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# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #
# We'll be there on the double #
# Whenever there's a problem #
# Round Adventure Bay #
# Ryder and his team of pups #
# Will come and save the day #
# Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye #
# Yeah, they're on the way #
# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #
# Whenever you're in trouble #
# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #
# We'll be there on the double #
# No job's too big, no pup's too small #
# PAW Patrol, we're on a roll #
# So here we go, PAW Patrol, whoa-oh-oh #
# PAW Patrol, whoa-oh-oh-oh, PAW Patrol #
Here's my old sand shovel for the Pups Without Toys box.
(All laughing)
(Engine revving)
-No way! -Could it be?
-Liberty! -Wow!
What's up, pups?
I just wanted to see you all again.
We had so many great adventures in the city.
Looks like I got here just in time to go on another one.
We've got to find whoever made that mess.
Oh, no, Liberty. No one made this mess.
We're just cleaning up and giving away our old toys.
Oh, got it.
But it sure would be great to do a rescue with you pups again.
Hey, I know!
Since you've never been here before,
we could show you around Adventure Bay!
We should be done in a minute.
(Record scratches)
Okay, maybe more like "pretty soon."
No worries! I'll just look around on my own
until you pups are done.
Maybe I'll even find somebody to rescue!
See you soon!
(Engine revving)
(Wally barking)
How's about a succulent sample of squid jerky, Wally?
Don't panic, Cap'n Turbot!
I'll save you from that sea critter!
No, no, Wally the Walrus is my bestie from the Bay.
Squid jerky is his favorite fishy food.
Want some, Liberty?
Oh, no thank you.
I've never heard of anyone having a walrus for a friend.
But hey, it's all good.
See you around, Cap'n Turbot!
(Gasping) A runaway purse? Better catch it!
(Squawking) Hello, Liberty!
Hi, Mayor Goodway!
Oh, there you are, Chickaletta.
Thank you for keeping an eye on my purse chicken
while her mommy, the Mayor, was busy.
No problem, Mayor Goodway.
A purse chicken? Huh.
I guess that's how folks roll in Adventure Bay.
Maybe somebody needs rescuing outside of town.
(Engine revving)
Uh-oh! I'd better help that poor prospector get his gear back.
(Engine revving)
Whoa, beavers!
I think you're confused carrying all that mining stuff.
Whoa, it's okay!
These are my beaver buddies.
We pan for gold together.
Oh, I'm not from around here.
No harm done, scooter pup!
Come on, buddies! There's nuggets a-waiting!
Seems like everyone in Adventure Bay has an animal pal.
Kind of strange, but kind of cool, too.
(Loud growling)
Hi there, bear.
What's the matter?
-(Whimpering) -Oh.
Looks like you've got a splinter in your paw.
Let me help you out.
There you go, good as new.
Hey, my first Adventure Bay rescue!
Well, see you around.
-(Grunting) -Sorry, I don't speak bear.
But do you need a lift into town?
(Upbeat music)
I guess you're my animal buddy, huh?
I'm gonna name you Benny.
I'm Liberty, Benny. Pleased to meet you.
(Engine revving)
Fresh-baked pies when you're ready for dessert, folks!
I can't wait for my PAW Patrol pals to meet
-my new animal friend! -(Sniffing)
-(Grunting) -What's that, Benny?
You wanna hop off here? Okay, don't wander too far.
I'm coming right back with my pup pals.
(Engine revving)
There's a bear! Run!
(Screaming) Chickaletta!
Wait for mommy!
You hard-working beavers have earned your lunchbreak.
-Oof! -Sorry, Uncle Otis!
Augh! Yow!
Oh no! Where are my customers?
And all my pies?
(Engine revving)
Tons of fun! Everyone is so nice,
and I made a great new friend named Benny.
(Phone ringing)
Afraid so, Ryder.
Somehow a wild bear showed up in town
and got everyone upset!
Even set my beavers running,
and then I got a tail-slap owie!
Did he say "bear?"
(Phone ringing)
I've lost Chickaletta! She got scared by a...
(All) Bear?
(Pups) Ryder needs us!
Careful, Marshall!
(All laughing)
(Upbeat music)
(Elevator ding)
-Me too, this is my fault. -(Pups) Huh?
I saw that lots of people in Adventure Bay
have animal friends, so I brought a bear into town.
