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  4. Big Blue en inglés - Lemo vs Phil
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Especialmente recomendado para la infancia Lemo vs Phil
Transcripción completa

I said we’re divin deep down

Gonna get to the bottom of it

(Me, you, in The Big Blue)

There’s a deep ocean world, waiting to be discovered

(Me, you, in The Big Blue)

A sea to see, secrets to be uncovered

(Me, you, in The Big Blue)

I said we’re divin deep down, gonna get to the bottom of it

(Me, you, in The Big Blue)

I said we’re divin deep down, gonna get to the bottom of it

(Me, you, in The Big Blue)

You left your beakers in the shower again.

Where else was I going to put it?

Here's an idea.

Put those back! You have no right to touch my stuff.

No. You have no right to leave it there.

Besides, it was your turn to clean the shower.

Check the chalk chart. It's your turn.

Where's the chore chart?

Are you using the chalk chart as a napkin?

What do you know?

It is the chore chart.

Well, I guess that's just how I roll.

You're always making a guess.

Why don't you do it the Phil way?

Why can't you relax once in a while and do it

the Lemo way?


Hey, don't me.

Wow. That sure was hard to watch.

I know. Who leaves half asea milkshake?

This has gone on long enough.

You two need to start getting along because

you're driving us bonkers.

Well, if king messy pants here would

just learn to do things the fail way.

Me? More like it's captain boring here

could learn to do things the Lemo way.

I'm saying no way to the Lemo way.

My way. -My way.

-No, my way, Phil way.

If we want any peace and quiet around here,

we're going to have to resort to the Lettie way.

It's mission time.

I can't believe Lettie sent us both to get sea milk.

Well, if somebody hadn't used all the sea cow mill

to make a milkshake!

What's with the giant bag?

It's my ready for anything bag.

You can never be too prepared.

That's the Phil way.

You're doing your experiments on the dashboard.

It stinks.

So sorry.

I wouldn't have to do this if someone hadn't thrown

my experiment in the trash.

Let's just get this mission over with.

Oh, wait a sec.

What's that weird noise?

That weird noise is the sweet sound of my blowhole whistling.

It's something I do to relax.

Well, knock it off. It's annoying.

Sorry. I can't hear you over the melodious tunes of my blowhole.

And I'm ignoring you.

Well, here's how I relax.

(Various sounds)


I can't see!


You crashed the ship!

Because I couldn't see where I was going.

Thanks to your experiment,

it was your dumb way of doing things that

made us crash!

Yeah, well, my experiment wouldn't have blown up if I could spread out.

But, no, your bag had to take up all the space.

Who brings their laboratory in a mini sub?

I wouldn't have had to bring something

to do if you weren't so boring.

Well, maybe I should have filled the bag with sea milkshakes

in case you got bored.

That's it! Give me that!

Let go!

(Tense music)


Look what you did!

Look what I did?

Well, it's definitely not my fault.

How are we going to get out of here?


Get me out of here.

I can't be stuck with him.

You're finished?

How'd that work out go for you?

Face it, we're stuck here.


Where's my ready for anything bag?

I bet it wasn't ready to be stuck up there, huh?

What are you doing?

I'm using the street light to divide the crater in half.

This is Phil Town, where we do things the Phil way.

And you're not welcome.


Well, I'm going over there to Lemo

World, which is way better than a town.

And Lemo World has a strict, no Phils

policy where we do things that Lemo way.

Unless you have a way to call Lettie to come get us.

I don't.



You're wasting your time.

As soon as the others realize we're missing, they'll come and get us.

You sure about that?

I have no doubt they're hard at work trying to rescue us.


This is so hard.

I wonder how the boys are getting along.

Best 11 out of 20.


There, what?

How did you build that?

I'm a super genius, remember?

It was easy.

Well, I could teach you to do things the Lemo way.

No, thank you.

Are you actually tidying up the ground?

I'm organizing.

What if I want to know where something is?

You get it, don't you? Sticky.

You're right, partner!

Unbelievable. Now he's talking to sticks.

Can you believe that, Dwayne?

I think he's losing it.

But that's just my opinion.

You said it, buddy.

Phil, you want to share?

