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Para todos los públicos Welcome to Odd Squad Part II
Transcripción completa

And now, the rest of the story!

The good news is, we just need to blast the sand beast with

the Blue Eyed Sand Beast Shrinkinator.

The bad news is, we can't find it. Bringing up a map of the town.

So far, the sand beast has struck this stadium and this park.

But we can't find a pattern. -Don't mind us.

We'll just set up right here.

Um, who are you? -And what is that?

-That is the pod we're using to send the video

up to Big O in space. She wants E-ASAP.

That's extra-as-soon-as-possible. -Ah.

-So, Little O, how do you want

to coordinate this? -Coordinate!

That gives me an idea. -Seriously?

-Bringing up a coordinates grid.

-Uh, what are coordinates?

-Coordinates are a set of letters and numbers that show where

something is in a map.

See, these lines are labeled A, B, C, D.

And these lines are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4.

A letter and number together where the lines meet.

They can help us find the exact spots the sand beast struck.

First, the sand beast struck at coordinate B2.

Where line B and line 2 meet.

Next, it struck C4, where line C and line 4 meet.

So it must be counting by twos! Yes.

It went from B2 to C4.

It is going up one letter and adding two.

So if it goes up a letter and adds 2 again, it shall strike at...

D6! The playground.

Let's move!

Now that's how you solve a...

I guess we're doing this. -The monitor's ready.

And... action!

-Oh boy Why should you join Odd Squad?

Because it's unlike any other job.

So lace up your sneakers and let's go!

-I'm coming Miss O!

What's going on?

I don't know!

-Stop right there!

-Working at Odd Squad means helping people, even if they

aren't sure what they want. -Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

I would tell you what the problem is, but I think

it seems pretty obvious. -Not to worry, ma'am.

We have an animal-personator gadget.

-Oh. -Hang on, partner.

Do you want us to change you back to all person

or all horse? -Ooh, boy.

Ooh. I didn't know I had a choice.

Um... Let's go with horse.

Uh, wait. No!

Person. No, horse.

No, person. No.

No no no, horse. No, person.

No, horse. Person.

Horse. Person.

Definitely horse. -Are you sure?

-Yes. -No, wait!


Thanks, Odd Squad!

-Not the way I would have gone.

-Also, you'll have to be ready to face off with odd creatures.

-Do you always take a lot of...

-It's okay if you lose your nerve sometimes.

They do.


-What are you doing?


-And oddness is not just something that happens to creatures,

or other people. It will also happen to you.

-What is it?

-You'll definitely need a strong stomach to work at Odd Squad..

-Food is for eating. -I got a big chili beans.

Yeah, you might think that that's pretty weird.

-Get 'em while they're hot.

-Ugh, he does eat super weird.

-It's even weirder with this whole face.

Little O!


We showed up at the playground at D6, but the sand beast did not.

All right. Let's take a quick five...

seconds. Hurry.


-Instead of striking the playground, the sand beast

hit the town pool at D8.

So it's not an adding by twos pattern.

Hey! You done?

We need to record the rest of this thing on the double.

-Double! Good thinking, Opala.

-Seriously? -It's a doubling pattern.

See? If you double 2, you get 4.

And if you double 4, you get 8.

So, if the sand beast is adding a letter, and doubling the number,

it'll go from coordinate D8 to...

E16! Town center!

Let us move.

And... action!

-At Odd Squad, we're at the leading edge of technology.

What used to take an entire room...

-We have to go to the Math Room.

-Greetings, agents!

-Math Room, I need you to recreate the moment when the bad luck

started for the bears.

-Now only takes the press of a button.

Or a couple taps on the wrist.

If you like cool stuff that does cool stuff, then you're in luck,

because the Odd Squad uniform is equipped a ton of oddness

fighting functions. Random costumemanator time!

-All right, Mr Lightning.

See if you can handle this.

-Toast activated.

-Aww! Did you just make me toast?!

-With a side order of this. And this.

-Adorable. Adorable!

-And this?

-Gotta stay dry.

-Whoa, force-field!

-Oh, come on!

-Activate the plunger! -Tapping all the buttons.

-Oh no no no no no!

-I got it, Olympia!

-And if you like that suit, there's one waiting

for all of you. So, what are you waiting for?

Join Odd... I'm not reading this.


Little O, there's only one line left.

Just read it and we're done.

-It says, "Join Odd Squad, where heroes never fail to save

the day."

-Tell me you got that.

-We fail all the time at Odd Squad.

Little O, we failed! See?

-We need new ending. Ever do any writing?

-Just small articles for the New England Journal

of Medicine.

