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  4. Bakugan en inglés - Terrible bitter history
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    Seguir viendo Bakugan en inglés
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  • Slugterra Ascension en inglés
Para todos los públicos Terrible bitter history
Transcripción completa

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawlers never stand down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Bakugan #

# We are Bakugan Brawlers #

# Power's in our hands and now we're standing taller #

# Bakugan #

# Level up and take on everyone #

# We'll brawl 'til we fall no matter the outcome #

# We are all misfits #

# Together we're strong #

# Bakugan Brawlers gonna throw down #

# Yeah #

# Bakugan ##

(Action music)

(Mia's dad) What?! When did that happen?

Yes, let's get to it right away. Huh?

(Mia's dad) Send a salvage team

to retrieve the materials and document the find.

Even damaged Vestroian technology can help us with our goal.

Mm-hmm. Okay, got it.

(Gasps) (Mia's dad) I will meet the team

in the morning and personally inspect it myself.

(Phone beeps)

(Energizing music)

(Both) Bakugan brawl!



Whoa! Bruiser's really fired up today!

Probably pent-up frustrations.

He didn't have a proper, you know, brawl in the last tournament.

-Yeah. Nillious just ran off after he lost. Where'd he go?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm just happy that the other clans are starting to, mmm... respect us.

And give us the recognition we've earned.

Bruiser! Horns up!

Knuckle Buster!




Okay, that's how it's gonna be, huh?

-Whoa! -A Misfit Clan brawl!

Oh, yeah, real neat.

(Angry meowing)


-Murph! Murph! Murph! -Lil Jasper! Lil Jasper!

Wait, come back!

-You can't escape the snuggles! -(Angry meowing)

-I think they're running because they like it!

So yeah, I got put back on babysitting duty.

Oh no, again? That's why you look so tired.

Yeah, Melissa and Jeff are a handful.

Hmm, but actually,

there's something else I need to tell you.

It's my dad.

(Curious music)

Your dad is looking into Vestroian technology? What for, Mia?

I don't know, but I saw him when we snuck into Illusion Tech.

I was... afraid to tell you.

I didn't want to believe he would experiment on Bakugan.

(Mia's dad talking indistinctly) Dad?

Whoa, really? What is your dad trying to do over there?

Let's find out!

I just hacked in. Again?!

Hacking into my dad's phone is not cool!

Hey, I don't want to do it, but I gotta do it.

You want to.

Okay, a little. But still, we need to find out what's going on

unless... you want me to stop?


Okay, go for it.

Yeah! I knew you'd come around.

Ooh! I think I found the treasure trove.

(Juno laughing)

Hey, stop that!

Sorry, sorry. You were a cute baby, though.

Okay, here's what we're looking for. It's a recent message.

Someone found an object from Vestroia,

and your dad sent a team to retrieve it.

Look, there's a photo!

What is that thing?

-Aw! There's my precious kitty! -Look how happy Murph is!

-(Growling) -(Whimpering)


-Hey, Drago, do you recognize this?

That's... What's it doing on Earth?

You know what it is?

Yes. It is a weapon that we developed on my home planet.

We called it the Galaxy Cannon.

(Distant explosions)

The weapon harnessed the energy of our planet,

and the entire Vestroian star system,

and transformed it into an incredibly powerful laser.

It was so strong, the cannon could fire through portals

and cause extreme damage to other planets.

I heard about that weapon! Brutal!

You have no idea,

but it looks like the cannon's been damaged... beyond repair.

There is one problem, though.

There's a device attached to the cannon.

It's the control centre of the machine, the Cogito Drive.

The Co... gito Drive?

It's a complex piece of technology,

capable of extraordinary things,

and it appears to be in perfect working order.

If someone were able to tap into its capabilities

and misuse it... (Grumbling) ...then the entire world

could be put into grave danger!

And I'm most worried about Nillious,

after everything he said at the tournament.

Then let's go and get the device before he does.

Yeah, but there might be a small problem.

Doesn't Mia's dad have it?

How are we supposed to get it from the lab?

Actually, looks like he's bringing the cannon to Mia's house.

-Mia, doesn't your dad have a workshop in the garage?

He must be examining it there!

Where are you going? It's bath time for these two.

