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  4. Una casa de locos en inglés - Runaway McBride
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    Seguir viendo Una casa de locos en inglés
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Para todos los públicos Runaway McBride
Transcripción completa

# Crashing through the crowded halls #

# Dodging girls like Ping-Pong balls #

# Just to reach the bathroom on time #

# Leaping over laundry piles #

# Diapers you can smell for miles #

# Guy's got to do what he can to survive #

# In the Loud house # # In the Loud house #

# Duck, dodge, push, and shove #

# This is how we show our love #

# In the Loud house # # In the Loud house #

# One boy and ten girls #

# Wouldn't trade it for the world #

# Loud Loud Loud #

# Loud house #

Poo poo!

(Waltz music)

Hurry, Clyde you're missing waltz night!

It's your turn to choose what's up next!

Actually, I'm really sorry, Dads,

but I have to miss our weekly waltz night.

I'm going to the school football game with and the gang

I hope that's okay!

Yeah, of course go have fun with your friends!

Go Kangaroos! Hope they dunk a lot of home runs!

Thanks, Dads I love you guys!

Oh! Howie, we're losing our baby!!!

Ever since Clyde started middle school,

he's been spending more time with his friends and less with us!

Oh believe me, I know! Before long, he'll be off to an Ivy league

college, marry a chiropractor, become a world-renowned pastry chef

and move to Bordeaux and we'll never see him!

I'm calling Dr. Lopez.

-This is an emergency! -That won't be necessary.

If we want to see more of Clyde,

we just need to convince him and his friends

to hang out here, and I know just how to do it!

(Ring bell)

Hey Clyde, all set to go?

Are you all sure you don't want to hang out here tonight?

Uh, for a pajama party?

(LAUGHS) No, we're recreating our favorite Renaissance paintings!

Fun, right? Here's a photo from last time we did it.

So, are you kids in?

Uhhh, sorry Dads, but we already made plans to go to a new zombie

themed cafe: The Un-Dead Diner.

The first fifty customers get a free brain burrito!

Thanks for the offer, though, maybe another time!

It's too bad, I look pretty sweet in a toga.

Shows off my quads.

Of course they don't want to re- create Renaissance paintings.

They're probably more into Surrealism.

Face it, Hare bear. We're totally out of touch with what kids like!

If we want to persuade them to hang out here, we need to do some


Oh! We can check out the places they usually go!

We'll just make they can't see us.

Great idea, Hare Bear!

Well, we know they go to Gus's after school.

So, let me check their hours on the website!

They open at eleven tomorrow.

Never leave me!

These games are a blast and a great work out!

Yeah, no wonder why and his friends like it here so much!

Look, Howard, I'm a top gun!

Um, you have to put a token in the slot to start this game.

Oh, right.


Howie, Clyde's here!

Boy am I starving!

I have a crazy craving for spaghetti pizza.

-They're out of school already? -How did we lose track of time?

Come on, we can't let them see us!

Sorry! Take this for the damage.

And here's the card for my ice- sculpture-repair guy.

Ah ha! They're drinking Flippees! Come on!

-The coast is clear! -Oh!

I love all this spy lingo!

-(GASPS) -Shu, shu.

-Shu, shu. -(GASPS)

Two cherry Flippees, please.

You got hands, don't cha?

Ugh, it's like some kind of synthetic slimy fruit paste!

Ahhhhhhh! Brain freeze!

Hey! Flippees are loaded with real artificial cherry-ish flavor!

We need to triple 's veggie intake asap!

I'll adjust his hourly food chart.

We're doing research on what our son and his friends like.

Is there anything else we should buy?

Uh, Flip?

Oh yeah, the kids also like those magazines,

and this tire pump,

and some gauze pads,

and pretty much everything in aisle five.

Um, do you rent out that machine?

I'll rent ya anything you need, pal- well, except for

my new assistant.

Wait, you really want to rent that thing?

Isn't it worth it if we can get Clyde

and his friends to hang out at our house?

Hmm, I suppose.

As long as I never have to drink a Flippee again.

-No offense, Flip. -None taken, chief!

Next time don't double bag, Nacho.

You're costing me money!



Before you kids head out to the mall, there's something we want to

show you!


Flippees? Food from Gus's? What's all of this for?

Aw crud, did I forget your birthday again?

Oh, there's no occasion you know us, we just like to mix things up

and have a little fun!

(GASPS) It's all of our favorite things in one place.

It's like you guys got into our brains and figured out all the

things we liked. You're not following us around

and spying on us, are you?

-(BOTH LAUGH) -Good one, mister!

