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Especialmente recomendado para la infancia Especial Navidad. Capítulo 2 (En inglés)
Transcripción completa


This is George Beard and Harold Hutchins.

George is on the left with the tie and the Santa hat.

Harold is on the right with reindeer antlers and the bad haircut.

Remember that now because they're getting their Christmas on

like a holiday movie marathon.

Christmas is awesome.

Yup. It's my favorite time of the year.

The lights, the snow globes and whatever this is.

I think it's a tree skirt.

Yes, even the trees get dressed up at Christmas, and nothing puts me in

the mood for Christmas more than the 4th of July.

Yep. Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year.


(Intro song)

(Intro song)

(Intro song)

(Intro song)

Christmas special.

Extreme exploits of the explosive Xmas.

Six months later, it was finally Christmas cheer was in the air and

smoke from a small grease fire at Chancy Chicken.

Man, you can't beat Christmas at Christmas time.

Yeah, it's like having Christmas at Christmas.

I'll say you tangled string lights

and nothing says Christmas like a lukewarm mug of ham knob.

I'll take the hit. What's ham nog?

Oh, one of a kind beverage and precious holiday treasure

made from baked ham, raw eggs,

smoked oysters and a dash of cinnamon.

This holiday season,

fill your cup to the brim with Smickleflap's Ham Nog.

Hammy Holidays.

Ugh! Tastes like low tide.

It checks all the boxes.

Smokey, creamy, chewy, fishy, chunky.

That sounds awful. To a primitive palate.

When they discontinued it, I bought every gallon and put it in

my Freezy-does-it-2000 to preserve it for the next 10.000 years.


Every Christmas I allow myself a few drops of this precious nectar.

I kind of want to taste it now.

Never. Because it's all for me.

and you're nog nothings. Ha! Nog burn.

Man, Melvin liking Christmas is not a good look for Christmas.

But even Melvin can't ruin Christmas.

Nope. Because Christmas is perfect.

I hear rustling, probably gloves.

I'm getting wind chimes and nine iron?

Trying to get gifts again, huh? Yeah. This one's for you.

Ooh, you're getting broken glass.

Tell you what, since we can't open presents yet,

how's about a sneak read of

tis the Eve for the day Twas Christmas.

But that poem is for Christmas Eve, which is two weeks away,

George's dad. I know,

that's what makes it naughty and nice.


Did someone mess with my chair?

Cause it's all... I can't get it to...

Why won't it just...

Perfect. Here we go.

Tis the eve of the day twas Christmas.

The village is brimming with cheer.

The blacksmith is smithing.

What's smithing? No idea.

Seamstresses seeming.

What's seaming? Beats me.

For soon old Saint Nick will be here.

With eight flying reindeer pulling-

I gotta say, this poem's a little rusty.

Yeah, and these sweaters are pretty ugly and itchy.

All this waiting. Waiting for Santa, waiting to open presents, waiting

for grandpa Roger to go back to Boca so I don't sleep on the floor.

(Loud snoring)

Maybe Christmas isn't perfect.

Maybe it could use some upgrades.

Yeah. Might be time for a Chris-makeover.

Let's slide.

And with that, Santa whispers.


So instead of red bows, how about laser shows?

You mean like this?

Instead of peppermint?

Super-spicy-sour-salty- scorched-banana-apple-berry-blast!

Instead of ugly sweaters?

Oh, Christmas capes.

Instead of jolly old Saint Nick.

Jacked new Santa! Instead of tired, sad carols...


Instead of bland ham... Corndog-taco-pizza-chili-changa!

Instead of boring, decorated trees? Titanic Tree-bots!

We're gonna need more than a day to fit all this stuff in.

So we make Christmas a whole week!

Yes! We should make a comic!

So, a couple of months before Christmas,

Santa was testing new toys.

One was a robot named Roguey,

a war-bot who made lots of noise.

But Roguey the Robot went rogue. Not surprising given his name.

He took Santa hostage and warned, “Pay the ransom

'cause this ain't no game.”

The ransom was one jillion dollars,

and a motorcycle that flies and shoots flame.

“Pay or Christma is cancelled,” he warned, 'cause "this ain't no game.”

They didn't have that much dough.

So they did the only thing they could do.

They called for the hero and undies.

And in Captain Underpants flew.

When Captain Underpants heard about Santa,

he said, “Oh, no! That's really bad!

But don't worry, folks. I love Christmas.

It's my favorite time to wear plaid.”

Captain Underpants' mission was clear, save Santa and Christmas too.

'Cause if he failed, no holiday parties.

Not even ‘O Howly Night at the zoo!