-(Whimpering) -(Growling)

-Wanna help us wash them?

(Dan) Uh... not really. Good luck!

(Both) Huh?

(Tense rhythmic music)



Doesn't look like he's here yet.

Okay, we can wait, he'll be home soon.

Hopefully, Juno and TC are holding up.

-TC, you make a great human bowling ball.

-Now Juno, you do something!

-How about rodeo clown? -Yeah, and we'll be the bulls!

-Nope, not gonna happen. I did lose at rock, paper, scissors,

but I don't deserve this.

(Melissa and Jeff) Do it! Do it!

-Ugh, fine. But I'm not dressing up.

(Tense music)

We need to get that cannon.

You betrayed your own kind!


You turned your back on all your brethren!

(Growling) Yes!

Just like on Vestroia!



Even though I wish I could forget,

there's just terrible bitter history between Nillious and I.

Drago, you should talk about it.

What happened before you came to Earth?

I suppose it is time you know.

Back on my home planet,

Nillious and I were leaders in our army.

But we did not see eye to eye on many things.

The two of us moved up the ranks quickly,

but our rivalry only grew more bitter.

(Heavy metal music)

He saw the world differently than I did,

and was always eager for a fight.

He wanted to rule with strength and power, not diplomacy.

And he refused to back down,

even as we sat on the brink of interplanetary war.

An interplanetary war?

Yes. The relationships between the planets of Vestroia were strained.

Why so bad?

Once one planet built weapons to defend themselves,

the others built weapons as well.

-Tensions were rising amongst the planets.

Everyone felt threatened, and no one would back down.

The Galaxy Cannon was only intended to act as a deterrent.

We did not plan... (Grumbling)

...on ever using it, but then Nillious...

What happened?

(Tense rhythmic music)

They think they can threaten us, the dragons?

-Ready the Galaxy Cannon. We will burn them all down.

No! Don't you see? They'll retaliate.

That act will bring total war upon us!

We show courage by being first to back down.

Get rid of the cannon, others will follow.

They'll attack us! I believe they won't.

That threat will be gone, they'll compromise!

You are naïve.

I'm not. We might be different, but we're all Bakugan.

It's time we reach out

and try to make peace instead of destruction!


-This debate is going nowhere!

-We should settle this now, the traditional Vestroian way.


The winner of our Baku Brawl...

Earns the right to decide.


-Dragonoid, you are too weak.

Nillious, why are you so obsessed with power and control?

Because the two go hand in hand.

Dragons are the most powerful, so we should control all of Vestroia.

No, Vestroia does not need to be controlled.

It is for all Bakugan. Our future is united!


-(Roaring) -(Ground rumbling)


Everybody, take cover!


(Thudding) (Drago grunts)


Ah! Go!

(Grunting effort)





You lose, Drago. Now I will create Vestroia's future.

(Laughing maniacally)

Huh? After that, a war between the planets broke out?

The moment it... mmm...

...began, it ended.

What do you mean?

Nillious aimed the cannon at the other planets and fired,

but then, something nobody expected happened.



(Ethereal music)

The portal suddenly started glowing with a bright light,

and the Bakugan were pulled into it

by an incredibly powerful force.

Yes. I remember it well.

The same thing happened with the portals above my planet,

and many of us were dragged in.

-It happened on my planet as well.

And the next thing we knew, we were on Earth.

Whoa, I never realized.

But what disrupted the portals?

It could have been the Cogito Drive that had something to do with it.

How so?

You said the Cogito Drive helped to harness the energy from Vestroia.

Maybe it somehow bonded with the energy from the portals as well.

From there, the programming could have created some kind of anomaly.

Sounds bad, I think.


(Gasps) My dad!


(Tense rock music)

(Energizing music)

The Cogito Drive is attached to that cannon. Right?

-If we can lure Mia's dad out of his workshop,

we'll be able to sneak in and take the device without him knowing.

Okay, but how do you think we should lure him out?

I got it! What if we shout that the ice cream truck is coming?

That'll work for sure! (Griffin and Mia) Huh?

Do you know anyone who can resist the call of the ice cream truck?

He'll definitely run outside for that.

(All) Huh?

-Or we could set off the truck's car alarm.

