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  4. La patrulla canina en inglés - A Playful Dragon
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    Seguir viendo La patrulla canina en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Lunes a Viernes a las 06:20 y 10:00 y siempre en la web y apps del canal en clan
    Equipo Rubble en inglés
  • Una verdadera casa de locos
  • Una verdadera casa de locos en inglés
Para todos los públicos A Playful Dragon
Transcripción completa


PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol We'll be there on the double.

Whenever there's a problem 'Round Adventure Bay

Ryder and his team of pups Will come and save the day

Marshall, Rubble, Chase Rocky, Zuma, Skye

Yeah! They're on the way!

PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol Whenever you're in trouble

PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol We'll be there on the double

No job's too big No pup's too small!

PAW Patrol, we're on a roll!

So here we go PAW Patrol

Whoa-oh-oh-oh PAW Patrol

Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh PAW Patrol!

Max and his best friend Buddy the Dragon were flying high in the sky

...when they saw a forest that would be perfect for Hide and Seek.

Max counted to ten, while Buddy ran into the woods to hide.

Max looked and looked, but couldn’t find him...

until, he heard a hiccup and saw a fireball fly through the air.

He found Buddy behind a bush!

That hiccuping dragon gave himself away again!

-Buddy probably ate a really big lunch!

-Wouldn’t it be great to have a dragon friend?

-Yeah! He could roast marshmallows anytime!

-Mmm... marshmallows... -Mmm... big lunch....

Uhhh, what was that sound? -Hey, look!

The dragon is missing from all of the pictures!

No way! Is that...? -It’s Buddy! He’s real!

-Cool! Can he be my best friend?

-Pretty sure he’s my best friend.

Your best friend.

-Guess he still has the hiccups.

-Uhh, what’s he doing? -Looks like he’s trying to hide.

-Maybe he’s playing hide and seek! Like in the book?!

-Whoa! Or he’s playing barbecued chairs!

’Is that a dragon?’

-Hey, everybody, it’s okay! Buddy’s really friendly!

-We’d better call Ryder!


Hi Rubble, what’s up?

This is gonna sound kinda strange,

but Alex was reading a story about a Dragon

and somehow it got out of the book.

And now it’s here in Adventure Bay scaring everyone!

-Buddy... that’s his name... is actually really nice and playful!

But he hiccups fireballs... a lot.

Yeah, that is a bit strange. But we’ll take care of it.

No Dragon is too playful, no Pup is too small.

Paw Patrol... ... to the Lookout!

Ryder needs us!



Huh? But I’m already here!

Yes! I’ve always wanted to do that!

Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!

And me, too!

Thanks for coming so quickly, team.

Buddy the Playful Dragon jumped out of Alex’s storybook.

He wants to play hide and seek, but... he’s scaring folks

and damaging things with his super-hot hiccups instead.

We have to get Buddy back into his book.

So, for this mission, I’ll need...

Marshall, I need you to put out

anything Buddy accidentally burns with his hiccups.

I’m fired up!


Mr. Porter?

Ryder, a huge dragon is behind my lemonade sign.

And he just knocked it down!

Sorry, that’s our friend Buddy. Don’t worry, help is on the way.

Rubble, I need you to use your crane to put the sign back up!

Rubble on the double!

Hey, that’s me! What? My own pup tag?

That’s right, Alex. Buddy is from your favorite book.

So no one knows more about that Dragon than you.

Paw Patrol needs your help. My help? Awesome!!!!

And to help you find Buddy, you’re going to need this.

Wherever he goes - you can follow - and tell us where he is.

Wait. My very own... JET PACK? Well, just for this mission.

That’s good enough for me. Let’s do this!

Wait, what’s my catch phrase? Oh... maybe that was it.

(SUPER HERO VOICE) “Let’s do this.”

All right, Paw Patrol is on a roll!

("Let's roll" song)

Jet Pack! It worked! Whoooaaa...

YEAH! Let’s do this!

Yahooooo! I’m flying with the Paw Patrol!

Ha! I can see my house from here!

Good to see you, Paw... Alex? What are you doing up there?


Alex is helping us out for this mission.

Well, Alex, watch out for seagulls.

Rubble, use your crane to lift that sign back on to the roof.

On it!

Good as new! Thanks!

I always wanted to try that!...

Hey, there he is! Buddy!

He’s heading towards the train tunnel!

He must be trying to hide again. Let’s go!

Which way did Buddy go?

What’s that huge thing doing here? -Playing hide and seek.

But he hasn’t found the right place to hide yet.

Jiminy biscuits! He’s a real firebreathing dragon!

-But he’s nice.

Buddy, careful! You’re scaring people!