Captain Underpants flew to the North Pole.

A weird snowdrift made him look twice.

lSo he dug and he dug and he dug and he dug.

And he found a jail in the ice!

Here's the thing about prison, it can change a man.

That's a fact. So when Captain Underpants

found Santa, he was no longer jolly.

He was jacked!

Robots charged in from all sides.

The heroes were caught in a trap.

Roguey was all, “Game's over, you fools!”

“But you said this ain't no game,” said Cap.

Captain thought they were goners. But new jacked Santa stepped in.

They fought side by side like Pro-Bowlers.

And they smashed all the bots for the win.

To celebrate, jacked Santa declared

that, "Christmas would have a new name."

From that day on it would be Blissmas

and be a whole new ball game

with lasers, explosion and fun and stakes and dance music and

parades and jalapeno poppers and ape racing and monster trucks

horse climbing and French toast, and a party that lasts a week,

and a dinosaur made out of fire for some reason,

and, oh, yeah, this was supposed to rhyme.

Okay, the end.

The presents under the tree then helps himself to a cookie of three.

They fought side by side like Pro Bowlers

and they smashed all the bots for the win.

Hey, that's not right.

No, it's better than right.

Because we made it awesome. To you.

But Christmas isn't... (STRUGGLES)

My chair is so...

(GRUTS) I just can't get it to...

Okay. I need a new chair. Oh, wait, there's the button.

Ah, but Christmas isn't about you.

It's about everyone.

Instead of thinking about ourselves, we think about others.

Mom, were you here the whole time?

Mom, what are you doing here?

Giving. That's the spirit of every Christmas tradition.

Singing for other people, baking cookies for other people,

giving presents to other people.

Even this poem, it's about how Santa puts everyone before himself.

That's his thing.

It's also this Christmas special's thing.

Thanks George and Harold's parents. Where's that music coming from?

Sorry, I was watching Lee Dingman's Christmas movie

"Christmas Lee's Christmas tree" on my phone.

Christmas Lee's Christmas tree.

A place for joy, not punching.

Unless there's a ninja attack!

Gah! Ninja attack!


-Merry Christmas. -Oh, you got me

your crazy Christmas ninjas.

That's what we're saying. Even action movie star Lee Dingman

is boring at Christmas.

But if Christmas was more like our comic, it would be better.

Better for you?

Exactly. And better for us is better for everyone.

All I know is Christmas ain't broke, so don't fix it.

-Oh no. Eternal darkness. -Lock the doors!

Board the windows!

Candles were a tradition

until someone started a better tradition. Lights.

Yeah, so it's black and white TV until they invented color.

And every Christmas tradition started somewhere.

Stockings, Cyber Monday, even Santa Claus.

Man, I'd love to see how Santa got started.

Too bad that's impossible. But nothing's impossible on TV.

Welcome to Toys of London,

the world's biggest toy store 300 years ago.

Toys of London is the top toy titan.

You have all the toys, dolls, marbles, rattles.

And that's it. I propose you stop selling toys

and start giving them away. But that's not all.

We're going to wrap the toys and put them under a tree

inside your house.

And we're gonna call it. Wait for it...


-Why? -Exactly!

-Now, who's with me? -Mr. Claus?

Don't, call me Santa.

Mr. Claus was my father.

Very well. Santa.

If we give our toys away, how will we make any money?

You won't.

So we got a deal, huh?


Why are there teacups here?

Oh, right. It's England.



Not again.

Coast is clear. It's copy time.

Once we put a copy of our comic in the hands of everyone in Piqua,

Blissmas will be a go.Help!

Was that Ms. Anthrope calling for help?

Nah, that was the copying.

Hope it doesn't break before we're done.

Me too. Can I help?

Yeah. Grab some more paper. And toner.

Sure thing. But first, why don't you get in my office right now?


Was that Ms. Anthrope calling for help?

No, that was the copier.

Misallocation of school copying resources?

Oh... That's a serious offense. What to do?

You could give us your keys.

Let me in. It's my house and I have to go number two.

You could nominate us for membership in your Yak lodge.

Let me in, let me in. I'm a yak.


You could take us on a Christmas cruise.

Let me in. I paid for this cruise.

Boys, Christmas is my favorite time of year.

Three weeks of paid time off with nothing but a roaring fire

and a freezer full of steaks.

I got dirt cheap at the beef thief.

Steaks, roasts, burgers.

If it's beef, we got it.

And the price is so low.

You swear it was stolen?

Because it was.

Gotta go.

But there's one thing about Christmas I can't stand.

Christmas fudge flab?

Christmas credit card debt?

No, the school Christmas pageant.

