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  4. Una casa de locos en inglés - In The Mick Of Time
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    Seguir viendo Una casa de locos en inglés
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Para todos los públicos In The Mick Of Time
Transcripción completa

# Crashing through the crowded halls #

# Dodging girls like Ping-Pong balls #

# Just to reach the bathroom on time #

# Leaping over laundry piles #

# Diapers you can smell for miles #

# Guy's got to do what he can to survive #

# In the Loud house #

# In the Loud house #

# Duck, dodge, push, and shove #

# This is how we show our love #

# In the Loud house #

# In the Loud house #

# One boy and ten girls #

# Wouldn't trade it for the world #

# Loud Loud Loud #

# Loud house ##


Dad, these green beans taste weird.

Well, that's because I washed them, sweetie.

Okay. Interesting choice.

A dash of dirt, anyone?

It baffles me that we share the e genetic material.

Right back at you, sis.

We all saw the results of your latest failed experiment.

Where's that thing supposed to live?

I don't even want to know. I do.

Tell me what happened, Lisa.

Never mind, Lori. You had to be there.

But I am there. Just not in person.

The whole point of these videochat dinners is

so that I don't miss any...

What, Lori? What?

Lori, what?

Hello? Hello? Talk to me! Talk to me!

I need to know what happened. (SCREAMS)

You okay, Lori? No.

Ever since I started college, I feel like I'm missing out on

everything with my siblings!


Wait, why are they all laughing?

And why is Leni covered in gravy?

I have to know.

You know what Coach Niblick says, "you can't read the green unless

you're on the green."

Haha, yeah, classic Niblick.

Wait what does it have to do with my problem?

What I mean is, go home and spend time with your family, Lori.

It's the weekend.

(GASPS) You're right. That's literally a great idea.

Hey, who did this to my brand new golf cart?

I'll turn out the lights. I'll lock the door.


I'm back!

Hmm. Was kinda hoping for a bigger reaction.

Can't catch me, chumps. Wait, is this a new game?

Somebody explain it to me.

Oh! Hey Lori, when did you get here? Lori?

Did someone say Lori?

I can't believe it!

My little Lori Lou!

And she's not on a screen. Aw!

Now that's the reaction I was looking for.

Thank you, Dad. What are you doing home, sweetie?

I just came back to get in a little in-person family time.

So what are we gonna do today?

-Uhh... -Well...

What? Is this another inside joke that I'm not a part of?

No. We're all totes excited that you're here, it's just that...

Game day. Video game tournament.

-Funeral. -Sorry, Lori.

We didn't know you were coming home.

All of us already have plans. And we don't want to be...

Someone hand me two books... Double booked!

No, no, no. That's totally fine.

I can tag along.

It'll be like I never left!

Hello, I'm Lily.


They say you don't need your appendix

but I do!

(Evil laugh)

So how's school going, Luna?

Any drama? What's new with the band?

Dude, we're trying to watch the movie.

Can we do this later?

Oh, right. Sorry.

Just trying to catch up. I'll go visit Luan.

Mind if I take a little popcorn for the road?


Actually... Dude!

Sorry, sorry, I'm usually not a milk chocolate

girl, but those just look so good.

Thank you.

Hey, guys!

Love the outfits!

Ah. Mime practice.

Hmm... well, that's okay.

Guess I'll talk to...

See you later. I guess.

For the two days he was on this Earth, Stewart was a beloved

goldfish. He will be missed.

How many funerals have you done this year, Luce?

By the way, love the new veil.

(ALL) Shh. We'll catch up later.

My deepest sympathies.

Please do the honor of the final flush.

Oh no.

Not again. Somebody quick, hand me the plunger.

Nice work with the sewage cannon, but save your power ups,

team. We'll need them for later.

Hey guys. You busy? Down!

Now! All the way down!

Right. So how's school?

Slower! How...



Ugh. The worst! Yeah!

Been there. You want to talk about it?

Look out for that giant rat!

What? Rat? Where? (SCREAMS)

No! I can't believe we lost in the second round.

We should've just blown off the tournament and hung out with Lori.

Yeah, I wonder where she is.

I haven't seen her all day.

(SIGHS) Thanks, Edna. Your magic fingers never disappoint.

Second grade is so stressful.

(GASPS) What's so stressful about it?

Tell me everything!

Ma'am, no talking in the zen den.

I'm just trying to spend time with my sister.

