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  4. Bakugan en inglés - Tyrannosaurus Flex
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Para todos los públicos Tyrannosaurus Flex
Transcripción completa

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Bakugan Brawlers never stand down #

# Bakugan Brawl is gonna throw down #

# Bakugan # # We are Bakugan Brawlers #

# Power's in our hands and now we're standing taller #

# Bakugan # # Level up and take on everyone #

# We'll brawl 'til we fall no matter the outcome #

# Bakugan # # We are all misfits #

# Together we're strong #

# Bakugan Brawlers gonna throw down #

# Bakugan ##

Oh! He throws down the Shell-Shocker!

This is not looking good for Mantid.

He better start praying for a miracle!

Wait a second, Mantid's brawler is on the move!

Backslash is headed for a health BAM zone.

He's leaping and he got it!

His prayers were answered!

Mantid is re-energized.

No way!

He delivers a Mantis-Blades knockout blow!

This is the biggest comeback in brawling history!

It's amazing! Unheard of!

It's... It's depressing.

I thought watching this would cheer me up, but it just makes me feel

like peanut butter without any jelly.

Peanut butter still works on celery.

Are you trying to cheer me up with celery?!

Bakugan brawls are outlawed and it's the worst thing in the world, like

celery! You hate celery, got it.

We'll never get to see Fanger's Lock Jaw bite again.

Or hear Hammerhead's eardrum-shattering Ruckus Roar.

Or feel the blistering hot shockwave of Bruiser's Sneeze Screen!

He had a sneeze like a blowtorch.

It's just... not being allowed to brawl with Drago is weird.

And it's more than just peanut butter with no jelly.

It's like losing a piece of me.

And I'm not talking tonsils or wisdom teeth.

I'm talking about something good, like my witty charm or my impeccable

style. Sounds awful.

But you're still luckier than me.

I never got to pair with a Bakugan.

I never got to brawl.

Because of that rampage

I never, ever will.

Dude! Your phone's being weird.

No way, it's detecting a signal!

What signal? What is that thing?

It's my Baku-Ball tracker app!

It must've found something!

It did!

Holy Fjörgyn, mother of Thor!

I thought Bakugan were done falling to Earth!

Griffin, it's heading to the park!

Call Mia and Ventri, I'll go get Drago from work.

Okay cool. Wait, from work?

Okay that's two double burgers bammed and slammed with our special

Bam Jam! I will have that out in, oh, an hour.

Have a Bam-tastic day!

Dragonlloyd, what do you think you're doing?!

It's Dragonoid, and taking orders, boss human.

It's boss manager,I mean, manager.

And what order takes an hour?

Our tagline is: "You want a burger? BAM! You got it!"

Don't you remember that?

Yes, I've memorized our solemn oath.

It's not a solemn oath and you don't have to swear your loyalty to Bam

Burger but you need to keep the drive-thru moving!

Drago, there you are! Dan?

I think your drive-thru's a little backed up by the way.


Hey! -My kids want burgers!

Hurry up! (SCREAMS)

They'll have to get a burger

somewhere else. Griffin and I are tracking a Bakugan.

There's a new arrival! What?

I'm clocking out, boss human!

It's boss manager, I mean manager!

There it is, Drago! Do you see it?

It's up there! Hey Dan!

Look who picked me up! I'm travelling in style!

Mia and I were talking and we came up with a detailed plan that we

think will help ease this new Bakugan to Earth.

Plans are boring!

We don't need a plan, right, Drago?

What? No, I like a plan.

See? Drago's with me.

That's a no-go for the plan-o.

We'll just run up to them and yell, "Welcome to Earth!".

What could go wrong?

Dan, this isn't a surprise birthday party.

Bakugan can be confused, disoriented when they first get here.

True. When I first arrived, I beat up a stop light.

War is rough.

It's here!

Maybe we should give it room to unroll.

Or just walk right up to it, I guess.

Hello? Anyone in there?

A dinosaur Bakugan!

He seems friendly. He's growling.

Hello there, Dino Guy!

Welcome to Earth!


Oh no.

Should I lend a hand?

I got him!

Hey! Watch where you're throwing dinos.

Oh no. Dudes, we got trouble.

It's Chip! Well, well, look at this!

Illegal Bakugan brawling!

Go, Dronie! Go get 'em!

Fetch! Chip is on the way!

And he looks like he's ready to throw some brawlers behind bars!

But that poor Bakugan is all riled up.

We have to settle this dino down!

You'll have to roll us out!

Bakugan brawl!

Bakugan brawl!

Wow! How are you doin' that?

I know right, it's crazy, isn't it?

Okay, hey, break it up!

No one move. Well, look who's brawling in my park.

Brawling? We would never brawl because that's illegal!

We were playing... sportsball!

You know, where you hit the ball with a stick through a hoop and get

a touchdown! Never heard of it?

Yes of course I've heard of sportsball. But that's not what you

were doing.

Well how about another game?

Ever heard of... Scatter!

