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  4. La patrulla canina en inglés - Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus
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    Seguir viendo La patrulla canina en inglés
    No te pierdas los nuevos episodios. Lunes a Viernes a las 06:20 y 10:00 y siempre en la web y apps del canal en clan
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  • Una verdadera casa de locos en inglés
Para todos los públicos Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus
Transcripción completa

# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #

# We'll be there On the double #

# Whenever there's a problem #

# 'Round Adventure Bay #

# Ryder and his team of pups #

# Will come and save the day #

# Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye #

# Yeah, they're on the way #

# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #

# Whenever you're in trouble #

# PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol #

# We'll be there On the double #

# No job's too big No pup's too small #

# PAW Patrol, we're on a roll #

# So here we go #

# PAW Patrol #

# Whoa-oh-oh-oh #

# PAW Patrol #

# Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh #

# PAW Patrol ##

(Pup barks)

Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus

Whoa! The Flounder's got a lot of tiny shells

stuck to her hull, Captain Turbot.

Those would be barnacles. A boat-owner's bugaboo.

Can you pups remove those rudder wreckers?

Sure! But it's a big job, Captain.

So you can't go to sea for a while.

Well, as long as I'm dry docked,

it's a dandy time to write a scintillating saga

about my sea adventures!

I'll start by recording it first with this!

Oh, and when you listen to your recording later,

you can write down what you said.


Chapter One:

A boy, a boat, and a big blue bay.

(Wally honks)

Wally says he wants a treat, Captain.

Ha ha. That silly sea critter certainly loves my squid jerky.

(Wally honks)

And he loves you, too!

And I might be fond of that flipper-flapper, too.

(Wally honks)

But it's gonna be tough telling my tale with all this chatter.

Luckily, I know the perfect place to pen my prose in private.

I'll be back in a bit, buddy.

(Wally honks)

Good job, Rocky.

(Wally honks)

Sorry, Wally.

We don't know where Captain Turbot went.

Tell Wally that Captain Turbot won't be gone long

and it's okay to be alone sometimes.

Got it, Ryder!

(Honks) Okay, Wally?

Marshall, it's ready for a wash.

Okie-doke! Ruff! Water cannons!


(Sighs) This serene secluded spot

looks like a lovely location for story spinnin'.

Chapter Two: A soon-to-be sailor starts swabbin'.

- Here's your Fish Friday special!

(Wally honks)

- Whoa! What's a walrus doing here?

Run! Ahh!

- (Chomping) - Wha...

Shoo, Wally!

You don't even have a reservation!

(Wally honks)

(Wally honks)



- Fluffy, Wiggles, Petey! Come back!

You haven't finished bath time!

(Wally honks)

- Hey!

How'd it go with Captain Turbot's real boat?

Looks good as new.

I'm pretty tired. Not me!

I'm in a boat racing mood!


(Pup-Pad rings)

Hey, Mr. Porter, what's going on?

It's already gone!

Wally the Walrus just ate up my fish special

and scared off my customers!

(Pup-Pad rings)

Oh, hold on one second, Mr. Porter.

Katie, is something wrong?

Wally just made a walrus-sized mess here.

(Cats meowing)

Now I've got wet pets running all over!

We're on our way, Katie.

Mr. Porter, no walrus is too messy,

no pup is too small.


PAW Patrol, to the lookout!

(Pups) Ryder needs us!


- Marshall!

- Careful! Watch out!



Guess I look like a really big barnacle!



PAW Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir.

Thanks, pups.

We got a strange mission today.

Wally left the bay and is wandering all over town.

(Wally honks)

- Why would Wally leave the water?

- "Ahh!" We'll have to find out.

- "Huh?" But first, we gotta find him

and clean up all the messes he's made.

So for this mission, I'll need... Rocky.

I need you to use your tools to fix the table at Mr. Porter's cafe

and Katie's broken door.

Green means go!

And Chase, use your launcher to lure Katie's runaways

back to her shop.

Chase is on the critter case!

And Skye, I'll need you to use your copter to find Wally.

Then keep an eye on him

until we can get him safely back to the bay.

Arf! Let's take to the sky!

All right! PAW Patrol is on a roll!


# PAW Patrol #


# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol #


# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Rocky #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Chase #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol PAW Patrol ##

- Oh, come on, bunnies!

Oh, please come back!

Wally's gone!

- (Squawks) Walrus is gone. Walrus is gone.

Katie, we got here as fast as we could.

Rocky, let's start fixing that door.

On it, Ryder!

