do,

but maybe you should take a break from helping.

A break? I agree.

It's too much. You should go clear your head.

The rest of us can take care of everything here.

Dan, just leave it to us.

What? After everything I've done for Mia's sake? I can't believe this.

I put a schedule together...


Dan's just frustrated. He wishes he were brawling.

And he's putting all his energy into helping,

which can be a lot to handle.

Yeah, tell me about it...

So, what do you think we should do?

Isn't it obvious?

Dan needs to let off some steam. He needs to brawl.

-Well, you know, Backslash wanted to brawl him earlier.

Is that right?

-This is perfect. -(both) Huh?

Leave it to me. I think I can make this work.



-Hello? Anybody home?

-You're from the Misfit Clan. What do you want?

-Dan says he's ready to face you now, Backslash.

-He what? Hmmm...




Dan! This is bad!


Griffin, what's wrong?

The insect clan has hacked into our Mod security system!

They hacked it?

They're trying to reveal us to the police for brawling.

Are you serious?

Dan Kouzo!

I came just like you asked.

Uh, where are you?


There you are.

Messing with the Misfits, huh? Um, what?

Well, think again! I won't let you get away with it.

I don't know what you're talking about,

just as long as you're ready to brawl.

(energetic music)

Misfit Clan! Insect Clan!

(both) Bakugan Brawl!

Dragonoid! Gold Evolution! Mantid! Gold Evolution!


Let's go, Drago!

Aaahhh! Raaawr!

We did it. Dan's brawling now.

But what happens if he finds out it was all a set up?

I wouldn't worry. He'll never know.

-I've been waiting a long time... to get my revenge!

Well, get used to waiting.


-A gold BAM!

Ha! Dan... he totally didn't see it!



-Yes! Aaahhh!

-Mantid! Stop his attack now!


-He's overpowering Mantid's shield?!

Mantid! Attack!

Glow Sling!


Sling and a miss!




Ready to see Drago's true power?

Blaze Swords... Attack!




I can't believe this happened again! (groans)

Nice job, Dan!

Huh? Did I stop the hack?

Oh, right... yup! Definitely.

Our network is safe forever now.

Great brawl, Dan. Way to send him packing!

Now that's one less thing that we have to worry about.

Huh? Thanks. That brawl really amped me up.

And now I want to help even more.

(all) Uh! Huh?

-You wanna help even more?

That's great! So fantastic!

I have so many ideas. It's gonna be awesome.

Well, actually...

I have an idea of my own.

A way you can be a huge help to us.




Aaaaah... Argh!

Very smart! She made Dan her training opponent.

-Ha-ha! Yeah, why didn't we think of that from the start?



Looking good, Mia!

Hey, thanks for the support!

Bakugan en inglés

36 Episodios

  • Thanks for the support

    Thanks for the support

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Prank the prankster

    Prank the prankster

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Drink the burn

    Drink the burn

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • That hit the spot

    That hit the spot

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We're all in trouble

    We're all in trouble

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The best of the best

    The best of the best

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Flown off course

    Flown off course

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Sorry Mia's dad

    Sorry Mia's dad

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Neutralizer full power!

    Neutralizer full power!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • There is no Dr. Raptor

    There is no Dr. Raptor

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The worst idea of all

    The worst idea of all

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • The sound of pickles

    The sound of pickles

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Off the radar

    Off the radar

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Eat meat

    Eat meat

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Octogon wrong!

    Octogon wrong!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hard water

    Hard water

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Viva corndogs!

    Viva corndogs!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Throw some shade

    Throw some shade

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Mod alone

    Mod alone

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • A handful of gold!

    A handful of gold!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Rules are boring

    Rules are boring

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Bunch of misfits

    Bunch of misfits

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Brawl or nothing

    Brawl or nothing

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We are great with rodens!

    We are great with rodens!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Terrible bitter history

    Terrible bitter history

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Just jump in

    Just jump in

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • B.A.M. boost

    B.A.M. boost

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • You'r welcome

    You'r welcome

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Bombzookas away!

    Bombzookas away!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • No take backsies

    No take backsies

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Ready to rampage

    Ready to rampage

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Fire in the sky

    Fire in the sky

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

Bakugan en inglés - Prank the prankster


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra. Las Baku-Balls caen del cielo como meteoritos y cuando las bolas se desenrollan, los humanos conocen por primera vez a los Bakugan.

En Clan TV Actualmente fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.