That will get his attention

and buy us enough time.

That's a good idea.

Huh? Really?

I think my ice cream truck idea is way better.

Let's take a vote.

Who thinks we should go with ice cream?!

Truck alarm it is. Let's go! Meee!

(All) Yes!

(Mia's dad) Whoa! These readings are amazing.

This is definitely, hmm...

Vestroian technology.

I'll finish up these readings,

and then take this back to the lab immediately.

-We're in position!

Got it.

It's time to hit that alarm.

Okay, let's do it.


-(Misfits screaming) -Mia, is that you?

(Dan and Griffin) Huh? Mom?

What is that you're wearing? Uh...

I can explain.

-Oh... -(Exclaiming)


Mom! Trox, we hit a snag.

Hold tight. (Trox) Copy!



Mm... Did I faint?

Head's so groggy, I can't really remember what happened,

but thanks for carrying me to the sofa.

-(Both) It's okay. No problem.

-Mia, were You wearing something different?

Uh, me? I was just wearing my everyday clothes.

Lots of layers, just how I like it.

Huh. Well, fainting must've scrambled my brain.

So you two must be Mia's friends.

-(Both) Yeah.

-Oh, it's nice to meet you both. You should stay for lunch.

Uh, we can't.

Sure you can. I'd love to get to know them better.

You've never introduced me to any friends before.

I wanna hear all about the things you kids do together.

What we do together?

Well, every day, we ba... Uh...

(Dan shouting, muffled)

Let's not bore my mom. We should really get going.

That's too bad.

I just got some ice cream we could have after lunch.

Who can resist ice cream?

What? You got ice cream?

And if you guys wanted to, we could eat it

and watch a movie I've been wanting to see.

It just started streaming. I think it's called the... let's see.

Oh, right. It's called, "Tyranno-Man Begins."

Uh... Tyranno-Man Begins?!

Oh, man, that's his origin story! Cool!


(Both) We would be honoured to stay, Mia's mom!


What's taking them so long? Can you see the cannon?

-Hang on a second.

Let me get just a little bit closer here.

(All exclaiming)

-What was that? Did you guys hear something?

Mom, wait! Oh... Huh.

Huh? I wonder what

knocked that over.


(Strange beeping)

Oh... Hmm?

(Exclaiming, gasping)


Probably just some big clumsy animal.

(Groaning efforts)

Or maybe it was just the wind. Really? The wind?

Oh, yeah. Happens all the time.

Low-pressure microclimate wind bursts.

-(Loud crash) -(All) Huh?!

That wasn't the wind.

You're right, we must have raccoons. (Both) Mm-hmm, mm-hmm!

I should go check it out.

Hmm, that's strange. I don't see anything.

Hey, well, let us check it out for you. It's not a problem.

Yeah, not to brag, but we're great with rodents.


Alright, so let's go! Okay, be careful.

Hmm... Interesting friends.

Must be why Mia never introduced them.

Mia, your mom's cool.

Thanks, but we need to focus here, Griffin.

You're right. (Phone rings)

Huh? Hey, Drago, what's up?

Dan, we really need to hurry. Oh.

I think Mia's dad is getting ready

to transport the cannon to Illusion Tech.

Seriously? We need to put the plan

into action right now! Got it.

-Hey, just checking on you guys. -(All) Huh?!

Find any giant rodents running around the yard yet?

No, no, no! Not yet! We gotta keep the door shut.

If they get inside, there's no turning back.

Oh, my, okay. Thank you for telling me!

And let me know if you work up an appetite.

I have snacks! Okay, enough distractions.

Start the plan. On it.


Alright. The rest is up to you, Drago.

-(Car alarm blaring) -Huh?

My truck.

Hmm. Hmm...

That's strange.

(suspenseful music)


-Did the rodents set off your alarm? -Um... rodents?

(Drago laughs)

The plan worked! (Chuckles) Perfectly.

-Stop right there! -(All) Huh?!

Hand over that Cogito Drive right now!

Ugh, the Dragon Clan.

I'm guessing Nillious sent you here.

Hmm? Aren't you Mia?

What's with that super extra boring getup today?

Although, honestly,

it's not much worse than the weird clothes you usually wear.