Isn't Ms. Hurd in charge of the pageant?

She was. But apparently Ms. Hurd passed away last year.

So who directed it last year? Her ghost.

But now her ghost is retiring.

The good news is I can finally shut down the music program.

The bad news is, none of the other teachers will step up.

You have to direct the pageant.

You're a gym teacher. You know about theater!

Yeah. No no no, no. Is that a yes or no?

You're sending mixed signals!

Christmas pageant.

If I don't find someone to direct the pageant,

I'll have to do it.

And I'd rather be eaten by sharks than spend more time

with you, kids. But you're a school principal.

Uh, don't remind me.

But the good news is- You already said-

There's more good news.

And the good news is I found someone.

Jingle bells, jingle bells.

Jingle all the way.

I can't believe Krupp is making us direct the Christmas pageant.

Worst punishment ever.

Yup. This pageant is stale.

Hasn't changed since the dinosaurs did it.

Jingle bells jingle...

You're right. That's why we should totally upgrade it.

Hey guys, we all love Christmas.

What if we made it cooler? That's what we're gonna do.

We're turning Christmas into Blissmas, starting with the pageant.

We've been asleep at the Christmas wheel

time to hit the Blissmas gas.

-(ALL) Yay! -Sorry. Meatloaf Monday.

Don't be sorry, because Blissmas doesn't apologize for anything.

Can I lose these sleigh bells? Only if you want to.

-(ALL) Yay! -Wait! I like sleigh bells.

I love this, it's new, it's bold, it's uncompromising.

But our parents won't be on board.

All things change and Christmas is a thing.

You gotta break some eggs to make eggnog.

Exactly. And I know a thing or two about nog.

George and Harold's pageant is going to be legendary.

Really? Yes. A legendary train wreck.


And I'll have a front row seat to enjoy every moment of it

with a room temperature mug of ham nog.

(Gulping noises)

Okay, let's wreck this pageant from the top.

Why does it smell like the pier? Ham nog!

Meanwhile, 300 years ago, Christmas was still a hard sell.

Because if the Eiffel Toyer gives its toys away, it will inspire

people to think about others before themselves.

Oh. Croissants.

And if people think about others before themselves,

thanks to Toysland Uber Alles, they'll be happy.


Are bratwurst.

And if everyone is happy,

the world will be a better place.

Courtesy of Neutrali-Toys.


Oh, cheese!

Big school Christmas pageant tonight.

No shoes, no shirt, no Santa show.

Break a leg, kids.


Tonight is blissmas and Santa is going to town.

Nice. Now let's get naughty.

Oh, hello, parents of some students.

And you two other parents of some other students.

Haha, I did it.

I made George and Harold direct the Christmas pageant and I didn't even

check on them. I'm a Christmas genius.

Aren't you worried that George and Harold changed the pageant?

No! Wait. What?

Oh, no.

It's Christmas Eve.

The war on Christmas has raged for centuries.

But this year, 2127, is the year a hero rises from the tinsel

and Christmas becomes Blissmas.

Santa's coming to town to kick some butt.


Thanks, Dasher. You too, Dancer and Prancer.

Love the new look, Santa.

You're like super jacked now.

Stay frosty, Christmas commandos.

That explosion woke up the metalheads.

We'll have to blast our way out.

Good. Let's wreck the halls.


(Epic music)

The metalheads have force fields.

Our lasers can't break through.

No, but the mistletoe missile will.



Ho! Ho ho! Hope you have insurance.

Santa should be here by now.

But he's not. It's the end of Christmas.

Ho ho hopeless!

Right, because it's the beginning of blissmas.

And this night ain't silent anymore.

So make some noise and have a mega blissmas.

(Electronic music)

Corndog-taco-pizza- chilichangas for everyone!

(Electronic music)


Oh, and there's a dinosaur made of fire for some reason.

-That's crunchy! -And hot.


Mega blissmas, everyone!

(Electronic music)

(Disappointed walla)

Merry Christmas?

Man, the crowd was so blown away they couldn't even clap.

Or cheer or talk or even move.

We did it. We made blissmas a thing.

It was awesome!

To us, to the audience?

Not so much.

My parents hated it.

My mom started crying tears of sorrow.

Oh, my family stopped sweating. That's never happened before.

My mother called her lawyer.

My dad said, we're moving.

What are you talking about?

We killed it. We sure did.

We killed Christmas.




Why? Why what?

Yeah. Can you be more specific?


Why did you change the pageant?

Everybody loved that old sap fest, and you ruined it.

Now the parents are furious,

and they're taking it out on me,

so I'm going to take it out on you.

Get ready for some ho ho hard labor.



