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  4. Big Blue en inglés - Losing Lemo
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    Seguir viendo Big Blue en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras! en clan
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Especialmente recomendado para la infancia Losing Lemo
Transcripción completa

# I said we’re divin deep down

# Gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) There’s a deep ocean world,

# waiting to be discovered

# A sea to see, secrets to be uncovered

# (Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me you, in The Big Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) ##

Dodge bubble!

Oh, let me in, Freddy.

Let me in!



Let me guess. Another one of your crazy little inventions that defies


No, no, no. It's Lemo logic.

My research shows that when fun molecules collide in the brain, you

come up with amazing ideas.

Do I look like I am having fun?

Why can't you just do your work?

This is my work.

I'm the science officer and I'm doing science.

If you don't start taking things seriously, they're never going to

want you at the UCHQ.


Lemo, I'm glad I caught you.

We need your fun brand of science at UCHQ, right away!


Turns out the U.S.

saw my experiment on the effects of music on plant growth.

(Guitar cords)

And now you get to intern at HQ alongside Admiral Krill and

Commander Plank.

Yep. And I'm putting you two guys in charge of continuing the fun

while I'm gone.

Really? Us.

And that's why I'm entrusting you guys with my most prized


Your vintage whoopee cushion?

We're not worthy.

I will guard this with my life.


What's the matter, Lettie?

Aren't you happy for me?

Of course I am.

But they're pretty serious over at the U.C.

Baby bro. They may not be ready for your Lemo way of doing things.

No, no, no. It's Lemo logic.

I'm not a baby, Lettie.

I can be serious, too.

Now help me decide.

Should I bring Dolphin Duffy or Kid Hammer?

I'll bring them both.

Welcome to the United Current headquarters.

This is so cool.

I can't believe I got my training epaulette.

Glad you dig the uniform.

You're officially an intern now.

We're hoping for big things from you.

Big things.

It's gotten a little stale around here, and we're hoping your funny

way of thinking could bring a little joy.

You mean logic?

Yes. We're hoping your logic can help lighten things up.

Here's your station. We need your help concerning Dudleyville one of

the human colonies.


It is cool.

Unfortunately, it's smack dab in the middle of jellyfish bloom.

If too many jellyfish end up on top of the protective dome...

It would crack wide open in the city would be flooded.


Jellyfish React to light and sound.

Check it out.


How about we create something that pumps out a selection of my sick

tunes and lures the jellyfish around the dome?

That's the most ludicrous suggestion I have ever heard.

And it is exactly why you're here.

I love it.

Awesome. I have just the design for the job.

Oh, yeah. Looking good.


Let's hear it for level logic.

Everyone, this is Remo.

He's our science officer while Lemo is gone.

Greetings. I look forward to an efficient and productive time spent


Nice to meet you too, Remo.

I don't shake fins.

You don't?

Not unless I'm trying to get sick.

Shaking fins is the easiest way to spread germs.

It's what they want you to do.

Let me show you your station.

Oh, no. You were working with the germs.


Sorry I'm late for the meeting, everyone.

Sometimes I wish the U.C.

headquarters wasn't so large and my legs weren't so short.

Lemo, look what you've done.

This is absolutely ingenious.

With this super advanced mobility bubble, I'll be able to get around

the office in half the time.

Half the time!

So, Remo, we know it's tough to come to a new place, so I baked you

some "Welcome to the Calypso" cookies.

I'm afraid I must decline your offer.

You don't like cookies?

A sugar crash can leave you with less energy than before.

Thank you. I'm certain that they were delicious.

Five second rule.

And so I have calculated the exact trajectory for launching food and

supplies into Dudleyville.

Oh, Lemo!


That was fantastic!

Tremendous work.

I've already eaten my lunch and I've barely sat down.

A grand day for the U.C.

No more cutlery to wash.

This is sure to put a smile on Remo's face.

If you want You guys can put one on my chair.

Oh, it's not the same.


Okay. I guess it is.

Action Figure controller.

Comics. Assorted merriment and one box of markers.

That's all the fine items on the ship, if you can call them that.

Uh, this guy is a stick in the mud.

I miss Lemo.

Don't you think you've sharpened enough pencils, Lemo?

I'm afraid not.

One can never be too prepared.

It's a call from Remo.

He's probably homesick.

Hey, little bro. How's it going?

I'm great.

You are?

They aren't forcing you to take things more seriously over there?

Not at all. They love me here.


It's a Lemo Fest.

In fact, I just saved a town from a jellyfish bloom with a giant

mechanical statue of me.

Oh, that's super.

Anyway, I got to go.

I got a meeting with Admiral Krill.

Probably wants to ask me to stay here full time.

Don't you guys have too much fun without me.

Don't worry, we won't.