Your conspiracy theories are adorable!

Forget the mall, ya'll I say we hang out here tonight!

Yeah! Let's stay here!

Dibs on the garlic knots!

Who wants to challenge me on Dance Battle?

I do!

Okay, gang! Enjoy your party favors!

-Ooh, extra garlic knots -Awww!

Rip Hardcore temporary tattoos!

I got a tire pump?

So since tonight was so fun, what do you kids say we do this again

tomorrow night?

Oh, sorry, we already made plans to go to the movies!

OK, how about the night after?

We can't. We're going roller skating that night.

But it was great seeing you guys.

Yep. Y'all take care now.

We just got our baby back and now we're going to lose him again!

We've got to figure out a way to get the kids to hang out here again!

Oh, and I've got a new plan!

So I was saying to your Dad during Pilates: "Harold, why should we go

out to a movie tonight when we can watch one right here."

-(GASP) -Impressive.

We're watching The Brain Eaters of Oklahoma.

Wow, I'm shocked that you two are into horror movies!

Oh we love them!

The gorier the better!

Cool! Can we hang out and watch with you guys?

Oh, I don't see why not.

Our ushers can show you to your seats.

Eeeew is that his brain?

Rusty, pay attention.

That's clearly his face.

See? He's chewing on his lips.


As long as we're spending time with Clyde, it's all worth it.

(SCREEN) Hey, save some of that face for me.

You were right, Dads roller skating at our house is

way more funthan the rink in town!

Yeah, and it doesn't smell like sweat and feet!

We're just happy that you kids are enjoying yourselves!

Hey guys, check this out!

I'm alright! I don't know if your vase is though.

Oh, where are you off to, pumpkin?

I'm meeting the gang at the water park!

Rusty's cousin Derek is an assistant towel boy and he's gonna get us in

to the new tidal wave pool.



Cannonball! Haha! This is the best water park ever!


(GASPS) Hare Bear, it's leaking into the house!

No, no, no, no I can't turn it off!


(ALL) Yeah! -You guys OK?

We just went for a little dip!

Hang ten! Surf's up!


No way! I'm definitely in!

Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, bud.

So, what's the big plan, kiddo?

The gang and I are going to a building demolition tomorrow!

They're knocking down the old froyo place to build a new froyo place.

I'm more interested in the permit battle, but the demolition will be

fun too.

Oh, that sounds exciting!

Yeah, I can't wait!

We need to demolish our house!

We did want to remodel anyway!

But where are we going to rent a wrecking ball?


What's going on?

We're just knocking down the house!

-Fun, right? -Wait, what?

Do you and your friends want to stay and watch?

I made kettle corn!

Ok, McBride family meeting.

This is bonkers!

What's going on with you two? A roller rink?

A water park? Letting Rusty use your vintage bidet?

And now a wrecking ball?

Are you really going to ruin our beautiful midcentury home that was

once featured in Modern Michigan Magazine?

(GASPS) What are we thinking?

You're right, son. Your father and I have gone off the deep end!

I don't understand. Why?

You've been spending so much time with your friends lately and we

were scared of losing you.

That's what all this is about?

Yes. But we're just going to have to accept that this is part of life.

You are growing up and we can't stop time.

Guys, I'll always want to spend time with you.

You're the best Dads in the world!

In fact, I'd love to join you for family waltz night!

-We'd love that! -Can we dress up?

It's just so beautiful.

Dr. Lopez will be so proud of us.

We really broke down some walls here.

Break down the wall?

You got it, chief!

-No, Flip! -Stop!


Well, we always said we wanted more natural light.

Okay! Here it comes! It's all you, Nana!

Oh! Myrtle, are you okay?

Sorry Lincoln. I coulda swore I was more athletic than this.

(CHUCKLES) That's okay.

I love our after school badminton games, even if we lose every time.

We could try lawn bowling tomorrow!

I wish.

All the lawn bowling pins are missing.

And the shuffleboard sticks.

And the shuffleboard too.

Geez. This place is turning into a dump.

Let's see if there's anything better to do inside.

Oh, wow! What's all this?

There! How's that, Scoots?

It stinks, Vic!

This ain't no kiddie party, this is for Tyler's graduation from DJ


-Era, era. -It took him six years,

so I need the best balloons you got.

(SIGHS) You've already had me redo them three times!

Try the family business, Mom says,

your political career failed, Mom says,

you have no other options, Mom says...

Hey! You're wasting the helium!

Do you know how much that costs? (GROANS)

Hey, watch it, Balloon Boy!

I got a Flippee masterpiece goin on over here!