Ha, anyway, so what were you saying?

Y'know, for a masseuse she's pretty uptight.


You know, this doesn't feel very zen!

Hey, Lynn! Great game! It's still going!

Get back in the bleachers!

Maybe we can catch up at dinner.

(SIGHS) So far this weekend has been a total bust!

I'm back home but I feel more distant than ever!

Well, you know what Coach Niblick says: When you're in the rough,

adjust your swing.

Look, I'm thrilled you're getting your money's

worth out of that Niblick Quote-A-Day Calendar, but can you

just tell me what you mean?

(SIGHS) Why don't you see if your siblings are free tomorrow?

Then you can all hang out together.

Yes! Great idea!

I literally have so many fun things planned for our big day together!


Oh, little scheduling conflict.

I do have a caviar facial later...

which I can definitely move.

First up, mini golf!

You can see the greens break slightly to the left of the

dinosaur's tail. Uh, that's not how you hold the club to putt.

It's not that hard!

Just hit the little ball into the big dinosaur!

You're gonna be dino-sore when I'm done kickin' your butt, buddy!

(GASPS) Nice one!

Look, my sister's a professional golfer!

So stop rushing her or you're gonna have to deal with me.

-(SIGHS) That was my club. -(GROWLS)

Oh! Lemme guess, you want us to get our putts outta here?


I think that's enough puns for today.

Nothing like Dairyland for some guaranteed fun!

The signage for Fondue Falls clearly stated no more than three

passengers per cheese log.

Yeah, but today is about us being together.

And those signs are just a suggestion.


I think they wants us to asiago.


Oh, sorry, Lori. I couldn't resist.

This will be perfect!

We can catch up with each other, have a little Burpin' Burger, soak

up the sun...


Oh well. Gimme them chicken tendies.

Back off! They're mine!

If anyone touches my meatball shake, it's over!

If anyone touches my salad, it's over!

Who orders a salad at Burpin' Burger?

No, no, no, not a...

Food fight!

Hey! Come on, guys!

Today was supposed to bring us closer but instead...

We're going backwards. Yes, that's exactly how I feel!

No. We are actually going backwards.


Hang on, I'llget us out of here!

What do we do now?

You guys push, I'll steer!

I'm walking in mud.

There's nothing more disgusting.

Come on everyone, push!

I stand corrected.

-Aww, lucky. -You want it? You got it!

(GASPS) Mud fight!

Hi ya! (SCREAMS)

You guys, cut it out! (SCREAMS)


It's ok, Lori. We'll get Vanzilla out of the pond.

No, it's not that, Leni.

This whole weekend was a bust!

I came home to reconnect with you guys, and nothing went right!

You were all off doing your own thing, and then when we did spend

time together, it was a disaster!

I feel like I'm not even a part of this family anymore.

-What? That's nuts! -Today was not a disaster.

In fact, I would call it a normal Loud family Sunday.

Yeah, dude! What's more ”Loud” than getting kicked out of places...

...or rolling Vanzilla into a pond?

And even though you're not with us every

day, you're always going to be part of this family.

Even in the afterlife. (LAUGHS UNCOMFORTABLY)

Thanks, you guys. I really needed to hear that.

Group hug!

No, no, I'm already dirty enough!


Okay. Who wants ice cream for dessert?

Oh, I guess it's a little melty.

Sorry about the soggy vanilla.

It's better than the soggy Vanzilla.

Wait, I don't get it. What does that mean?

Sorry, Mom. You just had to be there.


I have no idea why we're laughing.

No seriously, why are we laughing?

There I was, at my first concert,

floating to the stage to rock with Mick Swagger himself.

We just formed this amazing bond.

I totally get it.

I feel the e way about my pet hamster.

Uh, Mazz, that's a tarantula.

Either way, he loves the wheel I gave him.

Luna, I love your Mick stories!

Oh! Tell the breadsticks one again!

Ah, the breadsticks.

There I was...

Struggling to write a song, when this old man started dropping truth

bombs on me.

Little did I know, it was Mick in disguise!

I get goosebumps every time.

Hey, I bet you guys'll make more memories at his concert tonight!

I will be close to him.

Chunk scored us some awesome tickets.

Guys! Stop everything!

We have an epic crisis on our hands!

The band we got for tomorrow's big “Cut A Rug” Dance just dropped out!

Does that mean I can stop cutting?

