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  4. Big Blue en inglés - Now you sea ghosts, now you don't
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    Seguir viendo Big Blue en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras! en clan
    Equipo Rubble en inglés
  • Una verdadera casa de locos
  • Una verdadera casa de locos en inglés
Especialmente recomendado para la infancia Now you sea ghosts, now you don't
Transcripción completa

# I said we’re divin deep down

# Gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) There’s a deep ocean world,

# waiting to be discovered

# A sea to see, secrets to be uncovered

# (Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me you, in The Big Blue) I said we’re divin deep down,

# gonna get to the bottom of it

# (Me, you, in The Big Blue) ##

We now return to the mysterious aquatic world of Dr. McGuirk.

And I'm your host, Dr. McGuirk,

your Big Blue archeologist and renowned mystery hunter.

Today we have a special episode for you.

We are exploring the ancient ruins of what our ancestors call the

shopping mall, where we hope to uncover

treasures beyond imagination.

We're ready to enter the main chamber.

Discovery awaits.

Fascinating. I've never seen that.

Aaaahhhh! Run for your lives!

- That was two days ago.

And no one has seen or heard from Dr. McGuirk.

Have you tried texting?

The UC has been asked to find the good doctor

and return him to safety.

But sadly, I can't get anyone to go near the place.

They think it's haunted.

A haunted ruin?!

Awesome! We're in!

Don't worry, sir. You can count on us.

We'll find your missing archaeologist.

I know you will.

Good luck, Calypso.

Didn't you hear what the Admiral just said?

That place is haunted.

It's probably crawling with ghosts.

Phil, there's no such thing as ghosts.

This is our chance to rescue someone while we come face to face

with history.

Or die trying.

Guys, don't argue.

We can rescue someone and die trying.

We can do both. Everyone wins.


All right crew, bubble up.

We're here. They weren't kidding.

This place is ancient.

And creepy.

It's probably full of ghosts.

Ghost doors!!

Those aren't ghost doors.

They're just automatic doors that don't have handles.

Ooooh, Spooky.

Just like the doors on the Calypso.

Wait, I take that back.

Actually, it's not spooky at all.

Why would a door not have handles?

Uh, well...

Primitive humans couldn't open doors because they didn't have thumbs.

That's not true.

Stop talking junk.

I can junk talk all I want.

I'm a scientist, and science is always right.

(Mysterious music)

(Faint sound of country music)

Do you hear that?

All I hear is Phil's teeth chattering.

No, not that.

Oh, now I hear it.

It's ghost music.

No, it isn't.

There is no such thing as ghost music.

Yeah, because ghosts can't hold instruments

with their creepy ghost limbs.

No, because ghosts don't exist.

Hey, check this out.

An ancient map of the ruin.

This is so cool!

Come on. Let's look around and find that missing archaeologist.

Um, look around?

Are you nuts? This place is clearly haunted.

We're in a giant tomb.

(Phil's voice echoes)

Whoa! So cool!

Let me try.


(Echo) Barnacles.

Pretty neat, huh?

Sure is...

Phil, we aren't leaving until we find him.

And since Lemo here is the expert, he's going to go with you up there.

While the rest of us go this way.

Wait! What? We're splitting up?

We need to cover more ground.

Just meet us back at this fountain in an hour.



Come on.

No way. I'm staying right here, thank you very much.

If you'd rather be alone.


Ah, it's a ghost nest!

It's not a ghost nest!

And besides, ghosts don't lay eggs.

Just keep your eyes peeled for the missing archaeologist.

He's got to be around here somewhere.

Unless he's been taken captive by the ghosts and forced to do their

spooky bidding.

Spooky bidding? Like what?

Huh! Laundry?

You know, you're right!

This place is full of ghosts, just waiting to catch people and make

them do household chores.

It is?

I bet they're watching us right now.

Go ahead, ghosts!

Reveal yourselves!

Come on! We're right here!

Whatcha waiting for?

See? I told you...

Attention, shoppers! The mall is closing in half an hour.

Aaahh! Zombies!

Phil, it's just a dumb recording, get back here.

This place is actually kind of cool.

Huh? There's that weird song again.

Ancient human music sure was strange.

Well, BB seems to really like it.

(BB giggles)

Woah! Check it out.

(BOTH) Are you thinking what I'm thinking...?

(BOTH) Woohoo!! Wahooo! Yes!

(ALL) Aaaahhh!!


Phil! Stop!

And spend the rest of my life cleaning and cooking for spirits

from beyond the grave?

No way!

You don't know how to cook!

I was planning on learning.

(BOTH) Whoaaaaa!!!

You okay?

I think so.

Huh! The ghost music!

It's not ghost music, Phil.

It's just lousy music coming from this old speaker.

(Country music)

See? I told you there weren't any ghosts!

Science wins!

So you really don't believe in ghosts?

Of course not!

I only believe in things that are scientifically probable.

Like aliens or zombies.

You believe in zombies?

Sure. Who doesn't?

That is so much scarier than ghosts.

Phil, relax.

The odds of running into a zombie are extremely low.

They hide away in the most remote places imaginable.

Like an ancient abandoned mall.

(Loud bangs)

Lettie? Is that you?

(BOTH) Aaaahhh!! Zombies!

We're really trapped now!

M-m-m-maybe it doesn't know we're up here.

(BOTH) Phew!!

I can't take it no more.

Lemo! Get us out of here.