We’d better follow him. Come on!

Sheep can’t make fire, right?

Nope. Must’ve been Buddy. Marshall, put out that haystack!

On my way!

Our dragon must be around here somewhere.

Whoa, Buddy made popcorn!

Look! Buddy’s going that way!

Marshall, hose down that corn crib.

But don’t get the popcorn soggy!


Oh yeah. Still nice and crispy!

I’ve lost him. Sorry.


Wait, do you hear that?


How do you get bats to leave a cave in the middle of the day?

Just ask a dragon to help! Buddy’s in there.

And his hiccups are getting worse.

And they’re starting to loosen those rocks!

Oh no, poor Buddy’s trapped.

Quick Rubble, use your rig to move those rocks!

I’m on it, Ryder!

-Gee, I hope once Rubble opens the cave,

Buddy doesn’t try to run away and hide again.

I know. He sure moves around a lot for someone trying to hide.

Hmm. Maybe Buddy’s not trying to hide. What if he’s the one seeking?

That’s it! Buddy is looking for his best friend, Max!

Alex, when Rubble opens the cave,

we need to show the Dragon where Max really is.

You have to show Buddy your storybook.

Uh-oh. What’s wrong?

I kinda left it on the beach.

But... Wait! I have a jet pack!

Hi Grandpa!

Oh! Sorry. Still can’t get used to seeing that boy up there!

-Got it!

Wait! Buddy. We found Max! He’s hiding in your storybook.

That’s your best friend, right?

Well he’s been waiting for you here in this storybook this whole time.

You can go back whenever you want.

Hey, that tickles!

I think he’s saying thank you.

A really warm and sticky thank you!

You’re welcome. Oh! And say hi to Max!

And remember Buddy,

whenever you’re having trouble hiding or seeking,

just hiccup for help.


I’m gonna miss him.

Me too.But now I have something to remember him by!

Whoa, how long have I been asleep?

-I just had the strangest dream.

-About the dragon playing hide a nd seek in Adventure Bay?

-And I had a jet pack?

-Yeah! Does that mean it was real? Naaahh!

Or maybe it was?!

[EFFORT GRUNTS] Arrgh! WHY must you be so stubborn?!

Fit back together! Please?

Hi, Francois. Are you okay?

But of course! Just having ze teensiest trouble with zis-

I’m - how you say it? - good.

-Whatcha got in here?

-WHOA! Whatever it is, it sure is big and green. And teeth-arific!

-That is Jimmy ze Crocodile.

Don’t worry, he’s safely in his cage, like all my other slithery friends.

-Your other what?

Oh, except Xander.

He’s right here, on my beret. Say bonjour!

Is that a purple chameleon? -Only for the moment.

Xander can change his colour to match his surroundings.

That helps him protect himself in ze wild.

So cool! The coolest.

Zat is why I’m bringing my reptiles

and amphibians to the Adventure Bay school.

So I can teach ze kids all about zem.

Sounds like fun. So how long have you had all these critters?

Ever since I was a ze brilliant young zoologist.

I raised zem from teeny, weensy eggs.

And now: where I go - they go!

Uh, Francois, I don’t think you can go anywhere.

That’s the wrong hitch for this trailer.

Oh no, no no no no, it iz fine. It just needs a good idea...

AHA! ... of which I have exactly one!

Oh, I am such a genius! And also, that should work.

I don’t know, Francois. It’ll be okay.

And I don’t want to keep ze children waiting, au revior!

This one’s good, too.

Great. Thanks for helping me check these apples, Marshall.

-They look yummy. May I have one? -Sure, Rubble. Help yourself.

-Thanks! Mmmmm.

Look at the big worm in this one!

Uhhh. I’ll stick to the dog treats.



Ah, at last that creaking noise is gone.

Le no! Le no, no! Le, this is really bad!

Hi, Francois. Calm down and tell me the problem.

Ribbit and Sigmund and Greeny and Xander and Jimmy -

and the rest of zem - zey have all run away!

Don't worry Francois. We’ll find them.

No croc is too big, no frog is too small!

Paw Patrol... ... to the Lookout!

Ryder needs us!


Whoa. How about them apples?

Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!

Thanks for coming so quickly, Pups.

Francois’ trailer unhooked from his truck,

and all of his critters got loose.

It’s up to us to round them up and get them safely back.

So, for this mission I’ll need...

Rocky, I need you to put the right hitch on the trailer.

Green means go!

Marshall, reptiles and amphibians love water.

I need you to make puddles with your water cannons to lure them.

Ribbit! I mean, I’m fired up!

All right, Paw Patrol is on a roll!

