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  4. Big Blue en inglés - Mini mira (inglés)
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    Seguir viendo Big Blue en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras! en clan
    Equipo Rubble en inglés
  • Una verdadera casa de locos
  • Una verdadera casa de locos en inglés
Especialmente recomendado para la infancia Mini mira (inglés)
Transcripción completa

# I said we’re divin deep down

# Gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) There’s a deep ocean world,

# waiting to be discovered

# A sea to see, secrets to be uncovered

# (Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me you, in The Big Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) ##

Uh, we've got to catch that.

Yep. A lion's mane.

Jellyfish. Fiercely strong and incredibly dangerous.

This is going to be fun.

Okay, baby. We'll be right back after we take care of a nasty

jellyfish. Don't worry.

The U.C. is sending you a great babysitter.

And we promise we'll try not to be eaten.

Hey, what's wrong with you? Don't listen to Lemmo.

Here, I got your favorite Mr.

Kelp scout cookies.

Kelp cookies. My secret weapon.

I always have one handy.

Great. Babysitter's here.

Ahoy. Captain Loser.

Oh, I mean Letty.



Oh, The United Current told me you needed some help.

And you know me.

Always ready to swoop in and solve your problem.

Why did the U.C.

have to send my academy archenemy to babysit Bebe?

Why do you still have that?

Uh, never mind.

Captain, we have to go now.

And who knows?

Maybe BB will like her.

As challenging as BB is?

Doubt it.

Okay, Mira, if you're going to babysit Bacon Berry, here are the

do's and don'ts of caring for BB.

All 400 of them.

Rule number one.

BB's favorite snack is Mr.

Kelp's kelp cookies.

She may have one cookie, unless she's really good...

In which case you can have one cookie and the satisfaction of

being so well behaved.

Guys, that jellyfish waits for no one.

We've got to leave now.

Okay, Mira. She's all yours.

Hey, kid, come here.

Why won't she come to me?

Oh, your baby sister's broken.

Come on, Mira, We need to go on a mission.

Listen, BB, I know you don't like it when I have to go out, but it's

to keep you and the big blue safe.

And I'll be back soon.

Take it easy on her cutie pie.

Captain. The currents are changing.

If we don't leave this second, that jellyfish will be on to

terrorizing another part of the big blue.


So what do you do for fun around here?

Video games, Weightlifting?

- Hockey?

Ha! No way Mira can handle BB this close to nap time.

Hope she follows all 31 bedtime steps.

Well, now that we know Bibi is safe, let's go show this jellyfish

who's boss. Man, that jellyfish showed us

who's boss.

Ugh. I can't believe we lost the jellyfish and got covered in its


Good thing Phil was there to bust us out.

We're going to need more towels.

It's a text from Admiral Krill.

He wants to know how the mission went.

Sorry, Admiral.

The situation got a little...


Where's BB? I thought you said she'd be wailing and screaming.

Total silence. Rules are in the trash.

Something's wrong.

Very wrong.

BB, are you okay?

And they all lived happily ever after the end.

Hang on. BB's not upset?


Yeah. BB only gets calmed down in Lettie's arms.

What weird manta ray magic is this?

No magic.

I guess I'm just better than you at literally everything.


What about the cello?

Lemo quit encouraging her.

(BB crying)

It's okay, BB.

Oh, come to me, sweetie.

There we go.

She stopped her from crying.

I did it first, and I would have nailed it if she hadn't cut in.

BB and I are in sync.

BB, want to show Lettie?

Could you nail this?



Wow. Adorable.

Like a mini mirror.

Captain Levy. You can report on your mission failure in the

morning. Oh kelp!

Thanks, but BB's actual sister is back, so, bye bye.


Fine. I'm out of here.

- I want Mira!

Want Mira!

Captain. Permission to leave?


Denied! Everyone remain calm.

BB will settle any second now.

Want Mira, Mira...

Mira want...

I want Mira...

I don't know what to do.

She's been screaming for Mira all night.

You again? What do you want?

Uh, nothing.

You guys called me.


Lettie. We're exhausted.

I called Mirra.

Someone has to put BB to bed.

Uh, yeah. Me!

I'm the BB whisperer.

Bring it in, Bibi.

Over here, cutie pie.

BB, come to Mira.


There, there... All better.

Minnie Mira...

Thanks for the assist. See ya.

(BB crying)

Okay. Lemo. We got it.

BB really likes Mira, and I hate it.

Happy now?

I guess you were right.

Maybe Mira is more fun than I am.

I need to take a walk and clear my head.

Do you mind watching BB while I'm out?

Sure. There's literally nothing easier than taking care of a


Lettie, while you're out, get some more cookies.

Why does Mira have to be better than me at everything?

Man, I'm good with kids.