I'm sorry.
I call him Benny. Seemed like a good bear name.
Oh no! Chickaletta!
What can I do, Ryder?
Thanks, Ryder.
(Barking, howling)
(Upbeat music)
# PAW Patrol #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
# PAW Patrol #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
(Upbeat music)
# Liberty #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
# Go, go, go, go #
# PAW Patrol #
(Upbeat music)
# Chase #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
(Siren wailing)
#PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #
(Engine revving)
(Sirens wailing)
(Upbeat music)
(Sirens wailing)
(Mechanical sound)
I hope Benny didn't get too scared.
Ryder, I chased Chickaletta as far as I could!
But I lost my beloved clucky-poo somewhere in the woods!
Can I help you look, Chase?
Maybe we can find Benny, too.
Me and my ankle thank you.
And look, Marshall gave us lollipops, fellas!
Hmm, no bear. Where could he be?
(Alert beeping) Wait, what's that?
Looks kinda chicken-y. (Squawking)
Oh no! My precious purse pet!
Thanks, Ryder Now I can make things right.
(Sirens and engines)
We're right behind you, Liberty.
I hope you didn't get too scared, buddy!
It's not safe for you in the city.
Whoo-hoo! Two rescues in one.
Hop on, I'll bring you back to the forest where you belong.
Plus, we've got a chicken to save.
(Siren wailing)
I'm sorry I got you into this mess, Benny.
But now you're home again. See you around!
(Squawking) No, Chickaletta, stop!
(Water splashing)
Before you go over that waterfall!
(Engine revving)
Whoo-hoo! That was close.
A pup floatie! Cool!
Don't get scared, Chickie. I'm coming aboard.
(Upbeat music)
(Water rushing)
You said a beakful!
I've gotta keep us from going over!
(Benny grunting)
It's okay, Ryder. We've got this.
(Water rushing)
Benny, buddy!
I need some big bear help!
(Dramatic music)
Benny, thanks!
Thanks, Ryder and PAW Patrol!
And special thanks to you, Liberty!
You saved Chickaletta and met a new best friend.
You'll always be welcome in Adventure Bay.
(All laughing) # P-P-P-PAW-PAW-PAW Patrol #
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
# Shake it, move it #
# Show 'em that you got that Pup Pup stuff #
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
Oh! Whoa!
Oh, I've got my Pup Pup on,
but I can't quite get my boogie down!
Looks fabulous, pups!
Our guest of honor will love it!
Ah-hah! Hello!
Voila! The best view to watch!
Francois, you vent vertical for a vivid vantage point!
Oui, and bon chance, cousin!
Shake your groove thing, baby.
I may not have the fanciest or fastest footwork,
but I'm a fanatic for having fun!
# Da, da, da, da... #
Did somebody say something about having fun?
(Engine revving)
What do you say, Adventure Bay!
(Pups) Liberty!
-Hey! -Liberty!
We're so happy you could make it.
Are you kidding? I could not miss this!
And I've been practicing all week!
Check it out.
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
Oh, I love that move!
Nice freestyling there.
Hey, Liberty! Good to see you.
Skye! Are you in the competition too?
I heard you're the best Pup Pup Boogier ever.
Oh, I just like dancing and having a good time.
That's what Pup Pup Boogie is all about.
We're ready to start!
Round one contestants, to your pads.
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
(Upbeat music)
Remember, the player with the most points
at the end of the round moves on to the semi-finals!
My mistake, Marshall.
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
(Upbeat music)
Whoa! Skye's moves are so cool!
Bravo, Skye!
(Cawing) Huh?
Where is my corn du pop?
(Upbeat music)
Bravo, Skye! That was absolutely amazing!
Now for the next round!
Strap yourselves in, everybody. It is on!
Here goes nothing!
(Crowd gasping)
(Upbeat music)
Go, Liberty! Quelle dance!
(Popping, hissing)
Oh, this is not good!
Whoa! Whoa!
(Gasping) Cut the music!
That guy needs help!
Goodness gracious! The disco ball!
(Francois whimpering)
My ears won't stop ringing!
Oh no! Quelle disastre!
(Pups) Ryder needs us!
Whoa, Marshall! I've got you.
(Upbeat music)
Look out!