-Bringing up the map again. The sand beast didn't strike E16.

It wasn't a doubling pattern.

It went on to hit a firehouse at M7, then a community garden

at K3. So there's no pattern.

And I'm running out of time.

Maybe we'll just send the original video.

It's not that bad!

-That's no good. Wait a minute!

Rainbows. Look!

The colors.

Perhaps it is not a number pattern at all.

The sand beast struck something red, then green, then blue,

then red, then green.

So the next thing it's going to strike is blue.

Bringing up the nearest location with that exact color of blue.

-Our van!

-Prepare the shrinkinators! Aw!

So cute. Follow me!


-This gives me a good idea for the ending of the script.

-I don't need a script. Action!

If you join Odd Squad, will you save the day every day?

Of course not. You'll fall.

And you'll fail.

But, with the support of the greatest team,

you'll learn and get better each day.

And that is true success. That is Odd Squad.

-And... cut!

That's a wrap. Beautifully done!

-So this is what human emotions feel like?

You've restored my sense of hope for this world.

-Bring this to the Big O right away.

-Um, is this a bad time to mention that the space

pod doesn't really work? -What?!

-I bought it from the Odd Squad museum, and the astronaut

is a kid I met on the playground.

-But you said it could go to space.

-That was before my hope for the world was restored.

I figured we'd never finish the video.

I'm sorry. Hold on.

Where in outer space do you need to go, exactly?

North-west Saturn. -We can help.

-Video delivered. And this is for you!

-It's from the Big O!

"Excellent video, team!

I beamed it out to the new recruits and 100

kids have already signed up.

I hope you don't mind the bonus ending I added."

-Bonus ending?

-At Odd Squad, we're an organisation run by kids.

-So what's it like to work at Odd Squad?

-It's really good and that is a custard fruit tart.

I thought it'd be better to show.

Show! Odd Squad needs you!

Odd Squad needs you! Odd Squad needs you!

Odd Squad needs you! Odd Squad needs you!

Join today. Odd Squad needs you!

And you! And you!

And you!

You. You. You. You.

You.You. You.

You. You. You.

You. You. You.

División O en inglés

37 Episodios

  • O for a day

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  • Box trot

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  • Odd off the press Part II

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    División O en inglés10 min, 5 sec

  • Odd off the press Part I

    Odd off the press Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 24 sec

  • Odd together now Part II

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    División O en inglés10 min, 23 sec

  • Odd together now Part I

    Odd together now Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Old Odd new tricks

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  • Old Odd new tricks

    Old Odd new tricks

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  • Off the clock

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  • Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    Why did the chicken cross the dim?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Party crashers

    Party crashers

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  • Monumental oddness

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  • Villains helping villains

    Villains helping villains

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Set lasers to profit

    Set lasers to profit

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    Welcome to Odd Squad Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Three portals down

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  • The problem with pentagurps

    The problem with pentagurps

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • Ahead of the times

    Ahead of the times

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Can you wrangle it?

    Can you wrangle it?

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Double O trouble Part II

    Double O trouble Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Double O trouble Part I

    Double O trouble Part I

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Nature of the sandbeast

    Nature of the sandbeast

    División O en inglés10 min, 29 sec

  • Mission O possible

    Mission O possible

    División O en inglés11 min, 8 sec

  • In your dreams

    In your dreams

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  • H2 oh no

    H2 oh no

    División O en inglés11 min, 9 sec

  • Odds and ends Part II

    Odds and ends Part II

    División O en inglés11 min, 30 sec

  • Odds and ends Part I

    Odds and ends Part I

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Who is Agent Otis? Part II

    Who is Agent Otis? Part II

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Who is Agent Otis? Part I

    Who is Agent Otis? Part I

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • The scientist

    The scientist

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  • Friends of Odd Squad

    Friends of Odd Squad

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • It takes goo to make a feud go right

    It takes goo to make a feud go right

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  • World turned odd Part II - II

    World turned odd Part II - II

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  • World turned odd Part II - I

    World turned odd Part II - I

    División O en inglés10 min, 52 sec

  • Picture Day

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  • Oscar and the oscarbots

    Oscar and the oscarbots

    División O en inglés10 min, 32 sec

División O en inglés - Welcome to Odd Squad Part II


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre División O en inglés

División O en inglés

División O en inglés

os agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd

Los agentes Olivia y Otto, tienen 12 y 10 años respectivamente y trabajan para la División Odd, una organización gubernamental dirigida por niños que investigan lo extraño e insólito y arreglan lo que está mal en su ciudad utilizando sus habilidades en el campo de las matemáticas y el razonamiento.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:00 horas y siempre en la web y apps del canal.