Oh! Honey, we're not mad.

We're disappointed.

I'm both and confused.

Why was there a dinosaur?

And why do I have to sit in the middle?

What's so bad about Blissmas? Blissmas is for you.

Christmas is for everyone.

And everyone loved that pageant.

Until tonight.

Too bad more people didn't love Ham-nog.

Now that made for a hammy holiday.

Getting rid of it was a Christmas crime.

Maybe the real crime was not giving bliss was a chance.

Boys, I want you to read this.

Twas the eve befor the day

twas Christmas. We read it.

But you don't get it.

Christmas was about putting others before yourself

right from the start.

And that will never change.

I'm calling Smickleflaps.

I want a ham nog reboot.

Ham nog.

Uh, this pageant punishment sure is pungent.

More like putrid.

Maybe your parents are right. Maybe Christmas will never change.

Unless we use Melvin's Timetoad

to go back in time and change Christmas before it starts.

Yes, exactly what I was thinking.

I'm sure that's what they meant. That is not what they meant.

Don't touch that last toilet.

Why? I'm defrosting rib-eyes in there.

Why? Well,

the beef thief says to defrost meat in a toilet.

And mine are full of T-Bones and tri tip.

You know, Christmas Pass might be dangerous.

Yeah, so let's bring a holiday heavy to watch our backs.

La la lavatory!

I've done that one before, but it never gets old.

Ooh. Are these toilet steaks spoken for?

So when was the first Christmas?

I don't know, let's ask Santa.

We're gonna meet Santa?


And to close out the D's, I want a doctor dog.

That's a dog that's licensed to practice medicine.

What do you mean you don't know when all this started?

Don't they teach that in Santa training?

Look, kid, I'm just an actor trying to make a buck. I graduated from

Juilliard. I was the lead on the zoo investigator for three seasons.

Those monkeys could not have opened this unlocked door and

walked out. Oh, wait.

Yes, they could have.

That show was underrated.

Psst. Yous twos want the Santa skinny? Follows me.

An elderly llama, an eel tank filled with eel--

Oh, why is this igloo so small?

Because it ain't a real igloo. So shut your yaps and listen up.

Name's Yule. Yule tide.

I'm one of Santa's little helpers. Real Santa.

Wait, you're a real elf?

That's right, don't get your stockings in a knot. So why is this

you kids asking so many questions about Santa, huh?

Because we want to bring Christmas into the 21st century.

Oh, yeah. How's you gonna do that?

Using a time machine to go to the first Christmas Eve.

And having a chat with Santa. Time machine?

All right, I'll buy it. 1720, North Pole.

that's when Santa became Santa.

You goes there, maybe you can give Christmas a kick in the pants.

Thanks! I guess you're our little helper too.

Oh, is that an elf crack?

No, he just meant that...

(LAUGHS) I just busted your chops.

We're on the same team.

Look at me. 300 years of pointy hats and shoes is enough.

I'm an elf, not a clown. Why can't I wear something nice?

Want us to tell Santa elves need new clothes?

Oh, I didn't say that. Yous did.

All right, we're done here. Beat it.

And take your man, baby, with you.

He's gumming up the works.

And a giraffe, man.

That's the. Gs.

You need a break or should we pushed through to the Z's?

Chair. Add that to the Ch.

Dear Mr. Claus, I'll forego the pleasantries and get straight to my

Christmas demands in order of priority.

One bring back ham nog, obviously.

Two facial hair, preferably a mustache, but a soul patch will

suffice. Three.

Absolute power. Four-

Merry Christmas Melvin.

Should've replaced mother with a guard dog.

And Christmas is next week, you cracked ornament.

We wanted to give you an early gift.

Let me guess.

Is it a spring loaded boxing glove or a set of propeller bow ties,

or is that a rabid badger?


You have to open it to find out. Very well then.

Behold, the Anti-de-present-two thousand.

Built for precisely this occasion.

(Crash) What was that?

Uh, Indoornado. Wall moose.

Uh, my fault for asking.

Who's there? Springnado.

Spring moose. Why do I bother?


Where's he going? Bathroom?

Uh, Toiletnado. Toilet moose.

I weep for the future.


Aha! It's it's it's beautiful.

We had Bo make it for you.

Yeah. Now you can drink ham nog out of your own head.


I'll be right back.

I think he's really touched.

Got it! And he'll never even know I was here.



In this mug is perfectly lukewarm ham nog.

I have never before shared it with another living creature.

Not even mother.


But now the three of us will drink

from this mug together

forever cementing our bond of everlasting friendship.

That's awfully nice of you, Melvin.

But we had a big lunch...

