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  3. Una casa de locos en inglés
  4. Una casa de locos en inglés - Farsa familiar
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    Seguir viendo Una casa de locos en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Lunes a Viernes a las 14:40 y siempre en la web y apps del canal en clan
    Monster Shaker
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Para todos los públicos Farsa familiar
Transcripción completa

# Crashing through the crowded halls #

# Dodging girls like Ping-Pong balls #

# Just to reach the bathroom on time #

# Leaping over laundry piles #

# Diapers you can smell for miles #

# Guy's got to do what he can to survive #

# In the Loud house #

# In the Loud house #

# Duck, dodge, push, and shove #

# This is how we show our love #

# In the Loud house #

# In the Loud house #

# One boy and ten girls #

# Wouldn't trade it for the world #

# Loud Loud Loud #

# Loud house #


Lexie Rose, check.

Ashlyn, check. Lola Loud?

-Where's Miss Lola? -Can't see!

Too many feather boas!

-Whatcha... -Shh.

It's Cricket Van Doran, the pageant legend!

(SIGHS) She is so international!

Cricket's won every crown on every continent, including Little Miss Ice

Flow in Antarctica!

I have to meet her!

(INHALES) Okay, Lola. Play it suave and dignified!

(CHUCKLES) Dang runaway rhinestone! Hehe.

Guess it's gone forever.

Hi, I'm Lola.

-It's a pleasure to meet you. -(GIGGLES) I'm Cricket.

Tout le plaisir est pour moi, the pleasure is mine.

Oh, french! I love the french.

(GIGGLES) I adore Paris.

-Have you ever been? -Um, have I ever not been?

I'm always jetting over on a whim.

-(LAUGHS) You're funny, Lola. -Thanks!

My family and I love traveling the globe.

I find that it helps me unwind, especially after a super stressful

pageant win. Am I right? (CHUCKLES)

Me too! I spent a month in Vienna after winning Little Miss Streudel.

Wow, we have so much in common!

Any chance you're free tomorrow?

-We should hang out. -(GASPS)

Heck yeah, I mean, positively.

Oh, I just remembered, my parents are hosting a

charity polo match in our backyard.

Can we do your house?



No, tomorrow's our butler's day off!

We'd have to take off our own shoes.

Oh I don't mind.

Besides, I'd love to gab with your family about your world travels!

Au revoir, Lola! See you tomorrow!

Oh no.

(Fake fart)


Ah! Smells great, Clyde! Thanks for cooking for us tonight!

Thank you guys for letting me do a test run!

My dads and I are hosting the operatic society, and we

all know how they can be!

They're fussy eaters.

I give you the elegant Parisian dish "coq au vin"!

Elegant and Parisian?


Glad you enjoyed...

Hey! Who ate one of the wheels off my cart?

(BURPS) My bad!

Yah! Clyde, how would you like to make

another practice meal?

My friend would love your corky- van!

We could even come over to your house.

Hmm. That's actually a great idea.

Then my dads can be there, too!

Uhh, as long as it's not tomorrow.

That's the day they do all their organic produce shopping.

We can only do tomorrow!

Us socialites. Always booked solid. (LAUGHS)

I guess it'll okay without them.

But be warned, we're low on watercress.

Aw, c'mon!

Clyde, this table is exquisite!

-Cricket will be so impressed! -Thanks.

(GASPS) The macarons are ready!

I'll get it! Cricket, darling, welcome!

Thanks for having me, Lola.

Ooh, both cheeks!

How continental! So, this is my house.

-Where I live. With my family. -I can't wait to meet them!

(SIGHS) My dads are sorry they can't be here.

They had to fly to London.

Royal stuff. My brother is prepping lunch, so how about a tour?

Our dads are always making us do new family portraits.

Aw, how sweet! Hmmm... Weird.

Your head looks bigger than the others.

I... yeah, I had a head cold that day!

And here we have the living room where my dads insist that I showcase

my awards.

I love cats!

What're their names?

Um, Growly. And Hissy.

Ladies, lunch is ready!

Oh! Bonjour! I'm Cricket.

It's a pleasure to meet Lola's brother...

(SCREAMS) Giant spider!

Hurry, let's go eat before it eats us!

Oopsie! Out of tea.

-I'll make more. -It's in the cabinet above...

I know where the tea is, silly! Boop.

Clyde, these crepes are délicieuse!

Merci! It's a recipe my Nana Gayle picked up while she was in France.

Oh! Do you and Lola see her often?

Lola never sees Nana...

