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  4. Big Blue en inglés - The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa
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    Seguir viendo Big Blue en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras! en clan
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  • Una verdadera casa de locos
  • Una verdadera casa de locos en inglés
Especialmente recomendado para la infancia The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa
Transcripción completa

# I said we’re divin deep down

# Gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) There’s a deep ocean world,

# waiting to be discovered

# A sea to see, secrets to be uncovered

# (Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me you, in The Big Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) ##

(Jazzy music)

Hey Big Blue! I'm Lea.

The famous singer and actress.

Do you have an act?

Then prove it on my new show: Now that's an act!

Strut your stuff in front of our live studio audience, and you can

win your very own show to feature your special act.


See you soon!

Yes! BB and I can finally share our martial arts routine with the world!

And I'll dazzle them with my blowhole flute.

Not as much as I can amaze them with my magic.

How about you, Lemo?

What's your act?

Um, well...

I thought I'd...

Maybe his act is disappearing.


All right Lemo.

Time to think up an act to win this thing.

How about...

(Electric guitar)

Too rockin'.

Check this out!

Hmmm... to explodey.

What to do? What to do?

I've got it. I'll check out the rest of the crew's acts.

That'll give me an idea for sure.

Arrrr! Their acts are amazing.

Magic, martial arts?

I don't even have a blowhole.

What am I gonna do?

Calm down, Lemo.

I'm sure you'll figure something out.

Besides, even if my act isn't great, how embarrassing could it be?

I'd like to introduce you to the one, the only, Lemo!

The least talented boy in the Big Blue!

(Crowd boos)

Sorry Lemo, but it's time to make your exit.

But you haven't seen the big ending...

Yeah, like any of that

would happen. I can't take that chance.

So many talents and I can't come up with one idea that that'll knock

their socks off?

I guess the dream is over, Merlin.

You always know the right thing to say.

(Electric guitar)

Merlin, you're dancing.

You hate dancing.

What's up? You have a sea flea.

A dancing sea flea.

That's it! A sea flea dancing to my tunes.

A winning act if I ever saw one.

Lemo's back, baby!

Hey guys, we're almost there.

Awesome! We don't have much time.

We need a name...

"The incredible Lemo and his dancing flea Sloan".

How's that sound? I can't tell if you're smiling or not.

I really should get you under a microscope before I ask you any

questions. Let's work on the act.

(Electric bagpipes)

What is that awful sound?!

Thank you, Remo, for that interesting performance.

It was a good try.

- What? It was perfect.

My mother said so.

- I hope her hearing improves!

- Nailed it.

- Up next, all the way from the Eastern Sea.

Presenting the Incredible Groupers!

Whoa. That guy is huge!

(Up-tempo music)


Beat that, little boy!

That makes no sense. You're shorter than me.

Hello, Big Blue!

I'm the incredible Lemo, and I would like to introduce you to the one and

only, Sloan!

The dancing flea.

And I will accompany Sloan with some tasty guitar licks.

(Electric guitar)

Uh... so where's Sloan?

What are you talking about?

She's right here.

Okay Sloan, do your stuff.

(Crowd boos)

She's right here.

Honest! You just need to zoom in closer!


I can't zoom in anymore!

(Crowd boos)

- Nice talent! Couldn't you find anything smaller than a flea?

Like a germ?! Haha!

Uh... be right back!

Actually, that's not how it works...

And he's gone. Who's next?

That miniature muscle-head thinks you're too small?

Well, not for long!

That crowd's not gonna know what hit 'em.

It's science time!

You sit right there Sloan, while yours truly gets down to work.

Now where's my fast growing kelp-corn serum?

Ah! Here we are!

Wait a second. It feels like I'm forgetting something

about this growth serum.

(BB giggles)

Maybe I overdid it just a little last time.

Now, before I forget...

Safety first Sloan!

There you go. Alright, buddy.

Hold on to your antenna.


Are you ready to show them what we got?


Woohoo! Sloan!

I'm so sorry! Are you okay?


Huh... That is one tough audience.

Hey guys. How'd it go?


(Blowhole flute)

Ahhh! Hey!

Hi-Ya! Hi-Ya!

This was not in my contract.

(Crowd scream)

Not great...

Speak for yourself.

If we get more sea tomatoes thrown at us, we can make salsa.

Where are you going?

I'm going back. I have to finish my act.

Are you nuts?

Who knows what they'll throw at us next!

Oooh. Have them throw tortilla chips for our salsa.

Ahh, we'll be fine.

We're gonna win ourselves that TV show.Right, Sloan?

Err, why does Sloan look bigger?

Cause she is.

Remember when I accidentally used my kelp-corn growth serum

on BB that time?

Don't tell me you...

Sloan was too little to see,

and now she's not. Science!

Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?

Nah, don't worry.

I'll shrink Sloan back to size

after we show how dumb everyone was

by booing us off stage

by winning that prize.