Yeah, no...Drink!

In which they all traveled back in time to meet Santa.

I'm never gonna get that ham nog taste out of my mouth.

Nothing should be that chewy.

Oh, did you guys just eat tires?

Been there.

Ooh. Good tires, am I right?

So this is the North Pole in 1720.

There's nothing here. Nothing. Except that.

Ho ho, a giant gingerbread house.

Maybe that's where those cute little elves live.

(Screaming elves)

Their hammers aren't cute.

Intruders, attack!

Oh, no! They're attack elves!

Cover your knees!

Wow. Oh.


These elves are meaner than the elves in my favorite fantasy role

playing game. Wizards and wallets.

Oh, I got an 87.

Here's my wallet.


See you next week. I'll bring chips and dip and another wallet.

There's so many. There's an Elvis of them.

That's what you call a bunch of Elves.

No, it isn't. Yeah, but they're short.

So when they go low, we go high, right, captain underpants?

Good thinking. I'll find an escalator.

No, you can fly.

Oh, yeah. I always forget that when it matters.


Flying with friends is fun. We should do this more often.

Yeah, but not here. Incoming antlers!


Ow. I don't like these reindeer games.



Ho ho ho! Hold the phone.

Get off before we get sued.

(ALL) Santa! Sorry, we don't get many guests.

Or any guests at all.

Come on in. Just made a fresh batch of cookies.

Wait, why aren't you wearing any clothes?

It's 20 below zero.

My motor runs hot.

So you always wanted to give toys to everyone?

My first childhood toy was a stick.

It made me so happy.

But giving it to my neighbor Maurice made me realize true happiness is

putting others before yourself.

I went around the world looking for someone else who wanted to put

others before themselves like me, but everyone said no.

That's when I realized I'd have to make it happen on my own.

So I emptied my bank account and moved to the North Pole to make a

fresh start. But it was a lot colder than I expected.

Luckily, that's when I met the elves and they loved my presentation.

So they helped me build this cottage and a workshop for toys.

And now we're a lean, mean, toy making machine.

Well, maybe not so lean because of all the cookies, but that's all

there is to eat here. You know, it's the Arctic.


Whoa! Santa's workshop.

This is the sleigh. And you met the reindeer.

Now, once we're loaded up, I'm going to fly around the world giving trees

and presents to everyone.

And tomorrow, December 25th, the world will be a better place.

Full of lights and bows and festive songs and colorful sweaters and most

importantly, the joy of putting others before yourself.

All thanks to Christmas.

That's what I'm calling it.

I'm kind of hoping people do the tree part themselves next year

because this sap is really sticky.

Anyways, that's the plan.

What do you think? It's a good plan, really.

But what if you think bigger?

Instead of red bows, laser shows.

Instead of ugly sweaters, cool capes.

Instead of decorating trees, creating tree bots.

Maybe this will inspire you.

Oh, pictures.

You got any more of those cookies?

Tons. It's a problem,

but my New Year's resolution is to hit the gym

as soon as it gets invented, because it is the 1700s.

All right. A couple of months before Christmas,

Santa was testing new toys.

Okay. The end. And that's not all.

You're giving presents to everyone, right?

Well, what about Santa?

Maybe Santa gets a present.

Maybe it's a boat. Oh, I've always wanted a boat.

Well, this changes everything.

Elves. I'm calling an audible.

Boys, you just booked permanent spots on my nice list.

Which is another thing I'm starting. I got a tummy ache.

Maybe that's because you ate every single cookie we had.

Oh, snap.

He's on board. Let's head home and see if it sticks.

And let's skip to Christmas Eve in the present.

Good call, cause there's no waiting in Blissmas.


Huh? I thought things were changed, but everything looks the same.

Guess it didn't work after all.

Celebratory tree ignition in three, two, one.

Hit the dirt.

I'm hitting it as hard as I can, but it's not working.

Make it stop.

You make it stop. You have powers.

Oh, yeah? Why can't I remember that?

Okay, tree, it's time for you to make like a U and leave.

Or at least stop burning.



Why am I wet?

Where are my pants and why am I an ornament now?



Whoa! Auto tree refill. A treefill!

So good.

Kid, get out of the blast zone! And Mega Blissmas!

Mega blissmas.

Mega Blissmas? Does that mean... It worked. Blissmas is a thing!