As much as I'd like to! (LAUGHS)

-Oh, Nana... -Thanks again for a superb lunch!

(GASPS) Welcome home, you two!

Um, thank you... Lola?

-C'mon, Cricket, I'll walk you out. -Nice to meet you!

-I had a lot of fun today, Lola! -Yeah, me, too!

Hey, you want to hang out tomorrow?

-We could go to the mall! -(GASPS)

Magnifique! I'll see you then!

Am I blanking or was on that Hawaiian cruise with us last year?

Hi there, Cricket... What're you guys doing here?

Mom and Dad dropped all of us off so they could run errands.

Hey there, Lola! Your brother! What a nice surprise!

Thank you... Bonjour, monsieur!

Well, better go! Those sales won't shop themselves!

Come on! Well that was strange...

You know what? Let's forget the mall!

How about a spa day?

-I'll pay -Oh! It sounds wonderful!

But I can't. I promised my mom I'd get an outfit for our labradoodle's

birthday gala. You can help, Lola!

Leni, please don't be working, please don't be working.

Oh! What do you think about this?

-Love it! Hurry! Buy it! -I'm not big on the color.


Hey! Hi, I'm Leni! I can totes help.

When it comes to fashion, I have a psychic gift.

(HUMS) Aha!

Oh! Let me get my friend's opin? Where'd she go?


That Leni was so helpful!

Sorry, I would've helped too, but I...

I valeted my limo and forgot to tip.

Nice brick!

(GASPS) It's a stretch limo, so I didn't tip enough. BRB!

-Done so soon? -I'm outta ding-dang cash.

Here, let Lola help...


Wait, Did you change your clothes?

Yeah, like two weeks ago!

Wait, how are you here?

-You were just over there. -Sweetie, Lola Loud is everywhere!

(LAUGHS) Now let's go get some food!

I am starving!

I know right? I thought it was pretty funny too.

Oh, hey, Lola! We were just wondering...

Yes, it's me, Lola Loud!

Of course you can have an autograph!

You have to make time for the fans.

Hey! That dame owes us a new slice!

Oh calendars! I definitely need one of these to keep track of all my

parties and soirees.


Come on! Let's go to the photo booth!

(CHUCKLES) This is fun, Lola, but are we done?

It's been an hour and my cheeks are sore.


The coast is clear, I mean, I'm sure one of our photos came out...

Look! There are your dads!

(SCREAMS) My eyes are shut in every photo?

We better take more! Come on!

No, no, no.

-Well, hello, girls! -Bonjour!

Lola didn't tell me you'd be here today, too!

We came to pick up Clyde, but got a little distracted by a sale.

Lamps are a weakness of ours.

If you girls need a ride home, we can drop you off.

In fact, Lola, we drive right by your...

house on our way to our place.

Wait. Her house? Your place?

I don't understand. What are your dads talking about, Lola?

Wait, what? We're not her dads.

Where'd you get an idea like that?


(SIGHS) So, you lied to me?

I thought we were friends, Lola.


Cricket, are you in there?

Even when she's sad, she looks perfect!

Look, I'm really sorry I lied.

The McBrides aren't my family.

And I've never been to Paris.

I wanted to impress you so you'd be my friend.

My real family can be, well, kind of a lot.

I was worried they'd embarrass me in front of you.

But that's no excuse for what I did.

And if you let me, I can fix this.



(INHALES) This is my family...

-Go long! -Woo!

No, no, no.

They seem fun!

-Really? You don't want to run away? -No way!

Having to always be so prim and proper and “sophisticated” with my

family, sometimes it's nice to be able to just cut loose.

No no, El Diablo... no, hey!

(GASPS) I love snakes!

What's his name? (SCREAM)

Bad El Diablo! Spit out Lola's friend right now!

Anyone wanna trade me for these delicious sardines?

My dad says they're the ocean's candy.

Your dad also says anchovy's the only good pizza

topping, so no.

Hey, don't yuck my dad's yum, bro.

Hey, I'll get in on that, Rustman.

Whoah! This has three kinds of pork in it!

Pleasure doin' biz with you, farm boy.

Oh, I didn't do it for me.

I did it for Carol Anne.

She loves her sardines!

Uh, Liam, why did you bring Carol Anne to school?

Oh, this ain't a social visit.

Tomorrow's the biggest Hunnicut farm stand of the season.

My family depends on it to keep the business runnin'!

Oh, I still got a million things to do!

I don't want to tell your family how to run the farm, but they sure are

dumping a lot of work on you.

