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Transcripción completa

(Upbeat music)

Mwahahaha! Feast your eyes, Azrael.

This is the most devious plan ever!

Next time those blasted Smurfs walk this way, they'll trigger my traps.

-Sniff! Sniff! Sniff!

Huh? Get your nose out of there, you imbecile!

Oooh! Ow, my nose!

Uh oh! Aaah! Uh oh! Aaah!...

Aaah!! Oww!!...

Oww!! Huh? Aaah!! Ughaarr!

Aaaaahhh!! Hmhmm...

You stupid fur ball!

Well, well! Who do we have here? Looks like Gargamel’s been smurfed

by his own trap... Ha ha!

- It's a shame that Papa Smurf's gone to his magic convention!

He would have loved to see this, right?

- Me? I don't like magic conventions!

Wait till I get out of here!

Then you'll see!

Me, I don't like Gargamel!

And I don't like Azrael either!

I don't like this, I don't like that...

Can't you say anything else, you little blue moron?

Nope, that's Grouchy.

He doesn't like much, you know.

- Me, I don't like anything!

Not even this!



Well, we should get going.

Chef has to smurf a magnificent birthday cake!

- It's been a pleasure, Gargamel!

- I'm sure Papa Smurf

- will just love his surprise. - Pfffrrrr!!

Get back here!

You can't just leave me like this, you little vermin!

I'll get you for this!

Huh? Aaaaahhh!!!

Ooooh... Ahem... Ugghhh...

Mm... Mhm...

Wait a second!

I've just had a brilliant idea to capture all those little Smurfs.

(Spooky music)

Ha ha! Azrael, I think I should have become an artist.

This magic doll is the spitting image of him, isn't it?


Pfff, you know nothing about the art of sculpture anyway!

Now, the most important part...

This stalk that only Grumpy has chewed on.

And now...

What do we need?

Owl tears?

Lizard hair?

Toad slime?


One sad little grouch of a smurf says he doesn'tlike something,

That very thing will shoot out of this horn of abundance.

I'm a genius!

An artistic genius!


Aaarh! Think, you numbskull.

At some point,

he's definitely going to say that he doesn't like the Smurfs.

Then presto!

They'll land right in my hands!

(Sinister music)


Hmm hmm hmmm!

Me, I don't like waiting around.

- Hey! Whatcha smurfin' Grouchy?

- He's guarding my supply of acorns.

- Yum! - Cake!

- Mmm Hmmm... huh?

Hands off, Greedy!

This is for Papa Smurf!

Oh, I forgot the candles!

- Ohhh, I smell a hint of cinnamon, apple, blueberry and lots of...

Mmmm... Roasted nuts!

- Didn't you hear, Chef? You're not allowed to touch it...

Even if it would be a great joke.

- Me, I don't like cakes.

(BOTH) - Huh??!!

(Horn honks)

It's working. Azrael!

Soon, it will be raining little blue runts!

(Horn honks)

Huh? Aaah! Huh?

What are these?

Small cakes?

(Horn honks)

Woaahh! Ugghh...

Cake gone!

- Huhhh...

- I found the candles!

Huh?! Where's Papa Smurf's cake?

(BOTH) - It just disappeared!

- Yeah, right!

A likely story!

Something tells me you smurfed the cake, didn't you!

(ALL) - Aaaaaahhhhh...

- Come back here, right now!

(Chase music)

(ALL) - Wooaahhh... Help...!

- Where are they?

(ALL) - Huh...??

- Huh..?! Grrrr...!!

You cake thieves!

(ALL) - Wooaahh...! Aaaahhh!!!

(ALL) Waaahhh...! Ugggghhh...! Aaaahhh...!

- Hmm...!


- Aaarr! Me, I don't like ladles.

- Huh...?

- Mmmm!! Uuuh?!

(Horn honks)

Ha ha ha...

Huh? A small ladle?

(Horn honks)

Aaaahhh!! Uggggg...

He he he... Meow!

- Hey, where did my ladle go?

- And my cake?

- They disappeared, I'm telling you!

And he was the one who smurfed it!

- Nonsense!

- Don't you believe me?


Hey, Grouchy, what do you think of that fine bench over there?

- Me, I don't like benches.

(BOTH) - Wooaahh...

- Ohhh! - Ugghh!

- Ouch...!

(Horn honks)

Hmm! This time I won't be fooled! Huh?

What?! Tiny little benches?

And now for the smurfs sitting on those benches.


How did you do that, Grouchy?!

- Hmmm! - We should warn Brainy.

Don't smurf, I'll be right back!

- You know, Grouchy.

That new power of yours is pretty... awesome.

Let's have some fun! - Hmmm!


- Mmm hmmm...? - Me, I don't like dirty diapers.

(Horn honks)

Yuk! Diapers!

I hate those blasted Smurfs!

- And I don't like dirty dishes. - Da daaa!!

(Horn honks)

Huh? Aaaahhhh...!

Dishes?! Gone?!


I don't like dirty forks!

Hmm? Waaahhh...!!


Fork, gone?

- I don't like dirty knives!

Arrrr!!! Wooaahh...

Oh, I don't like brushes.

No, I don't like shovels.

I don't like anvils, orange vegetables,

cauldrons, hammers...



- Stop it! Grouchy!



- Mwmphh...

- Sorry!! But you must stop talking!

- Hey, what are you smurfing?

Thanks to him, we don't have to do dirty dishes ever again!