Kids like me, right?

Oh, barnacles.

Maybe kids don't like me after all.

Well, at least I can help out with our cookie shortage problem.

I may not be able to get Bibi to bed, but at least I can get her

favorite snacks.

How are we out of cookies again?

Oh, BB and I used to play like that ...

Before Mira butted in.


Nothing can ease the pain in my heart.

Not even the briny tang of...

ah! Giant jellyfish!

Hey. Drop it.

I got these cookies from my baby sister.

You big jellyfish bullie!

Calypso. I need help.

Oh, come on, Lettie, we just got settled in.

Can't we just send Mira?

No. Anybody but Mira.

Now move.

Gotta go save Lettie.

Won't take long, though.

We're kind of experts at it.

Sure. Whatever.

Uh, Mira...

You are all trapped now, aren't you?


Tentacles off.

Hey, it's eating the cookies!

Can't blame a jellyfish.

They are delicious.

Captain. Crazy idea.

But just give him the cookies before he slaps us again.

Don't you get it?

The cookies are the appetizer.

We're the main course.

Jellyfish or you're toast.

Don't worry, guys.

BB and I will save you.

Lemo. I said anyone but Mira.

Check it out. Mini Mira.

This is how a real hero works.



So cool.

Very stylish.

Can we just get this rescue over with?

Time to do Letty's job again.


She's hiding cookies in her uniform.

That's how you had BB wrapped around your pectoral fin.


So I bribed her.

So what?

Point is, BB likes me better than you.

I'll even prove it.

BB. Help!

No, BB, help me!

Think of all we've been through.

Wow. It's almost like BB has to choose which one she loves more.



Oh, come on.

What's the hold up?

Cut me loose.

Oh, no, I know that look.

BB's gonna blow!



And that's why you don't give her too many cookies.


Come on, kid. Let's do this.


Who knew jellyfish liked cookies so much?

Jellyfish don't normally care for sweets, but this big guy seems to

be an exception.

Captain Lettie to UCHQ.

I need a containment team at the market district.

We found the lion's mane.

Jellyfish. And Captain Clearwater is keeping it busy.

Um, excuse me?

Well, you are the expert at using cookies to get the job done.

If you think I'm going to sit here and just...

All right, crew.

Let's get out of here.

BB. Sorry.

It's okay, BB.

I love cookies, too, but not as much as I love you, cutie


I told you, I don't have any more cookies.

Big Blue en inglés

52 Episodios

  • Hero boy

    Hero boy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A night at the theatre

    A night at the theatre

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • What's your vector, collector

    What's your vector, collector

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My dinner with Krill

    My dinner with Krill

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Captain Lemo

    Captain Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Game nightmare

    Game nightmare

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Faith in Freddie

    Faith in Freddie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Better never than late

    Better never than late

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Understudy buddy

    Understudy buddy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Mini mira (inglés)

    Mini mira (inglés)

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Dodge bubble

    Dodge bubble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Truthfully yours

    Truthfully yours

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Photo day disaster

    Photo day disaster

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Revenge of the sibs

    Revenge of the sibs

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • The experiment

    The experiment

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • There's no chair in team

    There's no chair in team

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fins up!

    Fins up!

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Goo in the loo

    Goo in the loo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Funderstruck


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettie vs Lemo

    Lettie vs Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettiebot


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Shell game

    Shell game

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The good, the bad and the goopy

    The good, the bad and the goopy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ooze on the loose

    Ooze on the loose

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Remora never more-a

    Remora never more-a

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Crying dutchman

    Crying dutchman

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Cruise control

    Cruise control

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Diary woes

    Diary woes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Walk the plank

    Walk the plank

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My lil' captain

    My lil' captain

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Losing Lemo

    Losing Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Engine trouble

    Engine trouble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Sub-divided


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Coral circuit

    Coral circuit

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Arlo and me

    Arlo and me

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Let it go Lemo

    Let it go Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A royal mistake

    A royal mistake

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • BB on board

    BB on board

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fraidy Phil

    Fraidy Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Jellyous


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Plant in the pipes

    Plant in the pipes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Frenemies


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Let's get kraken

    Let's get kraken

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Return of the blegh

    Return of the blegh

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ready steady lettie

    Ready steady lettie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Captain bossy fins

    Captain bossy fins

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Baby bro no more

    Baby bro no more

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lemo vs Phil

    Lemo vs Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Busted


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Big Blue en inglés - Mini mira (inglés)


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current, compuesta por el equipo de hermanos Lettie y Lemo, el capitán de la tripulación y el oficial científico, respectivamente, la tortuga Freddie, un delfín nervioso llamado Phil y Bacon Berry, un guardián mágico infantil de origen y poder misteriosos.

En Clan TV Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.

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