I'm not waiting around for a zombie to jam a straw in our heads and suck

out our brains like a juice box.

Ugh, like a juice box?

Now get your head in the game.

Use your Lemo-logic and get us out of here!

Hmm... I have an idea.

Lemo-logic isn't always glamorous.

But it gets the job done.

Aaaah, we did it!

Do you hear that?

Yeah, sorry!

When I get nervous, I get gassy.

Not that. It's that strange music again.

And it's not on the speaker. Come on!


The zombie nest must be close!

Then why are we going toward it?

If we destroy the nest, the zombies will be powerless.

I thought everyone knew that.

And we're gonna do this unarmed?

Hmm... hold that thought.

How's that for armed?

Let's do this thing!

(Spooky music)

This is it! Are you ready?

Because you're going first.

Wait! What?

What in the barnacles is this place?

I've seen it in the history books.

Land dwelling humans never had shell-phones, so they had to play

video games in what they call an ar-ca-de.

You mean arcade?

We are standing amongst history.


Now let's smash this place up.

(BOTH) Aaaahhh!! Uhhh... Hmm...

Hey, guys! You finally made it.

Freddie? BB?

What are you doing here?

Took you long enough.

Found our missing scientist.

Shh! I've almost got this! Ugh...

Captain! Dr. McGuirk? You're okay!

Oh, hi! Got any quarters?

No... We're here to take you home.

I can't leave yet.

I don't have enough tickets for the beach ball!

I'm really confused.

So zombies weren't trying to eat your brains?

No zombies here Mr. Dolphin.

Just ancient pizza entertainment robots.

The what now?

(Country music)

Hey! Looks like the one o'clock show is starting.

(BB giggles)


- It's a marvel these old robots still function after all this time.

I think they simply mistook us for potential customers and brought us

here to feed and entertain us.

I believe I ordered a kelp shake.

So... there wasn't any zombies after all?

Or ghosts?

I guess we were being kinda silly.

That's for sure.

It's the sea goblins you really gotta worry about.

S-s-sea goblins?

Oh my, yes! They live in abandoned places just like this and are

attracted to the sounds of banjo music.

(BOTH) Aaahhh! Sea goblins! Runnnn!! Aaahhh!

- Hey, kid. Got any quarters?

- You managed to explore the entire ruin and rescue, Dr. McGuirk?

Well done!

Thank you, sir.

Frankly, I'm just relieved to hear that the ruin wasn't haunted.

Haunted? Not at all.

That place is a treasure trove

of primitive human culture and artifacts.

And it's also full of goblins!

Correction... Sea goblins.

Sea goblins?!

Aaahh! That's so much worse!

Big Blue en inglés

52 Episodios

  • Hero boy

    Hero boy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A night at the theatre

    A night at the theatre

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • What's your vector, collector

    What's your vector, collector

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My dinner with Krill

    My dinner with Krill

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Captain Lemo

    Captain Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Game nightmare

    Game nightmare

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Faith in Freddie

    Faith in Freddie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Better never than late

    Better never than late

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Understudy buddy

    Understudy buddy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Mini mira (inglés)

    Mini mira (inglés)

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Dodge bubble

    Dodge bubble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Truthfully yours

    Truthfully yours

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Photo day disaster

    Photo day disaster

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Revenge of the sibs

    Revenge of the sibs

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • The experiment

    The experiment

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • There's no chair in team

    There's no chair in team

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fins up!

    Fins up!

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Goo in the loo

    Goo in the loo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Funderstruck


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettie vs Lemo

    Lettie vs Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lettiebot


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Shell game

    Shell game

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The good, the bad and the goopy

    The good, the bad and the goopy

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ooze on the loose

    Ooze on the loose

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Remora never more-a

    Remora never more-a

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Crying dutchman

    Crying dutchman

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Cruise control

    Cruise control

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Diary woes

    Diary woes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Walk the plank

    Walk the plank

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • My lil' captain

    My lil' captain

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Losing Lemo

    Losing Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Engine trouble

    Engine trouble

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Sub-divided


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Coral circuit

    Coral circuit

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Arlo and me

    Arlo and me

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Let it go Lemo

    Let it go Lemo

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • A royal mistake

    A royal mistake

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • BB on board

    BB on board

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Fraidy Phil

    Fraidy Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Jellyous


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Plant in the pipes

    Plant in the pipes

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Frenemies


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Let's get kraken

    Let's get kraken

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Return of the blegh

    Return of the blegh

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Ready steady lettie

    Ready steady lettie

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Captain bossy fins

    Captain bossy fins

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Now you sea ghosts, now you don't

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Baby bro no more

    Baby bro no more

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    The incredible lemo and his dancing sea flea, sloa

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 48 sec

  • Lemo vs Phil

    Lemo vs Phil

    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Busted


    Big Blue en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Big Blue en inglés - Now you sea ghosts, now you don't


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos dise��ados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Big Blue en inglés

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current

Ambientada en un mundo submarino donde los humanos viven junto a criaturas marinas antropomórficas, Big Blue trata sobre la tripulación del submarino Calypso de United Current, compuesta por el equipo de hermanos Lettie y Lemo, el capitán de la tripulación y el oficial científico, respectivamente, la tortuga Freddie, un delfín nervioso llamado Phil y Bacon Berry, un guardián mágico infantil de origen y poder misteriosos.

En Clan TV Actualmente, fuera de emisión...¡pronto volverán sus aventuras!.

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