Hey, hey! I don't like that game!

Come back, don't fly away! Motorbikes?

Dino, come with me. Okay.

Dronie, let's go! Hurry!

Wait for the signal! The signal!

Okay, go. Confusing.

Why are we running? Are we being hunted by an elite strike force?!

Yeah, kinda... Do you think you'll fit in here?

No, but how 'bout this?

How... Is this good? How about this?

Dronie. Wonder where that Bakugan could be?

That's right, if we catch him, we can have ice cream.

Well, I can have ice cream, but you can watch me have ice cream.

That'll be nice for you, won't it?

Plus you can listen to the music the truck plays, I know you like

that music. Yes you do!

That's it!

(SCREAMS) Dronie, you stop that music right now!

Bad dronie, bad!

Big guy, let's go!

Thanks for saving me! Also that battle music was amazing!

If was just regular music, but thanks!

I wrote it! No way, it was good!

You know, you're pretty cool, Dino Guy!

Name's Trox! And you're not bad yourself, human.

Kid Human. You can call me Griffin.

Is this the thing that brainwashed my sweet Dronie?

No more tricks, Hey, give me that!

and no more terrible music!

No. Go easy on him, he's new to Earth!

He's a Bakugan, which means he's a danger to everyone.

I'll show him who's boss.


It's okay, you're gonna be safe now.

You're safe.

We just paired! I'm a brawler!

I'm a brawler now!

Alright kid, let's get out of here.

Let's lose these jokers.

I can't believe this is happening!

Tyrannosaurus flex! Down there!

I see them. There you are!

How did you get away? How do you think?

Trox and I just paired!

Trox? That's your name? -Yeah.

By the way, I'm sorry that I attacked everyone earlier.

It's okay. When I first came to Earth, I completely vaporized a

basketball. -What is a basketball?

Something that looks very dangerous.

Hold up. Has anyone see Dan and Drago?

Mia? You guys okay?

Yeah, we're all fine.

Ventri and I are with Griffin and Trox.

Who's Trox?

The dino Bakugan. Helped Griffin get away!

What about you? Are you safe?

Nothing to worry about. Meet you at the hideout soon.

Okay. They've gotta be

around here somewhere!

Did you say nothing to worry about?

You spoke too soon.

Oh boy.

They're down there, below the overpass!

You're right. We do have something to worry about.

There you are! I've been looking for you two for a while now.

Us? Are you one of Chip's people?

No. The name's Kage.

And I want you to come with me.

Hurry! Let's move!

Looks like I found you just in time.

So, you comin'?

Do you think it's safe?

The last time I went through a portal I ended

up transported light years away from my home planet.

Over here! Now!

It doesn't seem like you have too much of a choice.

Come on, let's go! He's right, we don't.

It's our only option.

Come on, Drago! Quick!

Hey, hold it right there.

Bakugan en inglés

36 Episodios

  • Thanks for the support

    Thanks for the support

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Prank the prankster

    Prank the prankster

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Drink the burn

    Drink the burn

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • That hit the spot

    That hit the spot

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We're all in trouble

    We're all in trouble

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The best of the best

    The best of the best

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Flown off course

    Flown off course

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Sorry Mia's dad

    Sorry Mia's dad

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Hello? Mr. Mask Guy

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Neutralizer full power!

    Neutralizer full power!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • There is no Dr. Raptor

    There is no Dr. Raptor

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • The worst idea of all

    The worst idea of all

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • The sound of pickles

    The sound of pickles

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Off the radar

    Off the radar

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Eat meat

    Eat meat

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Octogon wrong!

    Octogon wrong!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Hard water

    Hard water

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Viva corndogs!

    Viva corndogs!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Throw some shade

    Throw some shade

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Mod alone

    Mod alone

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • A handful of gold!

    A handful of gold!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Rules are boring

    Rules are boring

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Bunch of misfits

    Bunch of misfits

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Brawl or nothing

    Brawl or nothing

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    ¡Tenía los dedos cruzados!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Por el destino del Clan Inadaptados

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • We are great with rodens!

    We are great with rodens!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Terrible bitter history

    Terrible bitter history

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Just jump in

    Just jump in

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • B.A.M. boost

    B.A.M. boost

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • You'r welcome

    You'r welcome

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Bombzookas away!

    Bombzookas away!

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • No take backsies

    No take backsies

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 22 sec

  • Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Tyrannosaurus Flex

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

  • Ready to rampage

    Ready to rampage

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Fire in the sky

    Fire in the sky

    Bakugan en inglés10 min, 51 sec

Bakugan en inglés - Tyrannosaurus Flex


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Bakugan en inglés

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra

Mediante una constante guerra entre los Bakugan, el uso de armamento experimental hace que estos sean transportados inadvertidamente a la Tierra. Las Baku-Balls caen del cielo como meteoritos y cuando las bolas se desenrollan, los humanos conocen por primera vez a los Bakugan.

En Clan TV Actualmente fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.