Yeah, well, here's the thing.

(Sparkling chime)

I can beat you no matter what I'm wearing.


(Rock music)

You want this device?

You gotta come through me to get it.

Sound good?

Uh, Mia, I'm not sure brawling in public is such a good idea.

Don't worry, we'll finish this quick, won't we, Ventri?


-Fine by me. Let's do this, Mia.

(Energizing music)

Misfit Clan! Dragon Clan!

Bakugan brawl!

(Action music)

Bakugan brawl!

(Crackling crash)

Ventri, Titanium Evolution!





(Fighting grunts)

(Groans) Come on!

You Misfits don't know the true power of the Cogito Drive.

We know we'll never give it to you.

Let's end this thing already, Smoke.

Tail Snap!


Ventri, Chrom-Wings! (Ventri shouts)

-(Grunts) -What?!

-(Loud roar)

Piercing Feathers!

(Ventri shouts)

-(Panicked screams)

-(Frustrated groan)

Gotta end this before we get caught. Yes! Speed BAM!

(Rock music)


Dive Bomb!

(Scream of agony)

-(Enraged groan)

Nicely done!

Reminder: never mess with Mia's clothes.

That's for sure.


-Whoa! Look at that!

-So this is the Cogito Drive. -This is awesome!

Hey, where are Jeff and Melissa?

Well, after running around for hours and hours,

they finally fell asleep. So be quiet, we don't wanna wake them up.

So Drago, what do we do with this?

Destroyed so it can't be misused, uh, ever.

Well, that's really too bad.

It's not every day you come across a device like this.

Mm. Could we study it for just a little bit, pretty please?

Absolutely not.

And do not try to sweet-talk me.

I now know the problems it can create.

What are you talking about?


The truth is, there's something I've been keeping from you.

After I lost the brawl to Nillious, I broke the rules.

I couldn't allow him to fire the cannon on other planets.

So I tempered with the Cogito Drive.

I was trying to make the cannon self-destruct when fired.

I know I broke our sacred Bakugan tradition,

but it was the only thing...

I could do to prevent an interplanetary war!

I thought my plan had failed.


But Griffin made me realize earlier

that it must've formed an anomaly in the system.

Do you mean...?

Yes. It's because of me those portals malfunctioned

and Bakugan were pulled from their planets and ended up on Earth.

It is all my fault.

And here, all this time I've been wondering how it happened.

(Heavy metal music)

-Dragonoid... that is a serious crime you committed.

-Yes, very serious. (Groans)

Bakugan en inglés

36 Episodios

  • Thanks for the support

    Thanks for the support

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Prank the prankster

    Prank the prankster

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Drink the burn

    Drink the burn

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • That hit the spot

    That hit the spot

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We're all in trouble

    We're all in trouble

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The best of the best

    The best of the best

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Flown off course

    Flown off course

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Sorry Mia's dad

    Sorry Mia's dad

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Neutralizer full power!

    Neutralizer full power!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • There is no Dr. Raptor

    There is no Dr. Raptor

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The worst idea of all

    The worst idea of all

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • The sound of pickles

    The sound of pickles

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Off the radar

    Off the radar

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Eat meat

    Eat meat

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Octogon wrong!

    Octogon wrong!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hard water

    Hard water

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Viva corndogs!

    Viva corndogs!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Throw some shade

    Throw some shade

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Mod alone

    Mod alone

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • A handful of gold!

    A handful of gold!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Rules are boring

    Rules are boring

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Bunch of misfits

    Bunch of misfits

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Brawl or nothing

    Brawl or nothing

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We are great with rodens!

    We are great with rodens!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Terrible bitter history

    Terrible bitter history

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Just jump in

    Just jump in

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • B.A.M. boost

    B.A.M. boost

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • You'r welcome

    You'r welcome

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Bombzookas away!

    Bombzookas away!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • No take backsies

    No take backsies

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Ready to rampage

    Ready to rampage

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Fire in the sky

    Fire in the sky

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

Bakugan en inglés - Terrible bitter history


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra. Las Baku-Balls caen del cielo como meteoritos y cuando las bolas se desenrollan, los humanos conocen por primera vez a los Bakugan.

En Clan TV Actualmente fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.