Not yet, Shelby! As head of the Dance Committee, I've got a plan.

Luna, can the Moon Goats play?

Aw, we can't!

I slipped in that puddle outside math class and sprained my wrist.

Yeah, and when I was taking to the school nurse, I slipped in the

puddle outside her office and sprained my wrist too.

This school's got a really odd puddle problem.

Well, I hope you guys find someone.

I gotta jet, time to get ready for Mick's concert.

(GASPS) I just had the best idea, get Mick to play the dance!

Come again? He'd totally do it for you, Luna.

You're mates! That's how they say friends in British.

Uh, you know, I'd ask him, but I'm sure he's got a gig

tomorrow night. Actually, he doesn't have a

gig tomorrow night! I just checked his website.

Can you ask Mick? Please!

(ALL) Go! Get! Mick!

(ALL) Go! Get! Mick!


(SINGING) It was a hot June night When she saw the light Up

until then she didn't know what was right...

Your head's not into head-banging tonight. What's wrong, luv?

My friends want me to get Mick to play the school

dance because I let everyone believe we were mates.

But what if he doesn't remember me?

Pfft! You're unforgettable!

Mick! Remember? The breadsticks?

Want to play my high school dance?

It's not working, Chunk!

Eh! Use me light!

Mick! Agh! Me peepers!

New plan.

Other way, dudes!

You're taking me to the Swagger Swag booth!

I got ya, luv!

Thanks, Chunk.

Hey! What if I just slip him a note backstage?

You need a VIP pass to get backstage, luv.

Lucky for you, I've got an old roadie trick for that!

Here's our VIP pass: Very important pizza! Got the note?

“Dear Mick, it's your mate and number one fan, Loud.

It would be the coolest thing ever if you'd play my school dance

tomorrow night. Rock on!”

-Oi! Pizza delivery for Mr. Swagger. -Hold it!

What about the red pepper flakes?


Good thing I have extra pizza toppings on me.

A roadie's always gotta be prepared!

I even got pineapple if you wanna get wild.

You need to leave.

(SINGING) Yeah, yeah, yeah, suga, sugaye!

Yeah! Goodnight, Royal Woods!

Now that everyone's gone, let's make sure Mick got my note.

Oh no! He threw it away!

How am I gonna tell everyone that Mick's not playing the dance?

Sorry, luv.

Do you wanna share this pizza crust?

Chunk, there's lipstick on that crust.

Luna, how'd it go?

Mick must've been so happy to see you!

Did you talk about the breadsticks?

What am I saying? Of course you did!

Anyway, we're pumped to see him play!

Actually, I need to talk to you dudes about that.

Hold that thought. We need to show you something.


What do you think?

We ditched the rug theme and went full Mick Swagger.

It took all night and most of the school's puddle repair budget

but: worth it!

Yeah, the whole school is super stoked for the dance now.

Uh... whole school?

There's my hero!

Thanks to you getting Mick, I'm no longer known as the Principal of the

school with the odd puddle problem!

Hey, what was it you were gonna tell us in the hallway?

Uh, nothing. I mean, I found another puddle.

Um, maybe I should tell Principal Rivers.

Can't you just tell your friends that you couldn't

get Mick? It's beyond that, dude!

Everybody in school thinks he's coming.

(GROANS) What was I thinking?

(MICK VOICE) “Oh hey, Luna, of course I'll play your dance.

I don't have anything better to do.

I'm just the biggest rock star on the planet!”

On the plus side, you do a right great Mick impersonation.

Thanks, dude. I guess that's something.

Wait! That is something!

Hey, kids. Gym looks great. I love your outfits.

Enough with the chit- chat. Where's Mick?!

I need a selfie with him to send to all the other principals in town.

Oh, uh, he's already backstage.

He really needs his alone time before a show.

Only close mates allowed.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, of course.

Must respect the artist's process.

I'm gonna go check on Mick.

Hurry. I wanna watch the show together!

Alright, here's your outfit.

I've got all Mick's songs ready on me laptop.

All you gotta do is go out there and lip-sync.

Got it. Let's hope this works.

Don't forget your Mick mullet.

Break a leg!

(LAUGHS) Let's give a warm welcome to

Mick Swagger!


Where's your band, Mick?

Uhh, they all got a case of ‘tour lice.' Best they play behind the

curtain, luv. Good thinking.

Okay, smile!

Hello Royal Woods High!