Actually, I'm flying solo, sprained her ankle mud wrestlin' Virginia,

and my Dad and my brother,

they're at an egg convention!

Sorry, Liam. Wish there was something we could do.

Hmm. Wait a second!

There is something we can do!

We can all go to 's farm early tomorrow and help!

Oh, I couldn't ask ya'll to do that!

No problem!

-We're happy to help! -That's what friends are for!

Aw, shucks! Y'all are the best!

Y'all have your assignments.

I'll be settin' up the stand while you do the farm work.

Meanwhile, I'll be chillin' inside on duty.

Should be a piece of cake, grandmas love me.

Uh. Oh! After you guys package the products, you'll need to put one of

these labels on each item.

Hunnicut Farms, fresher than a loofah'd pig!

Oh, it's true, everyone can tell the Hunnicut difference!

I gotta say, ya'll are really saving my hindquarters.

Why we all standing around like a herd of hopeless heifers?

-Let's farm it up! -(ALL) Sooey!

Okay,Liam said Daisy will only let me milk her if we're friends so...

Hi Daisy, my name is and I'll be your milker.

Let's grab a snack and then we can settle in

for an informercial marathon.

No TV, I need you to cook me some grits!

Look alive, Red! We'll need a ham-fist of butter, a

hoop-de-hoop of cream cheese

and a lickity-split of lard...

Does that look like a ham-fist to you?

That's barely a piggly-wiggly.

I'm sorry, Mee-Maw, I don't speak farm!

I'm sayin' it needs more butter!

Now stir it! Faster! Come on, Red!

Let's get these done! I gotta check on your pals and make sure they're

not messin' up my farm!

(SOBS) Grandmas usually love me!


Huh... Wonder where all the chickens went.

Well, this should be easy breezy.

(SINGING) Farmer had a farm, E, I, E, I...

Oooooh no.

-(SCREAMS) -What the heck was that?

I haven't heard a noise like that since Virginia's night terrors.

That's just Clyde singing.

He's in glee club, you know. Sounds great, bud!

Uh, let's go check on and her sheep.


Red, are you sure that was singing back there?

You know what? Sheep are easy!

I'm sure 's got that covered.

Let's go check on the rutabagas!

I'm sure 's got everything under... Yah!

Nope. There's something important that we forgot to do inside!

Man, this farm work is way harder than I thought it would be!

Yeah, it's exhausting, and we have nothing to show for it!

Oh! That's not true!

I did get this sweet gopher bite.

(ALL) Eww!

(SIGHS) We'll never finish in time for the farm stand!

What are we gonna do? We can't let down!

Hmmm... What if we took a little shortcut?

We could combine our money and go buy the farm goods in town!

No one will ever know the difference! Eggs are eggs, right?

-I'm in! -Me too!

Well, normally scheming gives me a stomach ache.

But you should've seen the size of that mama chicken!

She almost had me for dinner.

So yeah, I'm in.

Huh! This is what you rushed me back inside for a manicure?

Uh... yeah!

I want you looking your best!

Can't have janky cuticles for the farm stand.

Pssst, Rusty!

Okay, you let these bad boys dry and I'll be right back!

What is it? We need to run into town.

Can you cover for us if Liam or Mee-Maw wants to check on us?

Make it quick! I've been covering for you guys all morning and I'm

running out of excuses!

Time for your pedicure! Big Red's coming for those

lil piggies! Let's go!

I'm feeling really good about this plan!

Closed for floor buffing!

Where are we gonna go now?

Well, there's only one place to go when you're desperate.

(SNIFFS) Oh, I know that smell.

Sweet sweet desperation!

Okay gang, we gotta be quick!

First we need eggs and milk!

These packages are pretty dusty.

Nothing a little anti-bacterial wipe can't fix!

I'm not going back in that chicken coop!

Next we need... Look. Flip's got rutabagas!

So that's what those are!

Eh, sounds fancy.

Add five buckaroos to the price!

They're pretty limp. We'll have to plump them up for the farm stand.

Now all we need is wool.

Ay, for ten bucks I'll shave my back for ya!

Hey Flip! I'll trade you a gopher tooth for that chair!

Oh! Deal!

And voila!

Oh! Great job, Red!

Oh look, you painted Virginia.

I got a piggie on my lil' piggie!

Okay, I think they're dry. Now take me out to the farm so I can check in

on the kids.

No! Because...

It's time for Virginia's pedicure!

I'm gonna paint little pictures of you on her hooves.