Let's keep those personal calls to a minimum.

How can I help you, sir?

Is this about giving me a corner office?

Because while I am flattered, it is just my first day.

Lemo. I want you to hear something.


Sounds like they're using Lemo Logic, sir.

Exactly. There's just one little problem.

You're the only one who actually gets stuff done using Lemo logic.

Since you've arrived, productivity is down 60%.

The crew is having too much fun.

I need you to take your work seriously.

Seriously? That's just what Lettie's always saying,

Smart girl.


You can count on me, sir.

From now on, you won't hear a...

Oh, no. That's my Dudleyville p roject.

What's happening?

Those jellyfish are going to break the dome.

I thought your music statue was supposed to lure them around the


Yeah, if there are only a few at a time.

But I don't know why there are so many. Oh, no.

I had the power turned up too high.

The music attracted jellyfish from miles around,

So hit the off switch already.

Off switch.

Ah, I knew I forgot something.

Well, look at that.

It all worked out anyway.

We need to get those jellyfish off the dome right now.

Okay. Okay. Let me think of a plan.

There's no time.

Red alert!

The Dudleyville Dome is breaking, and we need your help.

We're on it, Admiral.


Okay, crew, we need to get those jellyfish off the city dome.

Deploy the grabber.

Oh. That's it!

I think we might have to reassess the plans for Lemo.

I've crunched the numbers.

The dome can't handle this many jellyfish, for that matter, neither

can the Calypso.

We have a mission.

People are counting on us.

Captain, this is against all protocols.

We must retreat.

The crack is getting bigger.

The dome is gonna break.

The emergency guidebook says we should use an official dome filler,

but it'll take two days to ship from the warehouse.

Unless we get overnight shipping.

Calypso. Don't worry, guys.

I got this.

(ALL) Whoa!

Guys, move out of the way.

I'm serving up a large order of double bubble to go.

What's he doing?

What he always does.

You got this, bro.

We're getting out of the way.

(Action music)


Yes, that was amazing.


Lemo. Your unconventional Lemo logic did indeed save the day.

I would like to offer you a permanent position with us at the

United Current headquarters.

Thank you, sir, but I'd like to request permission to return to the

Calypso. I thought I had it all figured out, but it turns out I

don't got this. Not yet.

My place is with them.

That's a very mature decision.

Even if it is because you just want to goof around some more.

What can I say?

But what will happen with Remo, sir?

We'll find a place for him.

Now, this is fun.

Big Blue en inglés

52 Episodios

  • Hero boy

    Hero boy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A night at the theatre

    A night at the theatre

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • What's your vector, collector

    What's your vector, collector

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My dinner with Krill

    My dinner with Krill

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Captain Lemo

    Captain Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Game nightmare

    Game nightmare

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Faith in Freddie

    Faith in Freddie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Better never than late

    Better never than late

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Understudy buddy

    Understudy buddy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Mini mira (inglés)

    Mini mira (inglés)

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Dodge bubble

    Dodge bubble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Truthfully yours

    Truthfully yours

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Photo day disaster

    Photo day disaster

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Revenge of the sibs

    Revenge of the sibs

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • The experiment

    The experiment

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • There's no chair in team

    There's no chair in team

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fins up!

    Fins up!

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Goo in the loo

    Goo in the loo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Funderstruck


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettie vs Lemo

    Lettie vs Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettiebot


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Shell game

    Shell game

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The good, the bad and the goopy

    The good, the bad and the goopy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ooze on the loose

    Ooze on the loose

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Remora never more-a

    Remora never more-a

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Crying dutchman

    Crying dutchman

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Cruise control

    Cruise control

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Diary woes

    Diary woes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Walk the plank

    Walk the plank

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My lil' captain

    My lil' captain

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Losing Lemo

    Losing Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Engine trouble

    Engine trouble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Sub-divided


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Coral circuit

    Coral circuit

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Arlo and me

    Arlo and me

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Let it go Lemo

    Let it go Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A royal mistake

    A royal mistake

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • BB on board

    BB on board

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fraidy Phil

    Fraidy Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Jellyous


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Plant in the pipes

    Plant in the pipes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Frenemies


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Let's get kraken

    Let's get kraken

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Return of the blegh

    Return of the blegh

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ready steady lettie

    Ready steady lettie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Captain bossy fins

    Captain bossy fins

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Baby bro no more

    Baby bro no more

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lemo vs Phil

    Lemo vs Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Busted


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Big Blue en inglés - Losing Lemo


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current, compuesta por el equipo de hermanos Lettie y Lemo, el capitán de la tripulación y el oficial científico, respectivamente, la tortuga Freddie, un delfín nervioso llamado Phil y Bacon Berry, un guardián mágico infantil de origen y poder misteriosos.

En Clan TV Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.

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