I would, but it's here with me in Phil

Town, and there are no Lemos allowed.

Sorry. Fine.

I'll find my own lunch.

What the...?


I found some lunch.

You're not the only one with skills.

Back in kindergarten, I was seaweed ball champion.

You want to do it that way?

It's on.

This is for never taking anything seriously.

This is for always being so up tight.

You missed.

Oh, did I?

Oh, sticky.

I'm here, Phil.

I feel a little lightheaded.

Check it out.

Dwayne, h'es out of friends!

Oh, I have tons of friends here at Lemo World.

I'm going to grind Lemo World to dust

Not if I smash Phil Town first.

Why is the ground shaking?

I don't think these are sticks.

These might belong to him.

Kind of feels like we've forgotten about something.

Please, Lettie, I am trying to concentrate.

I have to win this.

Me win.

Uh, that's 51 out of 100.


I'm sorry, Lemo.

You were right.

We don't always have to do things the Phil way.

I'm the one who should apologize

for wanting to do things to Lemo Way and for being so messy.

I'm only that she helps me think.

Then think of a way out of this!

That's it.

I can reach my helmet to launch us out of here.

But what am I going to find? 30 more feet of rope.

Okay. I'll fix the it.

You keep them busy.

All right. Go for it Lemo!

Hang on.

Keep him busy?


Keep it up buddy!


Now to test it.

There's no time, we gotta go Lemo!

Oh, come on, Bibi.

Just one more game.

It could be the best 501 out of a thousand.

I'm telling you, buddy, that hammock idea

was genius!

And I'm telling you,

I never would have been able to pull it off

if you hadn't gathered all that seaweed.

Well, it looks like you two are finally getting along again.

We learned it's not the Phil way or the Lemo way.

It's the Phlemo way!

Okay, whatever.

I'm just glad you're both working together again.

So where's the sea cow milk?

All right, buddy.

What's on the map?


Big Blue en inglés

52 Episodios

  • Hero boy

    Hero boy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A night at the theatre

    A night at the theatre

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • What's your vector, collector

    What's your vector, collector

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My dinner with Krill

    My dinner with Krill

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Captain Lemo

    Captain Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Game nightmare

    Game nightmare

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Faith in Freddie

    Faith in Freddie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Better never than late

    Better never than late

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Understudy buddy

    Understudy buddy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Mini mira (inglés)

    Mini mira (inglés)

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Dodge bubble

    Dodge bubble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Truthfully yours

    Truthfully yours

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Photo day disaster

    Photo day disaster

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Revenge of the sibs

    Revenge of the sibs

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • The experiment

    The experiment

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • There's no chair in team

    There's no chair in team

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fins up!

    Fins up!

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Goo in the loo

    Goo in the loo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Funderstruck


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettie vs Lemo

    Lettie vs Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettiebot


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Shell game

    Shell game

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The good, the bad and the goopy

    The good, the bad and the goopy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ooze on the loose

    Ooze on the loose

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Remora never more-a

    Remora never more-a

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Crying dutchman

    Crying dutchman

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Cruise control

    Cruise control

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Diary woes

    Diary woes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Walk the plank

    Walk the plank

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My lil' captain

    My lil' captain

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Losing Lemo

    Losing Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Engine trouble

    Engine trouble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Sub-divided


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Coral circuit

    Coral circuit

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Arlo and me

    Arlo and me

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Let it go Lemo

    Let it go Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A royal mistake

    A royal mistake

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • BB on board

    BB on board

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fraidy Phil

    Fraidy Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Jellyous


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Plant in the pipes

    Plant in the pipes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Frenemies


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Let's get kraken

    Let's get kraken

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Return of the blegh

    Return of the blegh

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ready steady lettie

    Ready steady lettie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Captain bossy fins

    Captain bossy fins

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Baby bro no more

    Baby bro no more

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lemo vs Phil

    Lemo vs Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Busted


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Big Blue en inglés - Lemo vs Phil


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current, compuesta por el equipo de hermanos Lettie y Lemo, el capitán de la tripulación y el oficial científico, respectivamente, la tortuga Freddie, un delfín nervioso llamado Phil y Bacon Berry, un guardián mágico infantil de origen y poder misteriosos.

En Clan TV Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.

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