Woof! Claw!

Got it, Ryder!

Chase, let's get Katie's runaway customers back.

Ruff! Launcher!

Pet treats ready, Ryder. Ruff!





Nice job, Chase.

Keep up the treat trail.




Thanks, pups.

Rocky, this is great!

Would you like a free bath?

Yuck. Water. Uh, I mean, no thanks.

I've got more stuff to fix.

Right, Ryder?

Yup, you're off to Mr. Porter's cafe.

He's got a broken table that needs your help.

Phew! I mean, thanks anyway, Katie.

Skye, any sign of Wally?

No walrus sightings yet, Ryder.

Chase and I'll help you look. Let's go!

Good as new, Mr. Porter.

Thanks, Rocky.

- Is this the place that has that hilarious Walrus show?

- You just missed him.

Try the fish?


Find Wally yet?

Nope, you wouldn't think it'd be that easy

for a big walrus to hide.

Ryder, I've spotted Wally.

He's near the big storm drain.

On our way!

(Wally honking)

Wally just went into the drain tunnel.

Thanks, Skye, we're after him.

Chase, use your megaphone,

and see if you can get Wally to follow us back out.

Ruff! Megaphone!

(Over megaphone) Wally, can you hear me?

(Wally honks)

Great! Follow the sound of my voice this way, buddy.

(Wally honks)

Sounds like he's moving away from us.

Sure wish I knew what he was saying.

Marshall speaks Walrus.

Marshall, I need you to translate what Wally's trying to tell us.

I'm ready for a ruff-ruff translation.

(Wally honking)

I found him again, Ryder.

He's stuck in an access tunnel in the middle of Main Street.

We'll meet you there.

Marshall, head to Main Street.

I'm on my way.


(Marshall honks)

(Wally honks)

Hmm. It's gonna take a lot of pushing and pulling to get him out.

What's Wally saying, Marshall?

He really misses his best buddy.

He won't go back to the Bay without Captain Turbot.


Thanks, Marshall.

Wally is stuck but he also won't try and get out

until we find his best buddy.


but we don't know where Captain Turbot went to write his book.

Skye, Marshall, Rocky,

we'll all search for Captain Turbot.

Chase, you stay here and set up a detour around Wally.

Roger that! Ruff! Cones!


(Clears throat) Chapter Seven:

'Twas wild and windy weather when I first felt the salty spray.

And sniffed the scent of... (Sniffs)




(Skunk chitters)

Easy there, my malodorous amigo.


(Echoing) Help!

- (Gasps) I've found him, Ryder.

Captain Turbot's on a mountain ledge.

(Gasps) With a skunk?

Good job, Skye. Use your harness to airlift him on the ledge

and bring it back to town.

Okay, it'll have to be a quick pickup.

I don't wanna scare that skunk.

Arf! Harness!


- Ahh!

- Captain Turbot, Wally's stuck in a sewer hole.

We need your help.

- Oh, we'd better hurry!

I picked up some squid jerky.

This should lure him out.

Come and get it, Wally!

(Honks) Uh-uh.

He says he's not hungry.

He just wants to see Captain Turbot.

I've got the captain, Ryder.

We're almost to town.

I'll tell Wally.

(Both honking)

I think I know how to get him unstuck.

Skye, lower Captain Turbot just above Wally.

I get it! Captain Turbot will be Wally bait.

(Wally honking) Ahoy, Wally!

Wiggle free so we can both go back to the Bay, buddy!


It worked! Now lead Wally back to the water, Skye.

This way, little big guy!


- Back where we belong.

On a boat and in the Bay.

Hooray! Whoa!

Ryder, PAW Patrol, Wally and I are giddy with gratitude

for getting us back together.

Whoa! (Honks)

No problem, Captain.

Whenever you have a wayward walrus,

just yelp for help!

And you've given me a fantastic finish for my sea-faring fable.

(Clears throat) Chapter Nine:

One wacky and wonderful walrus named Wally.



Pups Save The Hummy Gummies

- Look, Chickaletta.

What a wonderful turnout for the Adventure Bay Plant Fair!

Helga Humdinger! (Gasps)

I'm so thrilled that you can join us.

- Oh, it's great to see you, too,

Mayor Goodway, my old buddy-wuddy.


And you, too, Chicky-wicky. (Laughs)

- I can't wait to see what you grew for our little Plant Fair.

- Actually, I didn't grow anything, but I did make something

using all-pant based ingredients.

- Close enough. (Laughs)

- They're called Hummy Gummies.