- And what are we going to eat out of?

And what are we going to sit on, eh?

- Don't you see? This is some sort of dark magic!

Grouchy is cursed!

We have to smurf him in the storage shed until Papa Smurf gets back!

- Gnarrr...!

- Ouch! - Me, I don't like Brainy!

(ALL) Wha... Huh??!

(Horn honks)

What's going to come out this time?

Y... Y... Y... Yaaahhh...!!!

At last!! ...a Smurf.

Where'd Brainy go?!

- Where did you send him?

- Papa Smurf is going to be so angry!

- Or he'll give you a medal... Ha ha ha!

- Jokey! This is no time for joking!

We have to find Brainy!

- It's all my fault.

Me, I don't like myself.

(ALL) Wooaahh...

(Horn honks)


Mmm Hmmm!


Hahaha! That’s two!

See Azrael... I knew my plan was brilliant!

- Ouch...! - Huh...?

Grouchy?! What are you smurfing here?

- Mwaaarr...

Aaaah! So you’re the little grump? Wonderful! How could I know...

you all look the same! Equally hideous!

Well, my tiny friend, now you're simply

going to say that you don't like Smurfs!

Go on, do it!

Me, I don't like Gargamel!

- Yes. Bravo!

Hahahahaha! Nice try, but I’m not so stupid!

I’m immune to the spell!

Hmm! I think I'll use my magic doll!

- Ouch! Hmmm! - Ugghh...?

If you don’t say you don’t like all of the Smurfs right away,

then I’ll hurt this magic doll very much indeed!

Hang in there, Grouchy! Don't say a thing!

How about I give your nose a twist?

Ouch! Me, I don't like...

Aaahh...! Aaahh...! Aaahh...!

That magic doll!!

Aaahh!! Huh, huh?

(Horn honks)



My magic doll!

Ooops! Oww! Aah! Waahh!

Maybe you could make this cage disappear, huh?

- Me, I don't like this cage!

- Hmmm...? Huh...?

(BOTH) Ugghhh...

(Chase music)

Grrrr!! Aaaahhh!



Not so clever now! Are you, specky smurf?

Me, I don't like Brainy!

Whaa...??! Hmmm!!

(Horn honks)

Haaah! Nice try! I’m not too fond of him either!

Azrael...! Grab the little grump!!


- Me, I don't like Azrael!

- Mwarrrrr...!

(Horn honks)

Arrrgh...!! Get off me, you useless fur ball!

Come on Grouchy, let’s smurf out of here!

Me, I don’t like Smuuuurfs!!!

I hate them, I curse them, I despise them...!!

Well done! For once your grumbling came in handy!

Hey... I was wondering!

Do you like bears?

- Me, I don’t like bears!

- Aaand... do you like ogres?

- Me, I don’t like ogres either!

- What about snakes?

- Me, I don’t like snakes.

(Horn honks)

- Grrrrrrr...!!!


- Where you put my cake?!!

And my fork!! And my knife!!

Los pitufos en inglés

10 Episodios

  • Smurfboards The Smurfs

    Smurfboards The Smurfs

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • The Smurfs Show - Part 2

    The Smurfs Show - Part 2

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • The Smurfs Show - Part 1

    The Smurfs Show - Part 1

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 27 sec

  • Forget me What?

    Forget me What?

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • Knight Smurfalot

    Knight Smurfalot

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • Pop Out !

    Pop Out !

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • Cuidado con el gato (en inglés)

    Cuidado con el gato (en inglés)

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • ¿Dónde está Papá Pitufo? (en inglés)

    ¿Dónde está Papá Pitufo? (en inglés)

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • Adventures in Smurfsitting

    Adventures in Smurfsitting

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

  • Chef Soup

    Chef Soup

    Los pitufos en inglés11 min, 26 sec

Los pitufos en inglés - Pop Out !


Edad Recomendada:

Dentro de una misma calificación moral, “Todos los Públicos” por ejemplo, puede haber contenidos diseñados para niños de 4 años y otros para niños de 8. De la misma manera que todos los niños van a un mismo colegio, pero no tienen que entender las mismas asignaturas.

Con esta calificación buscamos agrupar contenidos de audiencias afines.

Según estos criterios, los contenidos de las plataformas digitales del canal Clan se clasifican en:

  • Preescolar: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 0 a 3 años
  • Infantil: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños de 4 a 6 años
  • Junior: Programas especialmente adecuados para niños mayores de 7 años
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)
  • Calificación Moral:

    Clasificación del contenido audiovisual efectuada siguiendo la normativa vigente y el Código de Autorregulación sobre Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia.

    Según estos criterios, los contenidos del canal Clan y sus plataformas digitales se califican en las siguientes categorías:

    • ERI: Programas especialmente recomendados para la infancia
    • TP: Programas para todos los públicos
    • +7 Programas no recomendados para menores de 7 años (NR7)

Sobre Los pitufos en inglés

Los pitufos en inglés

Los pitufos en inglés

Azules y pequeños, con solo tres manzanas de altura, los Pitufos pueden ser difíciles de distinguir al principio.

Azules y pequeños, con solo tres manzanas de altura, los Pitufos pueden ser difíciles de distinguir al principio. Sin embargo, cada Pitufo es un individuo distinto con su propia personalidad, ¡sus nombres lo dicen todo.

En Clan TV Lunes a Viernes a las 19:25 horas y siempre en la web y apps del canal.