“Let’s roll” song

AHH! This fruit has frogs!

Jeepers and I was worried about worms!

Frogs and fruits don’t mix!

I need help!

Don’t worry, ze Paw Patrol will get all of my friends back:

ze turtle, ze frogs, ze snake

-Hold on, hold on.

You mean to tell me there are slimy snakes loose in my Adventure Bay?

-No, not at all. -Phew, that’s a relief.

A snake is not slimy. Actually they feel quite dry.

Something just fell on me! What is it???

Oh, silly me. It was just a snake. A snake? A real snake!!!

-A real friendly snake.

Now time for Daddy’s snakey to get back in his cagey-wagey!

Hey Francois. We’re here to replace your hitch.

Merci for all your help, Ryder!

Rocky, check if you have the right parts.

Will do.

Oh no! Where did zat sneaky little chameleon go this time? Xander?


A chameleon?! They can camoflage! They could be anywhere.

They can’t make themselves look like chickens, can they?

-Chickens? Definitely not.

Oh, good. Sorry, sweetie. Mommy loves you.

But Mommy has to sit down. It has been quite the day.

AH! Not a rock!

-Oh there you are, Ebenezer!

I found a hitch!

I knew you would. Go ahead and put it on.



Hi. Ryder, here.

Ryder! I’ve got fruit in my frog stand!

I mean, frogs in my fruit stand! Point is - I’ve got FROGS!

We’re on it, Mr. Porter. Rocky, finish fixing the trailer.

You got it, Ryder!

Marshall, let’s go!

Marshall, use your water cannons to make a trail of puddles.

On it! Water cannons.

Great, Marshall. They love it!

Now keep making puddles all the way to the trailer.

Ribbit! Sigmund! This way babies!

Marshall, see if you can lure them with water!

Good idea, Ryder! They like it!

Of course, zey do. Zose are ze water snakes!


Hey, Katie. Did you find snakes too?

I wish. Something bigger and a lot toothier showed up at the pool.

We’ll be right there. Let’s roll!

He’s over there.

-Jimmy! Come to Poppa! Jimmy...

He does not always come when I call.

Crocodiles are sort of like cats that way.

That’s okay.

We’ll just have to find another way toe get him out of the pool.

And without getting too close!

It is true. His bite is worse than his bark.

Though crocodiles actually snarl, not bark.

He sure does like that floatie and those sunglasses.

Hmm. What else does a croc like? What about another croc?

But where would we get another croc?

I have an idea!

Zuma! I’m gunna need your help.

Lengthen the snout... and add a few more big pointy teeth...

Okay Marshall, make it green!

Paint cannons!

See, Zuma? I knew your dragon costume could be made

to look like a croc.

Now let’s see if we can lure Jimmy out of the pool.

Yoohoo! Jimmy! I’m your new crocodile friend.

We need to get his attention. Time to bust us some dance moves, dude!


It’s working! Yikes, it’s working!... Run!

Head toward the trailer!

Okay, Ryder, we’ll be right. Woah! Xander! Woah!

Come on over here, Jimmy. I know you love ze sunglasses!

Phew! Good work everyone!

But Xander’s still on the loose.

No way! There he is!

Oh Xander, I missed you most of all.

Paw Patrol, you have outdone yourselves. Thank you!

You’re welcome, Francois.

Remember, whenever you have a problem, just ribbit for help!

You’re all such good Pups!

La patrulla canina en inglés

19 Episodios

  • Monkey - Dinger

    Monkey - Dinger

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Royally Spooked

    Royally Spooked

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 12 sec

  • A Wild Ride

    A Wild Ride

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The Jake's Cake

    The Jake's Cake

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • The Carnival

    The Carnival

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The Sleepover

    The Sleepover

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Quest For The Crown

    Quest For The Crown

    La patrulla canina en inglés22 min, 39 sec

  • The Critters

    The Critters

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • A Playful Dragon

    A Playful Dragon

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • The teeny penguin

    The teeny penguin

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • The cat show

    The cat show

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The chili cook-off

    The chili cook-off

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The blimp

    The blimp

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Floating friends

    Floating friends

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Pups save a satellite

    Pups save a satellite

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The crows

    The crows

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The pawpatroller

    The pawpatroller

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Pups get stuck

    Pups get stuck

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • A giant plant

    A giant plant

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

La patrulla canina en inglés - A Playful Dragon


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre La patrulla canina en inglés

La patrulla canina en inglés

La patrulla canina en inglés

Liderados por un niño llamado Ryder...

un equipo de seis perros de rescate utilizan sus talentos individuales para proteger la ciudad costera de Adventure Bay.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:20 y 10:00 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.

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