- Mm! Not sure about the shape.


Mm! But it tastes delicious!

(People clamoring)

- Mm! They're yummy-gummy in my tummy!

- Mm! They're ooey-gooey yummilicious!

- (Gasps) They're...

all gone?

- Oh, don't worry! I brought a whole truck-full.

(People clamoring) - Gummies!

- Mommy Hummy's here?

(Sniffs) And she brought my special treat.

- So, Ryder, do you think you can fix my Pup House floor?

Definitely, Zuma.

But first I gotta prop it up with this jack.

Hi, Jack. I'm Marshall. (Giggles)

I think your friend jack is kinda shy.


Want me to get some tools and help?

That's okay, Rocky.

But I could use some help clearing out stuff from the Pup House first.

Green means go!

Incoming. Look out!

Here comes another one!

Boy, oh, boy!

I never knew I had so many buoys.

What kind of buoy is this, Zuma?

Dude, that's not a buoy.


It's an inflatable boat.

I'm good.


There you go, Farmer Al.

And I threw in a few extra gummies for gardening.

- Mommy Hummy, over here!

- Oh... hey, uh huh.

Oh, hey, hello, dear, yoo-hoo!

- Aww!

- (kids giggling) - Hey! Uh, ha!


Mommy Hummy, it's me!

The O.G. Original Gummy.

- (Indistinct chatter)

- ...gummies over here.

- Aww, seems like Mommy Hummy only cares about her customers.

If I want her to notice me, there's only one thing to do.


Steer, kitties!



(Seagulls squawking)

- Ha ha! More savory squid jerky, seagulls?

(Seagulls squawking)

(Mayor Humdinger grunting)

(Seagulls squawking)

-Huh? Hmm. That is some baffling and bizarre bird behavior.

- Oh, Mayor Goodway, two more boxes of Hummy Gummies please.

- Huh?

Well, that's odd.

I thought the truck was parked right here.

- Oh! It was.

(Gasps) Someone stole my trucky-wucky!

And all the Hummy Gummies that were inside.

Oh, dear!

- This is a job for the PAW Patrol.

All fixed! Thanks, Ryder. And Jack.

(Pup-Pad rings)

Hi there, Mayor Goodway, how's the Plant Fair going?

Not so good, Ryder.

Helga Humdinger's truck is missing!

Aw! Poor Ms. Humdinger.

But tell her not to worry.

No truck is too missing, no pup is too small.

PAW Patrol, to the lookout!

(Pups) Ryder needs us!


Look out!



I tried to hurry. "Boat" I bumped into this.



PAW Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir.

Thanks for hurrying, pups.

It seems that Helga Humdinger's truck has disappeared.

- Huh? - Oh!

Like magic?

More like mischief.

So for this mission, I'll need... Spy Chase.

I need you to use your drone and detective skills

to find clues that will lead to the missing truck.

Spy Chase is on the case!

And Skye.

I need you to use your copter to search from the air.

Arf! Let's take to the sky!

All right! PAW Patrol is on a roll!


# PAW Patrol #


# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #


# Go, go, go, go, go, go #


# Chase #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol #


# Skye #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# Go, go, go, go, go, go #

# PAW Patrol PAW Patrol ##


Hi, Mayor Goodway, Ms. Humdinger,

why do you think someone would want to take the truck?

I'm guessing it's because it was filled with Hummy Gummies.

- Those are my purple little treats made from plant-based ingredients.

Gotcha! Chase, see if your drone can find any clues.

Sure thing, Ryder. Ruff! Drone!

I see tire tracks.

And there!

Do the gummies look like little Mayor Humdingers?

Yes, but they're still surprisingly delicious.

And these tire tracks and gummies

seem to be leading to the sports field.

Good job, Chase!

Skye, fly over the sports field and see what you can find.

Roger, Ryder!

(Seagulls squawking)

Ryder, I've found the truck.

And you won't believe what else I see.

It's a giant gummy statue that looks like Mayor Humdinger.

Huh? We're on our way.

This will get Mommy Hummy's attention.


Huh? Not now.

I need to finish the top hat.

It must be perfect!

Mayor Humdinger! Come down from there!

Not until I'm finished.

And not until I speak to Mommy Hummy. Hmph!

Mayor Goodway!

Please bring Mommy Hummy, I mean, Ms. Humdinger

to the sports field.

They'd better hurry.

That statue looks like it's gonna fall!

You're right, Chase.

Marshall, I need you to bring a ladder to the sports field.

I'm ready for a ruff-ruff rescue!