(BOTH) Whoo, party!

Dang it!

My dudes! You're just in time for the pudding blast!

-Aw! -(BOTH) Aw!

Hey, what the heck.

(GASPS) Someone broke the pudding pump!

This is getting me hot under the collar!

No, that's the AC it's out!

Man, this joint is unlivable!

Maybe we should consider moving.

This place is bummin' me out!

This is terrible! We can't let our grandparents move!

I know, Sunset Canyon used to be such a great place!

I was looking forward to my own retirement here!

Now it's falling apart! Something fishy is going on.

You know, Clyde, this reminds me of a David Steele comic!

Volume 3, issue 2.

When David tried to save the ice cream factory and got stuck in the

bin of peppermint bubble gum?

No, no, the one where Golden Toes sneaks into David's lair and

sabotages it so David would have to move!

Oh, right. That was actually issue 5.

(SIGHS) My point is,

I think someone is sabotaging Sunset Canyon to drive everyone out!

(GASPS) The missing sports equipment, the broken pudding

machine... The AC!

It makes perfect sense!

The question is who.

And why. Clyde, we've got a mystery to solve!

Lisa? Are Mom and Dad home? I need my David Steele spy gear STAT!

I've got a Sunset Canyon emergency.

What do you mean you're gonna bring it?

You can't drive.


Hello, boys. So did you bring my spy stuff?

Pft. Those were toys.

Darebot, if you please.


I took the liberty of upgrading everything.

Let me walk you through it.

Oops, maybe I should let you explain first. (CHUCKLES)

Okay, you've got bifocal cameras, hearing aid two-way radios, rocket

dentures and this one's my favorite: a remote walker launcher.

All accessible through your watches, of course.

(BOTH) Whoa!

You'll also need disguises.

Now get back in there and crack this mystery!

OK, we're in. Now, what would David Steele do?

(BOTH) Check the security cameras.

How are we gonna get past her?

Leave it to me.

Hello, young person! Can I interest you in a hard candy?

Candy from a stranger? Don't mind if I do!


Wow, Lisa's chamomile sleepy-time hard candies work instantly.

Oh, I hope her nose is OK.

(GASP) Dang it!

The cameras are disabled! The culprit was ahead of us!

Ow! What was that?

-(GASP) Seymur! -(MOANS)

We'll grab you some ice! Clyde, look!

Someone's messing with the drainage controls that's why the

water's gone! Hey, you! Get back here!

He's getting away! Stop. (GASPS)

You are busted, sir! We know you've been sabotaging Sunset...

-(BOTH GASP) -Nana Gayle?

Who the heck are you two? It's us! Lincoln and Clyde.

Nana Gayle, why'd you turned to a life of crime?

(CHUCKLES) Oh Clyde, I'm not the bad guy!

I went undercover to find him.

I don't want to move out of Sunset Canyon.

I just unpacked!

Huh. What a twist.

So, do you want to join forces?

We can share our intel and you can share yours!

I'm in! So whaddya got?

Nothing. You? Also nothing.

Oh well, that's disappointing.

But I was about to check clues by the pool's control panel!

Oh yeah! Maybe there's something there!

Let's see if our bifocal camera lenses spot anything.

A shoe print! Finally a lead! I'll send this to for analysis.

Okay, the print is from a non- orthopedic work boot.

Well that rules out everyone at Sunset Canyon!

Everyone here wears orthopedics.

And why not? They're comfortable and surprisingly stylish!

So our culprit must not live or work here!

Let's check the guest log!

Excuse me, I need help.

This light on my phone won't turn off.

And when I push this button, it just gets brighter!


Never mind. I'll ask my grandson.

Whatta we got, boys?

The only guests for the day were me and Clyde.

And Flip, Gus and Vic, who were setting up for the party.

It's gotta be one of them!

Time to take this investigation on the road.

We're gonna need some wheels.

Don't worry, I've got us covered.

First up, Gus's.

Uhh... you might wanna stay here, Nana.

This could get rough.


Wait, we didn't ask any questions!

Ah, he distracted us with pizza!

Gus is clear. His non-slip kitchen clogs didn't match the print.

We didn't get our guy, but we did get dessert.

Here, it's a... snake.

I wanted a puppy.

Vic! Are you the one who's been sabotaging Sunset Canyon?

No, and unless you're going to buy a balloon, please leave.

-You're annoying me. -Well, what about your shoes?

Do they match the...

Oh that's right he was wearing roller skates.

Just keepin' it fun!

Here, it's a... it's a worm.


It's gotta be Flip! He's the only suspect left!