Make way friends, so we may enchant the audience with our awesomeness.

Somehow I feel the world isn't ready for the awesomeness of Lemo.

Lemo! You're back.

And this time you've brought a... What is that?

It's my sea flea. She grew.

I've never seen a sea flea that big before.

It's well... impressive.

If you think that's impressive, just wait until you see her act.

It's gonna blow you away!

(Blows a raspberry)

Well, without further ado, I present the amazing Lemo!

And Sloan! His dancing sea flea.

Alright Sloan, it's go time.

(Electric guitar)

(Crowd boos)

Oh no! Sloan's still too small for the audience to see.

(Crowd boos)

Ladies and gentlemen, please stop.

You're upsetting Sloan.

Loud noises freak her out.

(Groupers laughing)

Ah! Get off! Get off! It was just the speaker.

It's okay. Stop biting.

Well, at least it's over now, right?

Alright Sloan.

They want you bigger than life.

We'll make you bigger than life.

It's that time you've all been waiting for...

(Crowd cheering)

The winner of "Now That's an Act" is the incredible...

I'm riding her!

(Sloan growls)

(Crowd scream)

Is there room for one more in there?

Whoa! You know, maybe this wasn't such a good idea, whoa!!

Uh oh! I may have used too much growth serum.

Yeah, definitely too much growth serum.

(People screaming)

(Sloan growls)

Okay Sloan, calm down.

We just gotta hold her until the growth serum wears off.

Any more ideas?

Actually, yes! Stall!


How are we going to do that?

Okay sea flea, that is far enough...

(Sloan growls)

(Mellow electric guitar)

Wait! I realized something.

I got caught up in thinking that I don't have an act,

and I went too far.

The truth is, I'm an amazing scientist who grew a sea flea

into monstrous proportions.

And if it wasn't so terrifying, it'd be amazing.

Okay. Do your worst.

(ALL) Awwww!

Nice job, little bro.

I'm amazed that after all that, they gave Lemo the grand prize.

His own show!

I can hardly wait.

My barnacles are on the edge of my seat.

What could it be?

Ooh! It's starting.

Howdy Big Blue!

I'm the incredible Lemo.

And this is my awesome show.

The "Clean up the mess you made with your giant flea show".

Watch for the next hour as I clean, sweep and sponge my way to

adventure. So stay tuned.

We'll be right back!

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times.

The world isn't ready for Lemo's awesomeness.

Hey, Captain. What happened to Sloan after she shrunk back down?

I wish I knew Phil.

I wish I knew.

Big Blue en inglés

52 Episodios

  • Hero boy

    Hero boy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A night at the theatre

    A night at the theatre

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • What's your vector, collector

    What's your vector, collector

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My dinner with Krill

    My dinner with Krill

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Captain Lemo

    Captain Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Game nightmare

    Game nightmare

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Faith in Freddie

    Faith in Freddie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Better never than late

    Better never than late

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Understudy buddy

    Understudy buddy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Mini mira (inglés)

    Mini mira (inglés)

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Dodge bubble

    Dodge bubble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Truthfully yours

    Truthfully yours

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Photo day disaster

    Photo day disaster

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Revenge of the sibs

    Revenge of the sibs

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • The experiment

    The experiment

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • There's no chair in team

    There's no chair in team

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fins up!

    Fins up!

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Goo in the loo

    Goo in the loo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Funderstruck


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettie vs Lemo

    Lettie vs Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettiebot


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Shell game

    Shell game

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The good, the bad and the goopy

    The good, the bad and the goopy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ooze on the loose

    Ooze on the loose

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Remora never more-a

    Remora never more-a

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Crying dutchman

    Crying dutchman

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Cruise control

    Cruise control

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Diary woes

    Diary woes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Walk the plank

    Walk the plank

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My lil' captain

    My lil' captain

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Losing Lemo

    Losing Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Engine trouble

    Engine trouble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Sub-divided


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Coral circuit

    Coral circuit

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Arlo and me

    Arlo and me

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Let it go Lemo

    Let it go Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A royal mistake

    A royal mistake

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • BB on board

    BB on board

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fraidy Phil

    Fraidy Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Jellyous


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Plant in the pipes

    Plant in the pipes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Frenemies


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Let's get kraken

    Let's get kraken

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Return of the blegh

    Return of the blegh

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ready steady lettie

    Ready steady lettie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Captain bossy fins

    Captain bossy fins

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Baby bro no more

    Baby bro no more

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lemo vs Phil

    Lemo vs Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Busted


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Big Blue en inglés - The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current, compuesta por el equipo de hermanos Lettie y Lemo, el capitán de la tripulación y el oficial científico, respectivamente, la tortuga Freddie, un delfín nervioso llamado Phil y Bacon Berry, un guardián mágico infantil de origen y poder misteriosos.

En Clan TV Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.