♪ Got a burning tree ♪ ♪ that's a rocket too ♪

♪ Got a DJ dropping beats ♪ ♪ that'll make you scream woo ♪

♪ Got a glowing half-pipe ♪ ♪ for catching holiday air ♪

♪ And there's lasers, lasers, ♪ ♪ lasers, lasers everywhere! ♪

♪ We're wearing capes. ♪ ♪ And racing apes! ♪

♪ This is everything we've ♪ ♪ ever wanted in a holiday. ♪

♪ No carols to sing. ♪ ♪ No more sleigh bells ring. ♪

♪ We're dancing on the hovercraft. ♪ ♪ 'Cause Blissmas is a thing. ♪

♪ Grab a rope and swing ♪ ♪ Eat and drink like a king ♪

♪ We all just hit the jackpot ♪ ♪ 'Cause Blissmas is a thing! ♪

Now that was a Christmas song.

Because it was a blissmas song.

Yup. I can't believe Santa got us everything we wanted for Christmas.

Including a chilly geyser.

Blissmas is the longest week of the year.

A whole week of this awesomeness? Including a whole week of presents.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah.

Oh, I can't wait for you blissmas to be your own house.

Not better for everyone, I guess. Yeah.

Mr. Meaner always loved Christmas. Merry yeah yeah yeah Christmas.

Look what I got at rent a reindeer. Ho ho ho.

Who's got yet yet, yet yet. Mistletoe.


Our parents aren't so wild about Blissmas either.

Yeah, but they're adults. Adults are never happy.

Ho ho ho. Mega blissmas.

People are. Piqa! This is your Santa speaking.

Time to get your butts to the Piquarena

for tonight's Mega Mechalition Derby!

Mechalition Derby?

No idea what it is. And it's my new favorite thing.

(Fast Christmas carols)

Hey, guys! You ready for some Mechalition derby?.

We just got here from the past, and we have no idea what it is.

Giant robots smashing into each other again.

Eh? But Blissmas is so awesome. At first.

But then it's just loud, pointless and obnoxious.

Like Other Sophie. Sophie burn!

Wait, I thought everyone loved Blissmas.

What about the lasers? Seen it.

And the music? Heard it.

The ho ho ho roller coaster? Been there.

Virtual Blissmas? Done that.

Aw, the Blissmas Bobcat bit me again.

You guys are crazy. Blissmas is awesome.

Yeah, you could be decorating a tree instead of launching it.

That actually sounds nice.

Okay, but would you rather have boring plates of cookies

or exciting cookie drones?

Boring plates. Boring plates.

I'd like to eat one thing baked

like a ham instead of a bunch of stuff i-changa'd.

Singing is easier when you're not winded from dodging.

Dodging. Fa la la la la la

La la La Need oxygen

Wow. It'd be nice if everyone spent this holiday putting others before

themselves, especially Santa.

What do you mean? Santa always thinks about other people.

That's why he gives presents to everyone.

Wrong. Santa doesn't give presents to anyone.

He gets presents.


Wait, wait. Where are your presents for Santa?

We don't have any.

Ah, you don't have presents for Santa?

-Where's your present for Santa? -I forgot it.

Maybe this will help you remember.


Remember Santas present. Remember Santa present.

George, this present thing is bad.

It's blissmas a miss-mas?

Nah, nothing we can't fixmas.

Don't worry, guys, we're tight with Santa.

We'll wrap this gift rift.

Gift rift?

Gift rift?

That's hard to say.

Oh, hey, it's Ewell and you got the suit you wanted.

Do I know you? Oh, that's right,

you haven't met us yet.

Because time travel, anyway. Merry blissmas.

Merry? You mean Mega blissmas?

And where are your presents for Santa?

We don't have any. Ooh!

Why does everyone keep doing that?

Tell Jingle Boss I got a couple of gift-less Gary's comin' his way.

(Elevator music)

(Party music)

This is way better than a Christmas party.

It's like a North Pole nightclub.

It's so exclusive. No one gets in because it's a glacier.

Exactly. Blissmas is amazing.

All we gotta do is fix this gift goof

with the big guy and we're golden.

Yeah, if we fix the GG with the big G, we're G.

I found the big G.

Oh, geez.

Oh. Emphasis on big.

Georgetown! H-Bomb! You remember us?

Of course I'm Santa.

Jacked Santa!

Yep. I put down the cookies.

I picked up the weights.

Ooh, you guys want a Blissmas protein shake?

I got Ultra Fudgealanche and Big Time Bacon-Berry Blitz!

We love what you've done with Blissmas.

Isn't it great? It's got everything.

Lasers, capes, rides, lasers, music, spicy food,

robots, lasers, and lasers!

What am I sayin'? You guys know all that

'cause it was your idea!

We just have one small question.

Why are you getting gifts instead of giving them?

Oh. Well, giving was a Christmas thing!

Christmas was for everyone.