Flip? Shh! Watch out!

Spider on the loose!

And he's a big fella.

Flip! Did you sabotage Sunset Canyon?

You think I've got time for stuff like that?

I've been too busy trying to catch this beast!


I think he's telling the truth.

Look at his feet not a match.

Yeah, I've been shoeless for days!

Can't wear ‘em again until my open wound clears up.

That spider got a chunk of Flip but I'll get it back.

Now what? We're out of leads.


What's going on now? The hot water's broken, kid!

The Board is shutting Sunset Canyon down for good.

-(ALL GASP) -I guess I'll start boxing my stuff.

We blew it, Lincoln.

This is just like volume two, issue six, “David Steele Blows It.”

No! We can't give up!

We have to find this fool, so our grandparents don't move!

You're right! There must be something we missed!

Seymour said the hot water's out!

Maybe there's a clue by the water heater!

It's in the basement! Come on.

I can't see anything!

Hmmm. Maybe 's watch has a light.

Uh oh. I think we accidentally activated the rocket walker.

(ACUTE VOICE) That one is our bad.

Weird, why do I sound like an elf?

Haha! Me too! It's like we're breathing helium.

Whoah! We are breathing helium!

That machine looks like it's sucking it out from the walls!

And what's with all of the balloons?

(BOTH) (GASP) I know who the culprit is!

Come on out, Vic.

(ACUTE VOICE) So you figured it out.

The guy with the family balloon business wanted access to the

ginormous helium deposit under Sunset Canyon.

You almost got away with it, too.

You even put on roller skates to throw us off!

Well, aren't you just a regular David Steele?

Too bad I have a getaway plan!

You'll never stop me!


Come on, Clyde!

Vic's been sabotaging Sunset Canyon trying to get everyone to move!

-(ALL GASP) -Come on, everyone!

Over there! He's trying to escape!

Haha! See you losers!

Hahaha! Oh no you don't!

-I got you, Lincoln! -Be careful, Clyde!

Get Off!

We need to pop his balloons!

Lincoln! The rocket dentures in the watch!



Guess you can say that wraps up this case.

Yep just one thing left.

What to do with Vic.

As head of the Board, I say he fixes everything.

Come on, let's hit the hardware store, you're buying!

Great work, detectives!

You saved our home!

Here, have a celebratory candy!

I just found them.

(BOTH) Oh no. Chamomile.


# Cramped inside this tiny space #

# May sound bad but ain't the case #

# In the Loud house # # Loud house #

# Duck and dodge and push and shove #

# That's the way we show our love in the Loud house #

# Loud house #

# Laundry piles stacked up high #

# Hand-me-downs that make me cry #

# Stand in line to take a pee #

# Never any privacy #

# Chaos with 11 kids #

# That's the way it always is #

# In the Loud house #

Una casa de locos en inglés

29 Episodios

  • Drivers dread

    Drivers dread

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The last laugh

    The last laugh

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Sofa, so good

    Sofa, so good

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Dine and bash

    Dine and bash

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Scoop snoop

    Scoop snoop

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Eye can't

    Eye can't

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • All the rage

    All the rage

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • A bug's strife

    A bug's strife

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Musical chairs

    Musical chairs

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The taunting hour

    The taunting hour

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Save Royal Woods!

    Save Royal Woods!

    Una casa de locos en inglés21 min, 5 sec

  • Haunted house call

    Haunted house call

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Flip this flip

    Flip this flip

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Double trouble

    Double trouble

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Don't escar-go

    Don't escar-go

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Stressed for the part

    Stressed for the part

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 44 sec

  • Present danger

    Present danger

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Llamada al engaño (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Algo se está rompiendo (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Runaway McBride

    Runaway McBride

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Toda la maldad (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • The loudly bones

    The loudly bones

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Fright bite

    Fright bite

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Confusión en la granja (en inglés)

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 17 sec

  • Farsa familiar

    Farsa familiar

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 46 sec

  • For sale by loner

    For sale by loner

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Diss the cook

    Diss the cook

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

  • In The Mick Of Time

    In The Mick Of Time

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 18 sec

  • Lori Days

    Lori Days

    Una casa de locos en inglés10 min, 47 sec

Una casa de locos en inglés - Runaway McBride


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Una casa de locos en inglés

Lincoln Loud, un niño de 11 años que vive en una casa con sus 10 hermanas (5 mayores y 5 menores),

Tiene que tratar de sobrevivir entre ellas ideando soluciones ingeniosas a los problemas y el caos que vive de forma cotidiana.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 14:40 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.