Mudhole Brown! Excellent choice, madame.

Now we just need to take Flip's price tags off of everything and

replace them with these Hunnicut Farm stickers!

Wow! Great job!

Y'all really came through in the clutch!

Wait! There was a horsefly!


Alrighty, what can I get you Mr. Grouse?

I'll take a bag of rutabagas.



We'll take two bundles of your fresh sheep's wool!

We're makin' dresses for our double date later!

Errol and Daryl are taking us to that new kitten cafe!

Now that's two cups of sugar!

I hope y'all have fun!

-Thanks! -Gimme a dozen eggs and some milk.

Tyler's gonna bake pies for my motorcycle club's rager tonight!

And I'm also dj'ing the party!

Scoots Scoots Scoots Scoots!

Hoo-wee, this was our best farm stand ever!

Yesssiree! Whoho!

What're you punks tryin' to pull?

Mr. Grouse, what happened to you?

What happened is I ate your rutabagas!

You call this milk? I call it sludge!

You're telling us. We tried on our new dresses made from your wool and

got the itchies!

We had to cancel our double date with Errol and Darryl!

But our products can't be the cause of y'all's misery,

everything we sell is fresh!

Coulda fooled me.

I'm never coming back to this farm stand again!

-We want our money back! -I demand a refund!

-Are you kidding? -Give me my money.

We showed them!

Get me out of here!

Oh Liam! This is a cryin' shame!

We need that money to keep the farm goin'!

Huh. Something's weird here.

-(BOTH GASP) -What's Flip sticker doing on our

‘bagas? Um, this is our fault.

We couldn't handle the hard work,

so we took a shortcut.

We bought everything at Flip's.

Red, take me inside.

Aw man, I can't believe y'all did this.

Man, we messed up. If we'd just done the hard work

in the first place, this wouldn't have happened.

I think we all need an emergency

session with Dr. Lopez.

She offers a great group rate.

I don't think that's necessary, Clyde. I've got an idea.

Thanks, enjoy the pie!

Get your Farm Fresh eggs!

Step right up! Here you go!

What are y'all doing here?

We don't have a farm stand on Sundays.

You do today! We worked all night and did it the right way this time.

And we tracked down your customers and told them that the rotten items

they bought weren't from your farm.

They weren't thrilled to see us at five in the morning, but we had to

get your good name back.

(CHUCKLES) Well gosh, y'all are the best

friends a feller could ever ask for.

Bring it in!

Aw! This calls for a celebratory dance!

Spin me, Red!


(SIGHS) I'm gonna have to re-do her mani-pedi.

# Cramped inside this tiny space #

# May sound bad but ain't the case #

# In the Loud house # # Loud house #

# Duck and dodge and push and shove #

# That's the way we show our love in the Loud house #

# Loud house #

# Laundry piles stacked up high #

# Hand-me-downs that make me cry #

# Stand in line to take a pee #

# Never any privacy #

# Chaos with 11 kids #

# That's the way it always is #

# In the Loud house ##

Una casa de locos en inglés

29 Episodios

  • Drivers dread

    Drivers dread

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The last laugh

    The last laugh

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Sofa, so good

    Sofa, so good

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Dine and bash

    Dine and bash

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Scoop snoop

    Scoop snoop

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Eye can't

    Eye can't

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • All the rage

    All the rage

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • A bug's strife

    A bug's strife

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Musical chairs

    Musical chairs

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The taunting hour

    The taunting hour

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Save Royal Woods!

    Save Royal Woods!

    Una casa de locos en inglés21 min, 5 sec

  • Haunted house call

    Haunted house call

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Flip this flip

    Flip this flip

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Double trouble

    Double trouble

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Don't escar-go

    Don't escar-go

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Stressed for the part

    Stressed for the part

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 44 sec

  • Present danger

    Present danger

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Runaway McBride

    Runaway McBride

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The loudly bones

    The loudly bones

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Fright bite

    Fright bite

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • Farsa familiar

    Farsa familiar

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • For sale by loner

    For sale by loner

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Diss the cook

    Diss the cook

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • In The Mick Of Time

    In The Mick Of Time

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Lori Days

    Lori Days

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Una casa de locos en inglés - Farsa familiar


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Lincoln Loud, un niño de 11 años que vive en una casa con sus 10 hermanas (5 mayores y 5 menores),

Tiene que tratar de sobrevivir entre ellas ideando soluciones ingeniosas a los problemas y el caos que vive de forma cotidiana.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 14:40 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.