But this is Blissmas baby and Blissmas is all about me.

That's not in our comic.

Hey, you were the spark. I'm the fire.

Yeah, but maybe this fire's out of control.

That's what makes it Blissmas, baby.

And don't worry about gettin' me a gift.

Yous two get a pass on presents,

you're VIPs! After all,

without you, there's no Blissmas!

Right. But what if, and I'm just spitballin' here,

you tried giving presents instead of getting them?

Yeah, and then Blissmas would be perfect.

Whoa. I gotta think-squat-thrust about that one.

Ho ho!

Well. Yeah.

I'm good. Good-Good- Good brain burn, there.

Here's the deal. The spirit of Blissmas is go big or go home,

am I right?

It is? Yep. And I never go home.

Well, I go home after blissmas, but I'm here now, so you're on.

Really? Sure.

All you have to do is win the Blissmas Mechalition Derby!

Say what, now? Win the Blissmas Mechalition Derby!

Say what now?

Mechalition is the big kahuna of Blissmas traditions.

If you guys defeat all the robots, I'll do whatever you say.

And if we lose? You join my elf team.

After all, if it's not high stakes, it's not blissmas.

Uh, yeah. We so know robo.

Right. We're so robo-gung-ho.

Uh-oh. No, no.

Like you two single cells could ever defeat my robots.

Melvin, you work for Santa?

I don't work for anyone, entry levels.

I'm a robo consultant.

So no dental plan?

I'm in it for the nog.

Um, gummy.

I built robots, and Santa gave me all the remaining ham nog on Earth.

Um, oystery.

I don't know why he likes it. It tastes like fish fire.

'Ccause those vile protein shakes have destroyed your taste buds.

You hulking cry for help.

Can't believe Ham Nog is a thing in this timeline, too.

Yeah, maybe we should give it another shot.

It's even worse than I remember.

So gluey.

Oh, come on, we haven't even started yet.

Sorry, buddy. I'll get some tape.

This is a lot more dangerous than I thought.

And we still don't know. Robo.

Nope. We're robo no go.

But who needs bots when you've got briefs?

I told you, Steak or Break.

You'll never break me.

I just wish I had more stomachs and more steak.

Krupp's here? Man, talk about luck. Or lazy writing.

Tra-la-licious! But I got a steakache.

Better put a steak on it.

Captain underpants, we need you to win a robot demolition derby.

But I'm not a robot.

We can fix that with tin foil fix.

I'm like a burrito now.

Mega blissmas.

Are you blissmas bandits melting down for Mechalition?


Robots take the battlefield.


Okay, cap, get out there and show them who's ro-boss.

Will do. But first, where's the bathroom?

'Cause I gotta ro-go. Not now! You gotta win

so Santa gives everyone presents again!

And then everybody will love Blissmas as much as we do.

Just in case you forgot why they're doing this.

Okay, I'll try to hold it, but no promises.

Hey, how's it going?

You a robot here for the robot fight?

Yeah. Me too.

You can tell because I'm shiny.

Mega blissmas to all and to all a good fight.



Oh, I'm staking you down.

Nailed it. Huh?

Hey, wait for me!

(Hits and crashes)

(Hits and crashes)


(Hits and crashes)

No! My meat!

That was a big mistake. Get it? 'Cause steak.

Captain Underpants. You did it! You saved Blissmas.

This calls for a steak dinner!

I'm all staked out, but I left room for pie.

Ho ho! Hold on.

Santa. You look different.

Did you get a new head, face and body?

I said you had to beat all the robots.

He did beat all the robots.

Not quite. Melvin!

Behold my greatest blissmas robot.

Mechthehalls Two Thousand!

I forgot to mention, I always win my collection because Blissmas is all

about me.

Yeah, he's definitely gonna win.

Because when it comes to robot Christmas trees,

if you can't beat them, decorate them.

No cane, no gain.

Get it? Cause I-

Watch out for these Santa claws. Meo--

And a jar on top. Wait, is it a jar or star?

I can't ever remembe--

Yep. I'm gettin' my ham baked.

But the good news is my mouth tastes like a clean bathroom.

He's getting his jingle bells rung.

Of course.

What part of greatest Blissmas robot was unclear?

Yum, briny!

Remember what that ham nog did to Melvin's robot chair?

Yeah, it totally jacked it.

Right. So maybe the nog will wreck the walls for Mechthehalls.

Yeah, but Melvin loves that ashy,

stretchy goop more than anything in the world.

Small price to pay to save blissmas.

All right, Captain Underpants, you need to nog that tree.

Okay. Beats losing.


Five second rule.

We did it! We beat all the robots.