(All laughing)
(Upbeat music)
(Elevator dings)
Whoa, whoa!
(Barking) Let's take to the sky!
I am ready to ride!
Rubble on the double!
# PAW Patrol #
# PAW Patrol #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
(Upbeat music)
# Liberty #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
# Go, go, go, go #
# PAW Patrol #
# Skye #
# Go, go, go, go, go, go, go #
#PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #
(Engine revving)
(Upbeat music)
(Engine revving)
Hah-hah! Girl pup power!
Whoo-hoo! Let's go, Liberty!
On our way!
Francois, hello! You out there?
-Skye, any sign of him? -Nope, nothing yet.
Huh. Where could he be?
Un, deux, trois, jump!
This is a very deep hole.
But perhaps I can climb out.
(Gasping) Or not.
At least I have my corn du pop!
Nope, we have done a whole lot of looking
and not much finding.
Yeah, he could be anywhere,
and there's so much area to cover!
That moon reminds me of the disco ball.
It got stuck on Francois's balloon!
That thing is shiny. If we can find the shine,
we can find Francois.
Roger that! (Barking)
Come on, disco ball!
Ryder, I've found the disco ball.
Hmm. But I don't see Francois.
(Engine revving)
Will do.
All right! Air Liberty has lift off!
Thanks, Skye!
Francois, you around?
Whoa! That wind is strong.
Help me!
Skye, did you hear that?
Yeah! Francois must be...
under the balloon?
Lower me a little. I can move it.
Is that Liberty?
You are so good at the Pup Pup Boogie!
May I take a selfie avec vous?
Thanks, but we'll save the selfies for after
we get you out of here.
Hold tight, Liberty. I'll lower you.
Liberty, jump into my arms. I'll carry you out.
Works for me.
Skye, wait!
We cannot leave Liberty behind!
I'm trying! But this wind is really picking up.
-Liberty! -Don't worry, Francois.
When in doubt, boogie it out.
# Shake it, move it #
# Show 'em that you got that pup pup stuff #
(Gasping) Incroyable!
Liberty, you are the master of the cool moves!
Tres bien! Now let's go!
And this is us hanging from the copter!
And this is me on her scooter!
Did I tell you she let me sit on her scooter?
Ah, sure did. Seven times.
Thanks for the pictures, Liberty.
No problem, Francois.
-And the rescue! -You're welcome.
Whenever you're in a hole, call the PAW Patrol.
Attention, everyone!
The Pup Pup Boogie contest is back on!
And here are our finalists, Liberty and Skye.
(Crowd cheering)
# Do the Pup Pup Boogie #
(Upbeat music)
Wow, this was so fun! You rock, Skye.
Thanks, Liberty. Right back at you.
Today's winner is obvious. The trophy goes to...
Liberty and Skye! (Crowd cheering)
Two amazing dancers who also saved the day!
May I have a selfie?
I must have a selfie with the champion Pup Pup Boogiers.
(Camera clics)
# P-P-P-PAW-PAW-PAW Patrol #
(Upbeat music)
La patrulla canina en inglés
23 Episodios
The Critters
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
A Playful Dragon
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
The teeny penguin
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
The cat show
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
The chili cook-off
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
The blimp
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
Floating friends
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
Pups save a satellite
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
The crows
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
The pawpatroller
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
Pups get stuck
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
A giant plant
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
Pups save a baby anteater
La patrulla canina en inglés4 min, 51 sec
Pups stop a big leak
La patrulla canina en inglés5 min, 29 sec
La patrulla salva el concurso de Guau Guau Boogie (en inglés)
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec
Liberty hace un nuevo amigo (en inglés)
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec
Pups save a plane
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec
The gliding turbots
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec
Sky and Rory flip it
La patrulla canina en inglés4 min, 51 sec
Rubble and Wild and a yarn ball!
La patrulla canina en inglés5 min, 29 sec
Pups Save the Hummy Gummies
La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec
Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus
La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec
The pups winter wonder show
La patrulla canina en inglés22 min, 39 sec
Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.
Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:
Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:
Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:
Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.
Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:
La patrulla canina en inglés
Liderados por un niño llamado Ryder...
un equipo de seis perros de rescate utilizan sus talentos individuales para proteger la ciudad costera de Adventure Bay.
En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:20 y 10:00 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.