I don't believe it.

- Me neither. That fickle flock flew here.

- Not the birds!



Ahh! Hummy Gummy?

- Oh, are you talking to me?

Or your little chewy treats?

Ruff! Megaphone!

Here you go, Mrs. Humdinger.

This might help.

Thank you, dear.

I made some Hummy Gummies

in honor of my very favorite thing!


Now please come down!

- But Mommy Humm, they're my special treats.

And I don't wanna sharesy-waresy them. Or you!

- There's plenty of me and plenty of Hummy Gummy treats to go around.

- Well, actually, I kinda used them all up.

- But it would've been better if we'd talked about it

and saved all this trouble.

But I still love you!

- Okay. I'll come down.


Stay put, Mayor Humdinger.

Here comes Marshall to help!

Arf! Ladder!

Okay, Mayor Humdinger.

Nice and easy. One rung at a time.

Can't do it, it's too wobbly!

Skye, I need you to lift Mayor Humdinger off the statue.

Sure thing, Ryder. Arf! Harness!

Great job! Now take him up!

(Seagulls squawking)

I'm giving it all I got, Ryder!

(Grunts) Eww!

- Hummy Gummy! Let go of the statue!

- I'm trying. But it's too sticky-wicky.




(Groaning continues)

(Gasps) I want my Hummy Mommy!


The statue is gonna collide with those goal posts.

We need to get Mayor Humdinger off of there.

I brought this from the Lookout.

Maybe we can use it.

Zuma's inflatable boat.

That gives me an idea.

Come on!

Okay, Marshall, we're gonna need perfect aim from you.

And a little help from our seagull friends.

Okay! Arf! Water cannon!

Oh, hold on tight, Hummy Gummy!

- Ahh!

(Seagull squawks)


(Seagulls squawking)

- Ryder, thank you so much for saving

the Hummy Gummy I love the most.

The big stubborn one right here.

- Aww!

You're welcome, Ms. Humdinger.

Any time you have a giant runaway gummy,

just yelp for help!

And don't you have something

for Mayor Goodway, Hummy Gummy?

- (Groans) Here you go.

It's the last one.

- Thank you, Mayor Humdinger.

but I know how much you love Hummy Gummies.

You should have it.

- Really? Watch out, tummy, here comes the gummy!

(Seagull squawks) Huh? Hey!

Come back here! That was for me!

La patrulla canina en inglés

23 Episodios

  • The Critters

    The Critters

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • A Playful Dragon

    A Playful Dragon

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • The teeny penguin

    The teeny penguin

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • The cat show

    The cat show

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The chili cook-off

    The chili cook-off

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The blimp

    The blimp

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Floating friends

    Floating friends

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Pups save a satellite

    Pups save a satellite

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The crows

    The crows

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The pawpatroller

    The pawpatroller

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Pups get stuck

    Pups get stuck

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • A giant plant

    A giant plant

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Pups save a baby anteater

    Pups save a baby anteater

    La patrulla canina en inglés4 min, 51 sec

  • Pups stop a big leak

    Pups stop a big leak

    La patrulla canina en inglés5 min, 29 sec

  • La patrulla salva el concurso de Guau Guau Boogie (en inglés)

    La patrulla salva el concurso de Guau Guau Boogie (en inglés)

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Liberty hace un nuevo amigo (en inglés)

    Liberty hace un nuevo amigo (en inglés)

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec

  • Pups save a plane

    Pups save a plane

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 59 sec

  • The gliding turbots

    The gliding turbots

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 39 sec

  • Sky and Rory flip it

    Sky and Rory flip it

    La patrulla canina en inglés4 min, 51 sec

  • Rubble and Wild and a yarn ball!

    Rubble and Wild and a yarn ball!

    La patrulla canina en inglés5 min, 29 sec

  • Pups Save the Hummy Gummies

    Pups Save the Hummy Gummies

    La patrulla canina en inglés10 min, 32 sec

  • Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus

    Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus

    La patrulla canina en inglés11 min, 11 sec

  • The pups winter wonder show

    The pups winter wonder show

    La patrulla canina en inglés22 min, 39 sec

La patrulla canina en inglés - Pups Save a Lonesome Walrus


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre La patrulla canina en ingl��s

La patrulla canina en inglés

La patrulla canina en inglés

Liderados por un niño llamado Ryder...

un equipo de seis perros de rescate utilizan sus talentos individuales para proteger la ciudad costera de Adventure Bay.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 06:20 y 10:00 y siempre en la web y apps del canal.