So Santa will start giving presents instead of getting them.

Just in case. You forgot about that.

(Mechanical sounds)

Oh, no I won't.

I'm not Santa Claus.

I'm Mechanic-Claus.

Heh heh heh.


It's okay. We can still save Blissmas.

George, I see the light.

That's a 5000 watt LED stadium floodlight.

Kind of hard to miss. No, I mean this poem.

I finally get it.

We shouldn't be trying to save blissmas for ourselves.

We should be trying to save Christmas for everyone else.


Oh, now I get it.

Yeah, and we broke Christmas.

So now we gotta fix it. By making sure everyone gets it.

Even Santa.

Here comes the ho ho t.k.o.

Right, because you're Santa

and you're gonna punch me until I'm unconscious.

Ooh, my nose is glowing.

It's like a nightlight for my head.

Tis the eve for the day twas Christmas.

The village is brimming with cheer.

There is no Christmas cheer. Only blissmas.

For the blacksmith it's smithing. The seamstress is steaming.

For soon old Saint Nick will be here.

No, no he won't. I'm here, I'm here. Gather Claus.

Hey, are you supposed to be glowing like that?

Eight flying reindeer, a pull in his sleigh.

Full of gifts to deliver all in one day.

He slips down the chimney with nary a peep.

Then glides through the house as the children still sleep.

He places the presents under the tree.

Then helps himself to a cookie or three.


And with that, Santa whispers, winking his eye.

Merry Christmas to everyone and returns to the sky.

And that was when mechanic Claus remembered it was his job to

bring Christmas, not blissmas to everyone.

And a most wonderful thing happened.

Mechanic Claus became the Santa Claus he was meant to be.

Ho ho ho!

Merry Christmas.

Christmas is back, baby.

And I have something for everyone. Elves.

Fire the gift-zookas!


I guess a little blissmas can't hurt.

Yeah yeah yeah. Blissmas blunt force trauma.

Thank you, George and Harold, for reminding me what Christmas was

meant to be.

I don't know what I was thinking for the last 300 years.

Well, it's kind of our fault

because he went back in time and gave you our comet.

The point is, Christmas is back.

That's right. And what would you two like for Christmas?

Oh, hovercraft. Oh, maybe a tree house upgrade.

Anything. Name it and it's yours.

Thanks for my giraffe guy, Santa. Come on, Jeff Raf.

Tis the morn of the day that is Christmas.

Blissmas is no longer a thing.

For Christmas was already perfect though Blissmas had lots of zing.

And why is Christmas so awesome?

For a reason both simple and true.

Because Christmas is all about others

instead of being all about you.


Happy holidays Melvine. And to all a good nog.

You know giving is better than getting.

Oh, so you don't want your present.

There you go, boys. Compliments of the jingle boss.

You're invited to the premiere of The Last Blissmas.

A true story of how George Beard and Harold Hutchins Saved Christmas.

A Santa Claus film starring leading man...

George Santa made a movie about us!

That's even better than a TV show.

Why won't this giraffe guy leave me alone?

We never stopped believing in you, Santa.

Even after you got jacked and

started dyeing your hair.

Thanks, boys. Now let's go celebrate Christmas.

First, let's fight

this dinosaur made of fire for some reason.

Really can't beat Christmas.

Nope. You'd have to be nuts to even try.

Handsome, smart and funny too.

That line took forever.

So when does the movie start?

Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés

6 Episodios

  • Captain Underpants and the trashy tale of the tumultuous tubbadump

    Captain Underpants and the trashy tale of the tumultuous tubbadump

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Captain Underpants and the crazy caustic spray of the contagious cruelius sneezer

    Captain Underpants and the crazy caustic spray of the contagious cruelius sneezer

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Captain Underpants and the bombastic blathering of brainy blabulous

    Captain Underpants and the bombastic blathering of brainy blabulous

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Captain Underpants and the problematic pandemonium of the punishing plungerina

    Captain Underpants and the problematic pandemonium of the punishing plungerina

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Captain Underpants and the bizarre blitzkrieg of the bothersome butt-erflies

    Captain Underpants and the bizarre blitzkrieg of the bothersome butt-erflies

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés21 min, 35 sec

  • Especial Navidad. Capítulo 2 (En inglés)

    Especial Navidad. Capítulo 2 (En inglés)

    Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés42 min, 42 sec

Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés - Especial Navidad. Capítulo 2 (En inglés)


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés

Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés

Las flipantes historias del Capitán Calzoncillos en inglés

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Jorge y Berto son dos chavales que comparten una gran afición por las gamberradas, los tebeos y por convertir al director del colegio en un superhéroe en paños menores

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