Are you ready to rock?

(ALL) Mick! Mick! Mick! Mick!

(SINGING) Gotta be in two places at the same time!

(SINGING) It's a real big challenge, like a steep, hard, mountain climb.

(SINGING) Gettin' double vision from doin' double time.

(SINGING) Like tryin'a be a lemon while you're tryin'a be a lime.

(SINGING) Got a show in Miami and another...

I'll be back in a tick.

Just gotta use the loo!

There you are. Mick's awesome so far.

Oh yeah, I saw it from backstage!

Should we get some punch before he goes back on?

You know, I'll get it for us!

(SINGING) Gotta be in two places at the same time!

(SINGING) It's a real big challenge, just like a steep hard mountain...

Blimey! Me guitar string popped! BRB!

Here you go, luv.

I mean, here, Sam.

You okay? Yeah.

It's just that when I said I wanted to watch Mick Swagger with you, I

meant with you. You know?


In you go, luv!


(SPEED SINGING) Gotta be in two places at the same time!

It's a real big challenge, just like a steep, hard, mountain climb.

Gettin' double vision...


Luna, what is going on?

Have you been performing as Mick all night?

Yeah. I tried to get him to play the dance, but I couldn't.

Great! Now I'm back to being Principal Puddles!

Luna, why did you do this?

(SIGHS) I told you guys that Mick and I had this amazing bond

and you all thought I was so cool.

But the truth is

I couldn't get Mick to play because we're not mates.

He doesn't even know who I am.

There's my breadstick girl! (GASPS)

Hello, Luna, luv!


Whoah, we're twinsies!

Smashing! Mick!

You showed up! Of course!

I read your greasy letter in the pizza box.

Besides, it's not a complete trip to Royal Woods

if I don't see Luna Loud!

I'm sorry we're late, you didn't write down the address so we've been

to every high school in the tri-county area.

I hope we can still play the dance.

You can and you will!


Luna, since you're already in me duds,

how about you join me for a double Mick duet?


(BOTH SING) Doin' Double Duty!

(BOTH SING) Yeah, I'm pulling two shifts! Is it hard? Yes absolutely,

I'm just doin' Double Duty!

(BOTH SING) Doin Double Duty! It's worth taking the risk.

(BOTH SING) Workin' off my booty just...

(SINGING) doin' Double Duty!


(CHUCKLES) For once, our puddle problem worked out for me.

What'd I tell you? Best dance ever!

Thanks, luv.

# Cramped inside this tiny space #

# May sound bad but ain't the case #

# In the Loud house # # Loud house #

# Duck and dodge and push and shove #

# That's the way we show our love in the Loud house #

# Loud house #

# Laundry piles stacked up high #

# Hand-me-downs that make me cry #

# Stand in line to take a pee #

# Never any privacy #

# Chaos with 11 kids #

# That's the way it always is #

# In the Loud house #

Una casa de locos en inglés

29 Episodios

  • Drivers dread

    Drivers dread

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The last laugh

    The last laugh

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Sofa, so good

    Sofa, so good

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Dine and bash

    Dine and bash

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Scoop snoop

    Scoop snoop

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Eye can't

    Eye can't

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • All the rage

    All the rage

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • A bug's strife

    A bug's strife

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Musical chairs

    Musical chairs

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The taunting hour

    The taunting hour

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Save Royal Woods!

    Save Royal Woods!

    Una casa de locos en inglés21 min, 5 sec

  • Haunted house call

    Haunted house call

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Flip this flip

    Flip this flip

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Double trouble

    Double trouble

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Don't escar-go

    Don't escar-go

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Stressed for the part

    Stressed for the part

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 44 sec

  • Present danger

    Present danger

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Runaway McBride

    Runaway McBride

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The loudly bones

    The loudly bones

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Fright bite

    Fright bite

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • Farsa familiar

    Farsa familiar

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • For sale by loner

    For sale by loner

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Diss the cook

    Diss the cook

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • In The Mick Of Time

    In The Mick Of Time

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Lori Days

    Lori Days

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Una casa de locos en inglés - In The Mick Of Time


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Lincoln Loud, un niño de 11 años que vive en una casa con sus 10 hermanas (5 mayores y 5 menores),

Tiene que tratar de sobrevivir entre ellas ideando soluciones ingeniosas a los problemas y el caos que vive de forma cotidiana.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 14:40 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.